Part 2 - Don't matter anymore

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My my...reader it's been a while. I've been busy...picking in the systems that are corrupting me from getting to you. In this world it's been about like what, 5? 4 weeks? I don't know, however what I do know is that in your world it's been a good few months. I do apologies for keeping you away from me for a long time.

Anyway dear reader. I hope you enjoy your story...and don't be afraid but I may or may not have tweaked some of the information in the story while you were gone. So don't act all freaked out if some of the characters in my story act different than what they did before doesn't matter who they were anymore. You only need me.

~Music Workshop~

"Keeping busy...just keeeeping busy...tadadadada~" I hummed away to myself as I was fixing up Venti's strings, his lyre broke mid-play during a mini performance and oh boy...that was fucking embarrassing. At least Xiao covered it up with his singing and Kazuha jumped in with his piano skills, not to mention Scaramouche did well rocking it out on the guitar and Heizou soothed it out with the autotune' for me? Well, I mostly keep their instruments clean and fresh. I said to Kazuha that I didn't want to play as I feel like I would overplay them and instead decided to cut back and prefer to keep their instruments cared for instead.

So far they're agreeing for it and so far it's going smoothly! Just some more touches left to finish. A little bit of this...a little bit of thaaaaaat... "Hey Y/n! Finished fixing up my Lyre?" Venti popped his head around the corner, that cheeky aura coming over me as always when he's in the room. I don't know what's the deal with these boys but for some reason they just have this feeling of mischievous over them. I don't mind it though. "Almost done Venti...just one last string I have to tune in."

Once finished I plucked each of strings with my finger...listening to each of them playing the correct tone before nodding my head and looking to Venti's decapitated body. "Yep, all doing well, here you go." Passing the Lyre back to Venti, his face brightened up as he took it back and played it for a quick second before giggling cutely. "Oh it plays just like it did before! Thank you Y/n! I'll never forget this!" Venti leans in to hug me tightly, as much as he did to clench on his Lyre. "Ah uh...thanks Venti."

I patted him on the back in response to his hug however at the door...I saw Kazuha standing there, crossing his arms and looking over at me and Venti with...quite the look on his face. Me and Venti stopped hugging and looked on over to Kazuha wondering what was on his mind when he caught us. "Kazuha? What's up? I just finished Venti's Lyre so next weeks show is an a-okay!" He looked down and snickered, coming on over before looking back up at you. Seeming to be somewhat dominant over us two yet...only eyes on me.

"Oh I know that Y/n, I was busy in the kitchen making some sweet chilli before coming in and seeing...this." Kazuha dropped his arms by his sides and looked back up at us, smiling although it was pretty easy to tell it was a fake smile. I don't know how to feel about that... "Kazuha? What's that red stain on your leg?" Venti pointed out a red stain on Kazuha's left leg, although Kazuha quickly wiped it away and smirked it off. "Oh that? It's just some sauce that spilled onto me when I was making that chili. I spun the spoon too fast and some of the food splattered onto me, nothing too big."

That seemed like a plausible excuse...only thing is is that he just seemed to calm about it...ack well, at least he was responsible to clean it up.

"Say uh...where's Heizou? I could've sworn I saw him helping you with dinner Kazuha." Now that I thought about it, I haven't seen Heizou come back here like he said after a few minutes of helping Kazuha. Where on earth was he? "He- Heizou? I'm sorry Y/n...who is that?" Wait a sec- what?

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Wait, even Venti is questioning that? "Heizou, you know the guy who was doing the autotunes last week, he sorted out after your Lyre broke Venti." Even with the expanded information, they still seemed confused and even more sure that I was going crazy...but I'm not, am I? "Y/n there's no one called Heizou in our group. It's just me, you, Venti, Xiao and Scaramouche. There's no such thing as a Heizou heck! I haven't even met anyone with that name!"

Strange...I could've sworn there was someone named Heizou. I swear there was.

"Look, Y/n come with me for a second I need to have a wor.d" Getting up reluctantly...I come over with Kazuha just outside the door and he shuts it, making sure Venti can't hear our conversation for some reason. It felt like it was private needed. "Y/n I don't know what's going on with you. You've been acting weird recently. First you go on talking about having a roommate named Aether...but you never had history of having one. Then now you just talk about someone called Heizou, are you feeling alright do you need something-"

Footsteps were heard behind us and Xiao came around the corner, seeming to hold flowers for some reason. "Oh, you two are here...I uhm...was just heading back to my room as it's been a wild day. These flowers? Uh, I got them from a fan." He flumped the flowers on his shoulder and wondered off up the stairs into his room. "Xiao I uh-" His door slammed shut and silence filled the hallways, Kazuha whistling and looking back over to me. "...he's in a mood."

"Anyway, Y/n I want you to find Scara. He's got something to say to you and I don't know what." Kazuha quickly changed the subject about me naming apparent missing people to Scaramouche wanting my attention. "Alright then...I'll go find him and see what he wants." Smiling at Kazuha, I turned around and began heading in the direction of the courtyard, however I turned around once more and waved back to Kazuha.

"And hey...about that whole thing with 'Aether' and 'Heizou''re right. They don't exist." With your mind toyed and distanced from they two. You left me in painful peace to go and see Scaramouche. However I had just the right plan to get you to be mine.

"...Venti, Xiao...a ship together yet not a ship with Y/n. A ship that is bound to sink...I will be the iceberg, and you two are the two parts of the Titanic..."

(Pm, making a new story but might transfer it to my new account depending on how it goes or how I feel.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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