Chapter 8 - He's just your friend

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(Director note - I have made a recent announcement about a new story I have created based on nothing but my own mind...check my profile to read about it! New info coming soon!)

~Apartment - Bedroom~

What I wouldn't give for doing it again with Aether...I swear he shot inside me too many times to count...

Heheh...he's really changed perspective of life since he saw me with Heizou...again, glad that happened instead of me and Heizou doing it for only one time...

Ngh...I really need to waken up...sleeping all day surely isn't the right thing to do, although it does sound nice...

I lightly moved Aether's arm next to his naked body under the covers and slid right out of bed, quickly putting my feet into my slippers and heading to the bathroom to wash my eyes of sleep...and heaviness...

Taking some water from the tap into my hands and lightly pouring it onto my face, rubbing it in to waken me up...isn't the best way to deal with tiredness but I guess it's the only thing I could do right now...

After splashing my face with cold water, I turned off the tap and walked back into the bedroom, seeing Aether now awake and leaning his head on the soft pillow...looking at me with a cheeky grin.

"You're looking almighty beautiful this morning..." With that seductive tone of his, he flirted with me and put his hands behind his head. "Oh please Aether...I'd rather do something productive than get my ass hurting again from you fucking me for hours on end..."

Aether giggled and sat right up, not caring if the covers fell and exposed his chest. "I'm joking Y/n...but I am being serious, you do look cute today..." Still trying to get me...hah, not happening Aether...not for another long time...

"Alright, enough with the flirting Handsome..." I put my hand slightly up and locked him out from going further and leaned over the windowsile, looking outside to the rain and the wind passing by and hitting the ground really fucking hard.

Seems like this storm is no joke... 

"I'm thinking of...of...uh...I don't know actually..." I stumbled in my mind for a moment before coming up completely with nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Well we'll come across that bridge when we come to it..."

I sit back down on the bed with Aether leaning over and hugging me innocently from behind, my hand reaching up slightly to hold his in a romantic holding session. "Hm...well I recently stole a cook book from Scara the other day when he borrowed it from Venti..."

Aether did what? That cheeky little- "You stole? Aether, come on that's just being low!" I looked over to him and he gave back an innocent smile, which wasn't so innocent. "I couldn't ask him since he was hostile that day so I decided to steal it from him...hehe, don't worry I'll give it back to him afterwards!"

Just your friend - 6reeze x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now