Chapter 1 - New face!

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~Monday - Early Morning~

Monday mornings are the absolute worst...especially if it's a school morning...nothing is worse than having to go around getting everything together within such a short time before school starts, such a nuisance...

This Monday however, something seemed to have sparked inside me that couldn't make me stop smiling...could it be that there was actually no school? No parents in the house for a while?

Or could it be that I'm finally getting to see everyone that Aether hangs around during their...'practice' time.

If you didn't know, Aether claimed to be part of this famous band called 6reeze and I didn't believe him for a good while until one of my friends, Amber, showed me a clip of the entire group, including Aether, performing my favourite song from them...

I thought it was a coincidence but when Aether and I met up the next day and I asked him about it, he said it was for me and only me...goodness, he can be quite a flatter sometimes...he even mentions that it's almost everyone's trait in the band...

Not that I'm wanting to get in bed with them or anything...but if they do hint at it then...I'll hint back as a joke unless they make it seri-

-Gosh Y/n! Calm it down! They would never ask such a thing from you!

"Y/n? You up yet?" There it was, the good old call out to me whenever he was wide awake first...ugh, what time is it anyway...?

Hm...10Am, well it's not terribly late but...*Yawn*...not ideal for an early riser like Aether...he's like, the perfect balance of adorable and annoying...hence why I like him and are living with him until I get my own house...

"Come on Y/n, you know yo- Wha- You're not even out your bed yet?!" Aether - out of nowhere - came into my room and scolded me for sleeping in, it's not my fault my body is slow at charging. "Is it really a shocker Aether? You know I sleep in heavily..."

"Well...yeah but...haven't you forgotten what we're doing today?" He asked me with his arms now on his hips and his hair floating down from his band. "Going to get fuc- I mean...going to meet every single one of your friends?"

He covered half of his red face when I accidentally slipped out something inappropriate, he should be used to it by now since we normally make jokes like that around each other- oh wait...was I threatened by Aether when he almost...yeah, best to forget about that incident.

"E-Exactly! They were expecting to see you like, now! But you're still in bed, messy and tired..." I rubbed and massaged my eyes before finally getting out of bed and putting my shirt back on, I usually sleep topless since it's more comfortable that way, and yes Aether has seen me numerous times like this before.

"Look, give me like...10 to 20 minutes and I'll be all ready to go alright Aeth?" He looked at me in worry and nodded his head. "Fine...but only a maximum of 20 minutes or I'll have to call it off..." Aether then walked out of my room, leaving me with only around 20 minutes to get myself sorted.

Just your friend - 6reeze x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now