Tommy stopped his drumming soon as Nikki began to sit on the couch, I also stopped my reading and put in my book mark in my place. "What's the news man!" Tommy said twirling his drum sticks in his hand. "You won't believe it dude! Where going on tour with Guns n roses, Cinderella, and Metallica! This shit is big dude. We gotta tell Vince and Mick!" He screeched in excitement. "Holy shit man! " Tommy said happily, I replied to Nikki's announcement "OH MY GOD!" I hollered.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"Hey Courtney since you haven't been on tour with us,how about you come with us it will be fun!" Nikki asked. I've never been to a show or tour since the first week I knew them. I always had to work at my stupid job as a bartender,or I had other plans. "Of course! I'll tell my boss I can't come to work and shit, I don't care if I get fired." I told them both.

"Alright man! This will be sick!" Tommy laughed. "Hey how about,you Nikki go tell Vince and Mick then Tommy and me can pack. Wait when is this tour, its not next week is it ..." I asked. "It's next month hun,but I would write things down that you need, I'll give you some things you might need." He suggested. " okay!" I shook my head.

" I'll go with you Nikki, Courtney how about you stay here, only if you want." The skinny man asks. "I'll stay I've got some things to do like clean up some kids mess!" I snickered. Nikki and Tommy laughed.

The two left and it was quiet, so many things raced through my head. I was excited and couldn't wait,but I didn't want to clean up Tommy's dumb ass mess. I always have to clean up their messes, I rolled my eyes. The first thing I did was get dressed, I put on bell bottoms with a cropped shirt that was orange with sunflowers, I tied it around my neck so the shirt would stay in place. I put my hair up and made my bed, then I slowly worked my way to the children's mess.


And done! I thought as the two boys burst in the door that made you jump as they slammed the door behind them. "What's up sweet cheeks." Tommy said ruffling up my hair. "Cleaning up YOUR mess." I screeched " Thank you my darling." Tommy smiled as he lazily fell on the couch and shut his eyes. You knew Tommy had a little crush on you since you two met. When we gets drunk he really shows it. calling you sweet names and being all weird,Boy stuff of course you thought it was cute.

Since you've been cleaning for a couple of hours the boys got out some drinks since they probably celebrated at their studio. Great I thought to myself, when they're drunk they act more like idiots basically 5 year olds on crack. "You assholes better not make this house a mess or I'm not going on this tour." I gave them a death glare. "Don't worry sweetheart we'll keep it clean just for you." Tommy hiccups. " Hey T-bones how about we go toss a football in the back yard I'm fuckin bored dude." Nikki yawned in boredom " fuck yeah dude!" Tommy ran to go get a football you didn't know they had.

It was 3pm when they got home now it's 3:30pm so you've decided to make dinner early because you didn't know how hungry these kids where. You scavenged through the white,but a light tint of yellow freezer to then find a frozen pizza. Jackpot! You screamed in your head they love pizza. You take it out of the box and the plastic and you put the frozen pepperoni pizza in the oven and turn the dial to heat up the oven and cook it.

You sit down on your couch to watch Nikki and Tommy wrestle in the back yard like kids. You can't seem to hold in your laugh the way they wrestle was so funny. They made:weird faces, threatening to punch eachother in the nose, tumbling back and forth like a tumble weed, and you could hear slight mumbles of " I'm going to fucking kill you." You just thought it was so funny. You lit a cigarette and puffed on it and Tommy and Nikki came running in so you put it out.

" what's cookin!" Tommy licks his lips. " pizza!" You smiled " fuck yeah!" Nikki jumped having the foot ball in his hand. They both sat beside you as you grabbed your Stephen King book you where reading and relaxed as Nikki watched MTV while Tommy studied you while you read.


Beep Beep Beep! You heard the oven scream back at you. You put the book mark in your book and you walk over to the oven and opens its door to have heat blasted in your face. You look it out of the oven,Tommy and Nikki run to the kitchen to sit at the island that has 3 seats for the 3 of you. You let the pizza cool down for a minute then you grab the pizza cutter and you slice them into big slices. You grab paper plates and put one slice on each plate. You slide the pizza on the paper plates across the island so they can reach it and they start ripping into it like pigs. Jesus Christ you though as you grabbed yourself a slice and sat down next to tommy while they both devoured their pizza you just gave them.

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