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A/N: Holy shit sorry I haven't posted a Chapter! Writers block I'm so so sorry. I feel like this book is getting boring. Do you think I should continue it?

You wake up with your leg hanging off of the bed drool covering your face,and your hair a mess. You wipe the drool off your face fixing your hair a little while you're at it.

You creep your way to the front of the bus,sitting and staring at a wall isn't appealing to you at all.

You slowly shut the door behind you hearing one of the men softly snoring which made you smile a little.

"What are you smiling at?" A voice spoke,the voice startled you a bit so you turn your head quickly where the voice came from. "OH I didn't know you where up slash!" You blush knowing you've been caught. "Yeah,I can tell. Was someone snoring weird?" He asks "yes! Who is it? Tommy snores so loud and who ever is snoring in there is so quiet." You spoke having a seat next to slash "oh that's duff he snores very quiet,axl and Steven snore like pigs." Slash says laughing,you giggled back.

Slash offered you a cup of coffee,you can never say no to a cup of coffee. You guys chit chatted and you had a question you where curious of. "Don't you guys stop for a week or two or something for holidays?" You raised an eyebrow "Yep,one is coming up soon like a month or so? I think forth of July or something."He said sipping his coffee "Ooo sounds fun,so I can go and see my family!" You smiled,you never saw your family at all,which you didn't know why you lied.

You're family threw you out of the house at 16 which you didn't quite understand. You had horrible grades and you did do the chores but the thing they didn't like was your attitude and when you started drinking and smoking. Then some drugs became apart of your life. They didn't want to help you so they threw you out. You got careless,you got clean for awhile then after your ex boyfriend Rob you started up again because of Nikki and Tommy.

"I get that." Slash said watching cars go by on the highway. We hear the door creak open,you turn your head in curiosity,it was izzy. "Good morning izzy!" You smiled at him "good morning,Courtney." He smiled back grabbing a cup of coffee,he usually made his coffee black.

"I'm bored. " Slash wined "I'm tired." Said in a smart ass kind of way "I've already bored you out?" You frown at Slash whom was tapping on the table. "We could hang out with Metallica,I feel bad not talking to them yet." Izzy exclaimed "that sounds like fun!" You smile at the idea of meeting new people.
The bus comes to a halt, you saw a small motel that was not as clean as the other. You sighed grabbing your bags quietly from the back walking off the bus.

You walk to the front checking in,going to your hotel room.you liked checking in before everyone so you had your own time. You open the door putting your stuff down,the room with a faint smell of cigarettes.

Slash and izzy stayed on the bus but you knew izzy would get his stuff and leave too because he likes his alone time like you.

You sat on the edge of your bed running your fingers through your hair. You thought of tommy when you got on the bus to tell nikki you where going on the guns n roses bus. The look made you scared,mad, and just sad. What did you do to earn that look? You didn't cheat it was him,we made up its fine.

"I'll ask nikki later..." you thought, you didn't want to wake anyone up because who likes being woken up? You also thought how kind guns n roses is though they are known to be obnoxious. The only thing you could think of is that they were careful because you where bestfriends with the crue? You just shook it off, grabbed your book and read for abit.

You got kinda bored sitting in your room for abit and you definitely wanted to go somewhere you just didn't know where.

You got up and put on some clothes which was a red top,a leather jacket,black jeans,and black leather boots. You fixed yourself and headed out the door.

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