2 weeks before tour
Today you've decided to go and see Mötley Crüe all together since you had nothing to do.

It's 12pm and your ready to go,but Tommy and Nikki are still getting ready. " what takes you so damn long you two you guys don't have periods or have to put on bras! Let's go!" I hollered at them. " sweetcheeks! Be quiet im almost ready." Tommy screamed back and I just sighed.

They both run out of the same room so you jump up and run out the front door slamming it behind you. You get  in nikkis car and he speeds away. "Why are we in such a Hurry now!" I asked " where late!" Nikki said aggressively "maybe if you guys where ready when I was it would of worked out.
We arrive to the studio and open the door to just see Mick sitting on the couch drinking a beer. " where's vince?" Nikki asks Mick " in the shitter." Mick sighed,but I laughed. "What's going guys!" Vince pounces out of the bathroom all excited and I just couldn't help myself, but laugh he just gave me a confused look. Tommy grinned at the sight of me laughed and he thought it was funny,but not as funny as I did.

"Why couldn't you take a shit before you came."I questioned in laughter. " Because I didn't have to before I came." Vince replied and I burst out laughing again.

I finally calmed down, told them to play there music and I'll chill. It's been a few weeks since we got the call about the tour and I totally forgot who was going on tour with Mötley Crüe. You sat and thought,but couldn't think who. You didn't want to ask anyone because you wanted it to now be a surprise for yourself.

The Crüe played some songs, you jammed out and had a few drinks, it was overall a good time. They drank their drinks, laughed, danced, and jammed out too. Of course they where all drunk even you a little, just a little tipsy. You could drive home safely atleast.

Tommy had a huge crush on you,but not just him Vince had a crush too. He loved you,but he wasn't really you're type and all the girls he attracts was kind of a bummer because if you got with him you knew he would cheat. When you where with Nikki and Tommy he would be a big flirt. You thought it was funny so you would flirt back.  You didn't want to make Tommy sad so.you had to frequently flirt back or make one of them happy atleast.

It was getting late and the boys had alot of drinks. You where sitting next to Vince and Nikki,they where having a good time cracking jokes here and there making everyone laugh. You loved the seating everyone was at because you could see everyone: across from you was T-bones swirling his drum sticks on the floor, mick next to Tommy sipping his beer on a wooden chair, Nikki on the couch tapping his foot on the ground listening to Tommy ramble on about all sorts of things, Me studying how Tommy was playing with his drum sticks and trying to pay attention to vince or he'll be a cry baby, and the other side of you was Vince flirting with you every second he could get.

The night wasn't that bad until Vince got bad.  He started saying some weird shit to you. "Wanna go in the other room?" You always said no,but he wouldn't quit.

Nobody noticed until you told Vince to stop,but he didn't. You pushed and shoved,soon enough Tommy got up and grabbed you by the arm and took you outside for a bit.

"What was that about..." Tommy asked in concern. " Vince was flirting with me so I was flirting back because I always think it's funny and I guess tonight he was really drunk and went a little far." He sighed. "Well shit, sorry he does that alot with girls." He giggled a little. "Don't worry I wouldn't date his ass because of how many girls he's fucked in one night. His ass is a magnet." I nudged Tommy and laughed.

"Want one?" Tommy hands you a cigarette. " sure why not." I smiled,then soon enough Nikki was out the door ready to go home. You hop in Nikkis car and drive all of you home because the two assholes where wasted.

Next morning

You crawl out of bed to everyone sleeping in there own beds for once. You've decided to slowly make your way to your couch and watch TV. You turn on the TV to just watch MTV, Nikki,Tommy and you only watched MTV really nothing else seemed appealing.

You've watched MTV for about half of an hour and you hear footsteps behind you. You twist your body to see Nikki behind you yawning and rubbing his eyes in circles. "Morning." You speak "Hey." He groans.

He stumbles his way to the couch and plops next to you. "Are you excited for tour?" You cock your head to look at the tired man next to you. "He'll yeah!" He shakes his fists in the air softly as he replied. "That's good. I think I need a list of what to bring." You asked. " Let me wake up then ill get a list going, does that sound okay?" he offers "sure why not."  You sat there thinking about how the tour will be also how much fun you and the other bands will have...

After 30  minutes Tommy is finally up from his slumber.  "how long have you guys been up for." Tommy says exhausted. "for me and hour." I reply. "  30 minutes." Nikki notes. "Rad" Tommy remarked.  " i'm damn hungry." Nikki said as his stomach growled. " welp what do you want to do?" Tommy and i said in sync. "lets go to a diner." Nikki states. " ALRIGHT!" Tommy jumps in the air.  "We can talk about tour there." nikki says getting up from the couch.

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