Tommy and you get back home, you walk into the door Nikki sitting on the couch making out with some girl. oh boy tour is going to be fun you thought. the two broke apart to look at Tommy and you " when did she get here?" Tommy questioned " can you guys go somewhere else?" Nikki said annoyed " okay man!" Tommy said iritated, Tommy grabbed your hand and drug you into your room.

"Man, I can't stop loving you." Tommy sighed "Tommy,I can't stop loving you." I said in awe looking at his broad facial features. "No, I mean it Courtney I've known you for so long an-" he said stopping as you kissed him. He picks me up my legs around his waist as we kiss. he pulls away and looks at me in the eyes "Courtney this is so weird to say, are we a thing now?" he questioned "Tommy don't be so silly I love you! of course!" I say kissing him again.

he places me on the bed still kissing me, "Tommy stop just undress me already." I say " you can wait." Tommy smiles.
the birds chirping outside my window Tommy lays aside me. I look at him and I run my fingers through his hair,smiling thinking that he is now my boyfriend. he opens his beautiful eyes looking at me smiling "good morning." I say "morning sweetheart." he replied "did you hear Nikki and that other girl last night?" I laughed "yeah! 'faster!' I kept hearing her scream !" Tommy laughed "we went all night, wonder if we where worse!" I laughed even him.

I rolled out of bed with nothing on "damn babe your so hot." he said looking me up and down "well no more you got to see it last night." I said cheekily as I get on a band-t, a pair of underwear and put on pajama pants which the band t is clearly tommys i ripped off the floor.

Tommy gets up, nothing on like I did and got on his boxers and sweatpants. we both walk out into the living room "well well well..." Nikki says with a smerk on his face, we sit down on the couch as well and Nikki just stares us down then he just laughs. "y'all really hit it off." Nikki teased "yeah we did." I say "all night could hear ya two." he laughed "well we could hear your chick screamin." Tommy says "I'm close!" Nikki mocked "at least I don't have a one night stand I can have it whenever want." Tommy said a little irritated "you got me on that one." Nikki shook his head.

"when do we got to get going." I say because we where going to start our travel today. " we should be at the studio at 3 to pack up our stuff. Wait... it's 2 right now get your things and stuff it into my car!" Nikki screams. Tommy and I run in our room with hand fulls of our stuff. We all shove our belongings into his car and sit in the seats. Nikki steps on the gas and we zoom off to the studio.
"Are you guys fucking serious." Mick said with an evil eye. "Sorry man these two didn't wake up in time." Nikki smiled trying to get out of being yelled at. " Fuck you man, you where awake you could've gotten us up!" Tommy snarls. "Shut the hell up, you both sound like 10 year olds, get out and help." Mick howled. We all get out of the car and start loading things on to our bus that had a logo of Mötley Crüe on it. Whenever I was carrying something heavy and I was struggling Tommy would take it for me, after awhile he just wouldn't let me do it.

"All done!" Vince screamed with all of our stuff on the bus. The bus was neat,but you obviously new it wouldn't stay like that for long.

8 o'clock came around and you guys board the bus, mick, nikki,vince,tommy,and I one at a time come on.

"OH yeah! Let's get this started!" Vince yells happy.

"Courtney I forgot to tell you, I knew like a couple days ago that we will be staying at hotel rooms and when we are on the road we are sleeping in here. " Nikki says " ARE YOU SERIOUS I DONT GOTTA SHARE A ROOM WITH VINCE NOW?" I scream with happiness. "Yep I'm sure!" Nikki laughs "Tommy and I-" I stop as Tommy interrupts me "COURTNEY AND I GET TO SHARE A HOTEL ROOM, ME AND COURTNEY GET TO SLEEP IN A HOTEL ROOM!" He says screaming. "OH fucking boy your together with him now? good luck kid." Mick says looking at me. "Don't worry mick I know how he acts." I laughed.

Vince opened a pack of beer passing one out to everyone,and it begins to turn night. I take a sip of my beer and look out the window,but I can't see anything so it leaves me to just look at my reflection.

Tommy,Nikki,Vince are talking about women and about they're childhoods or challenging each to see who can snort coke and drink shots the fastest. Mick in the corner popping open beer once he finishes one reading news articles. Tommy and I have our legs twisted with eachothers looking at eachother any second we could get.
10:30 pm
I put my head on Tommy's shoulder and he rubs my back,still with our legs twisted together. With my head still on his shoulder I rap my arms around his waist. "She's a clingy one isn't she." Mick scoffs "yeah she is. " Tommy's face turns red,vince obviously jealous.

After an hour I began to fall asleep. "Do you want to be go to bed?" Tommy asks in a whisper voice "mmm."I say too tired to respond fully "I'll take that as a no?" He teased " I want to..." I say banging my head on his shoulder "here I'll let you go." He stops hugging me "No come with me." I whisper in his ear in a pout voice "fine... guys I'm going to bed I'll stay up tomorrow or something. " Tommy says getting up with me as we hold hangs to the bed room. "Fuckin in love with that girl I guess. " Nikki says "I guess so" mick says back.

"Tommy which bed Is mine?" I say tired "this one." He pointed "I gotta sleep alone?" I pout with a sleep voice " how about this, my bed is against the wall, let's see if we can fit In there and go to sleep." He suggested "alright... I have to get into my pajamas though..." I say "okay! I have too,too." Tommy says opening my suit case for me.

I dig through my suit case to grab a pair of fluffy pajama pants, I didn't want to sleep in my underwear because there where three other guys in the bus, and you threw on a band t that you grab from Tommy's suit case, he obviously saw you.

"You like stealing my shirts huh?" He teased " yeah I love them." I smiled putting my bedding on the bed and getting in the bed. Tommy smiled at me as he crawled in the bed under the covers as I was and bare hugged me. "I love you tommy." I say "I love you too sweetheart. " Tommy smiles

We fell asleep in eachothers arms as each one of his band members slowly went to bed.

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