Chapter 2 - Settling in

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~ Living room ~

After being introduced to everyone so kindly, I was asked to wait in the living room for a while due to...something that I'm not allowed to know because of privacy reasons.

Eventually, one of the boys walked out in plain sight and instead of walking away to go and sulk or do something else, they came over to me and tried to put on a smile.

"I didn't expect you to actually stay uh...what was your name again?" Oh, it was Scara...again, most people now days refer to his shorter name or his title 'Wanderer'. "It's Y/n...and I was told to wait here actually."

He smirked and sat down next to me, he wasn't all like this an hour ago what's changed? "Really? By who? Aether? Heh, it only make sense since he's the only one here that you're probably comfortable with."

He continued to speak in a teasing tone, as if he was implying that I had some sort of crush on him...or if what he was saying really is the truth but it isn't! "It's not just him I'm fine being around with, I like everyone here and you all feel...somewhat safe to be around."

"'Somewhat?'" Scara moved closer to me, as if he was about to hug me or...n-no he wouldn't do that would he? "Y/n, if I'm being honest here...there is some disturbing facts about all of us, Aether included...but we don't have to worry about that..."

"Wh-What do you mean Scara?" I asked him feeling flustered up to the brim, he was almost a few inches away from my face at this point. "I'm that what is going on right now is rather stupid and is what that idiot Heizou likes to do."

Scara suddenly moved back into his arrogant set, laid his back against the back of the couch and crossed his arms. "You need to understand Y/n...not all celebrities are living the life they seem to be..."

I leaned in since this was something I haven't really heard before. "Sure, we're all look like we're having the time of our lives out in public...but inside, between you and me? Everyone here is just...awful."

My eyes widened at his words, here I thought they all loved each other. "What's even worse is that since you're here and everyone is now getting their noses up your's become a real hassle of who- Hm...nevermind, forget what I was trying to say..."

"Wait what? No, go back on what you were saying?" Scara looked at me as if he could kill me within a matter of a millisecond, but then someone else came down the stairs and saw me and Scara talking to each other.

The look on their face was seemingly chill and their overall expression was relaxed, despite -if it's true- everyone hates each other here. "Oh? You two getting it on I see?" Venti came round and leaned on the back of the sofa, looking slightly down at the two of us.

Scara got up and hit Venti on the head lightly, in result, Venti laughed it off and looked back at him. "We were just chatting you idiot, what? Is simply speaking to a newcomer now considered sexual?" He spoke in an angered tone to Venti, almost as if he's going to hit him again.

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