Chapter 20

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Third Person's P. O. V:

The Fairy Tail and Sabertooth wizards dodge as Hope, now under Endymion's mind controlling spell, shoots out multiple ether bolts.

"Wha...?! Why is she attacking us?!" Natsu demands to know as he dodges another bolt aimed at him.

"It looks like she's not in complete control of herself," Mutters Loke, dodging another bolt that narrowly struck him, a frown on his face.

"So, then, how do we get her back?" Rogue asks.

"I don't know," Admits the celestial spirit. "Regulas Impact!" He punches at the silverette with a lion of light. Hope grunts as it hits her but she barely feels it.

"Loke!" Rogue snaps harshly, throwing him a warning glare.

"She barely felt it in that form and I was trying to stop her!" He shoots back.

"Don't hurt her! She's not herself, remember?" Snaps Rogue, dodging a few Ether Blasts.

"That'll make it hard to bring her down, but we'll try," Says Gray. "Ice Make: Hammer!" He punches his palm wit the side of his fist and a large hammer of ice forms above Hope. It slams into her head, painfully hard, and she hisses, stumbling forwards.

Then the white eyed girl whips around to Gray, hair flaring in the form of tentacles.

Natsu says wearily, as Gray gulps audibly in fear, "I think you just pissed her off, Gray."

Before could do anything, white and pink hair slams into him, causing Gray to cry out as he's thrown across the street.

"Oh, no, Gray!" Lucy exclaims. She squeals as an Ether Whip strikes the ground at her feet, throwing up her arms. "Hope, stop! We're your friends! We don't want to fight you!"

But Hope doesn't seem to hear as she pulls her arm back and lashes the whip of pink ethernano at the blonde again.

"Lucy!" Loke yells fearfully.

The whip is grabbed by Natsu who glares at his friend. "Enough! Stop this, Hope!"

His tan coloured eyes widen when she suddenly flings him across the street. Gray was just sitting up when he hears a scream, only to gasp at the sight of the Fire Dragon Slayer hurtling towards him.

Both men grunt as they hit the ground.

"What the hell?! You do realise the enemy is over there, Flame Brain!" The Fullbuster snaps as he and Natsu jump to their feet and bash their heads against one another.

"Of course I did! I was too busy being tossed around by Hope-chan to notice! Ice Freak!"

"Dragon Breath!"


"Flame For Brains!"

"Come on, guys! We've got bigger problems to worry about!" Sting snaps, narrowly avoiding being struck by Hope's whip.

Lucy takes out her own whip and lashes it at Hope. It latches around her whip before she could strike anyone with it. Surprised, Hope turns to the celestial spirit mage.

"Nice one, Luce!" Natsu cheers, fist clenched.

Hope simply makes the whip vanish and sends a powerful blast of the blonde.

"Lucy!" Loke screams before he appears before her, taking the hit.

"Loke, no!" She gasps, seeing it tear right through him. The orange haired spirit groans at the agony as he flickers back to the Celestial Spirit World.

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now