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As you wake up with a loud thud coming from outside your bedroom door. "DAMN IT!" You hear a shout coming from the other side of the door. You expect it to be one if your bestfreinds Tommy. Even if it was 8am in the morning he makes as much noise as possible for no reason. You hear him scatter up from the floor and run back a different direction. What could he be up to now, You thought.

You throw yourself out of bed and make your way to your bedroom door. You turn the knob to expose yourself to your living room you share with two men who act like crack heads 99% of the time. Nikki sixx your other bestfreind is passed out on the couch about to fall off the couch, what a pig you thought.
You turn your head to the kitchen to see Tommy cooking,but suddenly the pan goes up in flames.

Okay pause,let's take a step back a little. Tommy and Nikki are your best friends but how did you end up in this hell hold for 2 years already? You were at the famous whiskey a go go,taking a swig of your Jack then two tall men just sit at your booth. "What the hell do you want." You say irritated "just comin to say hi." The tall guy with long black hair with sunglasses on says. " nice try tough guy." I say getting up from my seat.

The other man wearing legging? And twirling his drum sticks in his hand,grabs me and sits me down. "My god,you guys won't leave me alone I guess." I remarked " let us introduce ourselves damn." The man with sunglasses says. "I'm Nikki Sixx and this is my pal Tommy Lee. " the man with sunglasses says that is now Nikki Sixx. "What are you here for? Take off those sunglasses, I don't trust men who wear sunglasses indoors and when it's dark outside." I snickered

Nikki takes his sunglasses off, no swollen eye, weird. The man began to speak "your right hah. Okay were here because not just because you're sitting alone, you seem fun on the inside." Tommy jumps up and shakes his head like a kid, Oh boy you thought. I shook my head and began to laugh " alright,you guys seem fun. Here's my number and we can go out for awhile, but it's not a date got it?" I say grabbing a napkin wrighting down my number with my black ink pen. "Got it. Can we talk for a bit though?" Tommy questioned. I shook my head yes of course.

For about 30 minutes we talk about ourselves getting to know about eachother. You learned that they were in a band called Mötley Crüe with a lead singer Vince Neil and the lead guitarist Mick Mars. Since you guys been talking for awhile you totally forgot you had someone waiting for you. Oh no... you're boyfriend Rob walked over to you and grabbed your arm. "Ow." You said quietly,which Nikki and Tommy some how heard. "Get up bitch, let's fucking go." He screeched, "what's going on." I question " What do you think huh?Huh?!" His voice raised.

I was confused and so confused I wanted to cry. " You hang around boys,no wonder why your never around." My emotions popped out of my mouth. " OH! I'm so bad? Poor Ol Courtney is so bad. " I snarled. "Yeah the hell you are sleeping around with men huh?" " I'm so bad! I just fucking saw you go in the bathroom with a damn girl in a red dress,with gorgeous blond hair. Go fuck her, don't worry about Courtney and have a date with her!" I say. He raised his hand and full on slapped me. My eyes fill with tears and I run out the whiskeys door.

I walk to the far end of the whiskey and I light a cigarette, puffing on it then throwing it on the ground and stomped it out with tears running down my cheeks. The two men I was talking with earlier turn the corner and saw me then started running towards me. I wiped my tears away with my hand and sniffled. They finally approached me, they did not look satisfied at all. "Why in the first place were you with him honey." Nikki asked.

I sighed and took a deep breath." I thought there was something between us, we liked the same thing,but I guess he wasn't on the right track with me." I sniffled. "Hey don't worry we pounded his face in. You shouldn't hit a girl." Tommy smiled

I laughed "I wish I was there!" Tommy started to laugh and say " you should've seen his face he pissed himself when we fucking stood up. Oh my fucking God it was funny." Nikki looked at Tommy and just laughed." You think you did something T-bones?!" He continued to laugh. I heard the joke and started laughing so hard I was about to piss myself. "Stop it! I'm going to piss myself!" We laugh for awhile and i asked " I know this is so weird but can I get a hug from one of you?" "Of course" they both said bear hugging me even though I was a complete stranger. After that I immediately knew we where going to be awesome friends.

Okay back forward. Tommy's pan he was cooking in went up in flames and set the smoke alarms off. He woke Nikki up. "God fucking hell Tommy! Trying to Damm sleep, you fucker!" He cursed. I ran over to the pan when Tommy went to go get the fire extinguisher. Nikki looked over and his eyes widened with fear, he was half awake he could barely process anything that just happened. I started filling a glass of water up and threw it on the pan, it didn't help. Tommy comes flying around the corner with the fire extinguisher and somehow trips on nothing shaking the whole floor.

Now Tommy is lying on the floor so I grab the fire extinguisher from him and blast the fire out. I'm out of breath so I take a minute to breathe as I watch Tommy get up from the floor. What the hell was Tommy doing to make this happen, he shouldn't be cooking he only knows how to make mac n cheese! I caught my breath back and began to speak "okay what the fuck were you thinking Tommy." I snickered at him. Tommy rubbed his arm "I wanted to make pancakes." He whimpered "why did you fall by my door?" I questioned "lets just say I didn't know what I was doing." "There's the answer!" I say with excitement.

When the afternoon began to come around Tommy ,Nikki and I were chilling in the living room doing our own things. Tommy was playing around with his drums, Nikki watching MTV, and me reading reading Stephen King book,The Running Man. then suddenly the phone rang in the living room, Nikki turned off the TV and bounced up from the couch "I'll get it." He answered. As he was talking on the phone all I heard from him was "yeah,sure that would be great!" After a few he got off the phone and he seemed excited jumping up and down. What could it possibly be? Was it trouble or was it something I wanted to hear?

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