Chapter 6 - Are we- Are we nearly done yet?

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Aether seemed to have cheered up a lot more since yesterday with him acting all emo and dark...seems like time away from him has really been a least I'll go back to him once this week is over.

I took care of him this morning, made sure to keep him in line about our morning routines and making sure that he doesn't for some reason end up back in the state he was at yesterday...or the day before perhaps...

"You're kind Y/n...more kinder than I thought you would be..." Blushing at his comment, I put on his hoodie that I gave him last Easter and looked at his golden face, what once used to be rubbed with ash. "You don't have to compliment me every 3 seconds Aether, you deserve some too."

Aether's eyes opened and he looked slightly embarrassed from how many compliments he realized he gave me. "O-Oh sorry Y/n, I was just being-" I put a finger on his lips and smiled a smile that I hoped warmed his heart a little more. "-Nice, you were being nice..."

I'm glad we're both back up to the normal life that we were at before, I know I keep bringing it up but it just feels like a dream that we're back to a stable, functioning friendship...

A friendship that might evolve into a couple soon...god, I should ask him soon...

As we both nodded to one and other, I opened the door to the open world and walked out with him, an umbrella above our heads since it was pouring it down out here.


The street was pretty slippery to walk on thanks to the storm that was passing through today, me and Aether kept under the umbrella so we were somewhat dry during the storm...

"Some shitty weather...I bet Xiao sees it as Sunshine though..." I looked to Aether since he spoke in a quiet but deep tone. "Huh? What do you mean?" Asking Aether as we crossed a street, he looked at me as if I ticked him off.

"Xiao recently has been...acting strange...whenever we go into his room he scruffles around and hides something under his bed, we asked what it was but he said it was a secret and that he would...would..."

Aether struggled to get the last lines out, thinking for a moment. "He would what, Aether?" Nearing the mansion, Aether looked at me one last time and shook his head. "Forget it, it's dark and would've been what I could've ended up as if you didn't...'save' me yesterday."

Now I was wanting to know what would happen if Xiao's thing was found out...but like Aether said, bad things would happen if it was found to leave it for now...

"Alright...Scaramouche it is today right?" Looking up to the mansion during a storm makes it look like a modern day horror mansion...Cool! "Yep, any idea on where he could be?" Aether looks down to ponder and then comes up with an answer.

Just your friend - 6reeze x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now