Chapter 3 - A backdrop of love

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...i don't wanna go to school...ugh but I have to if I wanna get far into the future...

Wait it's the summer holidays wh-why am I even up this early? It's 7 in the morning and I usually get up at about 9 or 10 when there isn't school the next day...the only thing that would be causing this is...



Oh no, have I forgotten already?

"Y/n? Don't tell me you've fallen in again." And there it was...that annoying-yet-somehow-sweet voice of Aether', I'll never get a break from it. "Leave me alone Aether I'm going back to sleep!"

As I went back to snuggling into my pillow, Aether opened the door to my bedroom and sighed at the sight of me. "Y/n...jeez, you've forgotten haven't you?" I look over to him in confusion and slight worry. "Yes...kind of...what's up?"

"You were gonna hang out with one of us per day till Sunday? For crying out loud Y/n, you were over the moon about this!" Oh right, now I remember! Wait, how the fuck could I have forgotten something this big?

"Ah! I remember it now Aether...sorry for forgetting..." He chuckled as he leaned against the door frame. "It's alright, we all forget things from time to time..." Aether stood back up and walked over to me, sitting down next to me and seeming happy.

"Sooo...who have you decided to hang out with today?" I looked away for a moment, gotten my answer and then looked back at him with a confident smile. "I think I'll go with...Kazuha for today...he just seems so mysterious...but in a friendly way...also I like his smile..."

I noticed as soon as I finished Aether's eyes blinked twice, usually that means they were surprised...but then again, I already know Aether quite well since we've been friends for ages, all the way down to child age.

"Kazuha? Well...he is the quietest out of all of us...but that doesn't mean he can't speak fact, he probably the best speaker for all of us...hehe~" I could tell Aether was slightly pained from this decision, but then's better than to just go with the same person that you've known for your whole life.

"Well I guess we better get going...what time is it again?" I got up and put some clothes on as well as tiding my face and body up. Aether on the other hand checked the time for me. "It's only half past 10...should be fine for the day."

Half...wait, wasn't it-

"I won't budge into anything that you two have got in store so...I'll just walk you there and...yeah." Aether's tone seemed to have dipped...but still, he had that glow that was a beauty to see and be around with.

After I was finished getting ready, me and Aether headed out our apartment and started making our way to the Mansion again...

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