Part 1 - Empty

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I fell asleep this morning in class, the teacher yelled at me.

I didn't understand what we were doing that day, I looked so dumb in front of everyone.

My friends had all left me to go to another school or have turned into bullies, I am all alone.

No childhood friend to banter with.

No group to go to during break times.

Alone is what I am, no one is willing to speak to me.

Whose fault is it?



Because I didn't speak up.


"Hey! You're Y/n right?" A cheerful voice brightened my light just a little, going from dim to a small bit visible sight. I looked back at them from the table I was sitting at alone at lunch time and nodded, holding my hands together. "Yes, I'm Y/n..."

He seemed to have jumped a little bit of joy which I haven't seen since...when I was much younger and with a lot more people that appreciated me being around. "Oh that's perfect! I was looking for you all day today for...something special I've cooked up!"

His name was Kazuha, he was the best student in most of my classes and had a herd of friends behind him since Elementary. Also with him, he's kind of a tease when it comes to people he likes.

Why is he liking me now when we've been in class nearly half a year and he's never spoken to me? Weird.

"Special...? ask someone who is at least decent Kazuha." I lean forward and have my head down slightly in tiredness, I've been through this before with...old friends baiting me into a party and just...making fun of me.

"Y/n, l-look I understand you're feeling down because of...'that'. But I swear to you, this...thing I've got planned for us is going to be a blast! Please, allow me to at least...explain it to you?" He tried to make sense to me by expressing his feelings of saying this 'surprise' to me.

"It' a club we're doing. Me, Xiao, Venti, Scaramouche and Heizou are starting off our dream jobs of being a popular music band. We're only writing out music and practicing them before we do our massive show at the end of the month and thought uh, want to come along and see?"

"You don't have to of course...but since I keep seeing you all alone and with, assholes bothering you between classes I thought you could use a helping hand. Or at the very least some company."

This sounded like a trick, was it a trick? I couldn't tell, in fact I don't even care at this point. I've been put through this shit too many times it's on my mind all the time whenever I'm in public. "Sure, I mean what else could go wrong."

"Y/n..." Kazuha seemed to have disliked my...attitude there for a moment, sort of like sarcasm. Nonetheless, I decided to go along with Kazuha up to one of the club rooms on the 3rd floor and...

and...wait for myself to be harassed once more, or something actually goes right for once. I bet on the first option.

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