Chapter 4 - The Poem about Romance

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Just seeing your eyes read every word I write makes me smile, because of how interested you are in us...hopefully in me mostly~


I've managed to fully get myself all wakened up this morning...but there's something that missing that I always expect when I always wake up...what is it...?

Oh, Aether! Yes, where...where is he this morning? He should've woken me up already and be ready for me at the door...ugh, don't tell me he's slept in by himself...

After tying my hair I walked out of my room and over to Aether's to see if he was wide awake or sleeping in which is unusual for him...

"Aether? You okay in here?" I opened the door and saw Aether drawing on a letter however, he hid it as soon as I entered his room which was suspicious. "Y/n? I uh...oh, sorry for not waking you up I was um...busy writing a letter..."

His tone was deep and he hadn't seemed to have sorted his hair out at all. "Alright then...what is the letter about?" Aether's eyes widened at my question. He giggled and shook his head before answering me. "This? Oh it's just...uh...m-me practicing a technique that Venti gave me y-yesterday...for a...a poem!"

A poem? Haven't heard that word since College..."Sounds interesting...may I read it?" I leaned forward to take a gander at his poem but he held it back and seemed agitated by it. "What? N-No you can''s just, not finished you know? I need to work on it a bit more and...yeah..."

"Seriously? better keep your promise then" Aether forced a smile on his dimmed face and then I smiled back before returning to a concerned feel. "Hey Y/n...I'm uh...going to take the day off for today...I just feel like shit and I uh...could use the time..."

I looked and held his shoulder in concern which brought us both some comfort. "I understand Aether, I'll let everyone know how you are and...I'll be sure to let Venti know when I'm with him for today alright?"

Aether nodded his head and walked over to his bed to lie down...I couldn't blame him since he sounded and seemed like an ill boy...should've seen it coming from yesterday now that I've recalled...

I left Aether in his room and got myself ready to head back out to the group see if I can get on Venti's good side like I did with I could even pick up some of his poetic skills if he's offering..

It would help in me getting a letter to Aether in time before I have to go to University...I really want him to know just how much I love him before I go...


Man, it feels lonely without walking with Aether...I guess I should tell him how I really feel about him when I get back...

That's if he gets better...

As I entered the Mansion I saw Xiao standing there on his phone with his hood up, texting frantically it seemed. "Hey Xiao..." I waved to him, still nervous of what he did 2 days ago. He looked back at me with a dead glare then raised his head.

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