You put on some short heals,jeans, and a little cute red top. You put your hair in a ponytail so you're hair doesn't get in your food. You then bend over to your mirror to put on your red lipstick with some jewelry as well. You take a step back from your mirror to run your hands along your body. You stood there thinking you look good so you grab your purse that was black from your desk chair and you lunge yourself out of your room.

" are you guys ready?" You scream so the two immature men hear you in their rooms. "Yes! I'm justing sitting on my bed!"Nikki screams back. Tommy of course jumps out of room that gave you a little scare. "Letss goooo!" Tommy said acting likes he's starving.

Nikki comes out of his room and we jump in nikkis car.

"Here is this little shop you might like Courtney. " Nikki smiled certain I'll like it. All I saw was flowers records and pretty colors. "It looks beautiful nikki." I smiled looking at him. Tommy of course had to butt in " Yeah I like it too let's go in I'm hungry. " He said opening the diners door.

We walk inside and sit down. The place had teal walls and white wall trim. You thought it was gorgeous and you couldn't get enough of it. "Nikki I really love this place its gorgeous, the flowers,the walls... I love it." I say looking around. "That's why I came here."He smiled as he watched me admire the colors of the little shop. A waiter came up to us and asked "Hey are you ready to order your drinks?" Her name tag said Hannah. "Can I get a cranberry juice?" I asked "sure thing! Now you sir? " she turned her head to Tommy. "Uhm can I get... oh god just get me apple juice." You could tell Tommy chose quickly but carefully.  " Yup! And for you sir?" Her looking at Nikki. " black coffee please." He asked. " thank you so much." I thanked her "you're more than welcome." She smiled

"Okay so about tour?" You questioned. "Okay so where going all over the place in the US and I think the other side of the country if I remember right. You will need to pack some things." Nikki said while writing down notes on a peice of paper.

He handed you the yellow piece of paper with sloppy hand writing in rows the writing said " shoes,fancy dress,camera,bedding,hair tools,makeup, something to keep u entertained, clothes such as shoes pants and tops, and most importantly yourself Lol."  I laughed a little reading the list.

"Lemme see." Tommy snatched the paper out of my hands. Hannah the waitress gave us our drinks "cranberry juice, apple juice and black coffee for you sir." She smiled "now what can I get you guys to eat." She started with me "can I uhmm I don't know yet go onto him." I say pointing to tommy.

Tommy looked at the waiter "pancakes with blueberrys." Then she went on to Nikki. "For you sir?" Nikki looked up "OH! Uhm can I get eggs and bacon?" "Sure thing! Now for you ma'am?" "Cheese omelet please!" I say and she wrote down neatly what I wanted. " will be coming to you shortly." She walked away.

"Are you sure there's anything else I need to bring?" I questioned knowing the list had a small list of items to bring. " definitely bring blankets on the bus,even pillows they're not comfortable. Atleast in my opinion. " Tommy replied to my unknown question. "Now tour is fun,but there's some things you need to know. " Nikki grinned " there is alot of partying, drugs, sex,and alcohol. It's okay if u get involved we are here to have fun and play fuckin music." I smiled "sounds like fun." 

Hannah our waitress bring out all of our food. "Omelet, pancakes, eggs and bacon! Are you guys all set, need any re-fills?" She asked. We all said in synce "nope!"

We all dug into our food like immature kids who act like they came back from school.

You where so excited for tour. It made your stomach have little butterflies in it. Meeting new people was one of you're favorite things to do. So many different personalities and looks you loved it.

" tour is so fun! You will like it Courtney." Tommy slurred as he shoved his blueberry pancakes in his mouth. "It seems fun! I'm only scared I'm going to loose you guys at some point..." I exclaimed in a worried voice. Nikki took a sip of his black coffee and nodded his head. He knew Tommy was waiting for his response because T-bones looked confused. "We will have a bus, can't find us get on the bus we will probably be on there,if not wait. we will come. After abit mick might come on the bus,but if it's been hours and go to the other band busses and see of there is someone on it and ask about us." Nikki says. "Doesn't sound bad." I say writing it down.

You know you are going to loose them. They drool over anything, she knows when big bands go on tour groupies are always following them. Groupies with blonde or brunette with there tight leather outfit,red lipstick, and there hair teased back so high it could touch the ceiling.

"T-bones can I have that paper back I need it ,I've never been on tour!" I asked. He nicely placed it in my hand and I nodded a thank you. Tommy was really nice to you and of course you loved it. He was very protective and would make sure your comfortable. You knew if you where lost he would be the first one to find you.

" here is your receipt! Have a nice day!" She waved bye to us. "I'll pay." I inform the two men. "No I will." Nikki denied. "Are you sure?" I questioned "I am very sure Courtney. " He said stubbornly. "Okay mr.sixx I'll leave the tip." I say back in an attitude. " no, I am paying for everything. "He included. "Nikki stop being so stubborn. " I say. "I am not, I will pay I brought u here." He added. "Fine, you win..." I say giving him a stare that was serious,but I could keep my laugh in.

With me chuckling Nikki asks "what are you laughing at?" "It is soooo funny you don't back down when I say I can do something,but you want to do it." I laughed "okay. I don't mean in funny I'm trying to be nice." He says sad. "Nikki you are being very nice. Don't be sad." I say scuffing up his hair.

Nikki payed and the 3 of us hopped in Nikkis car and we drove home.

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