and you're a failure...

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I said I loved him...but preferred if we stay friends for a bit further because I'm not sure if we're ready to move ahead yet...

I could tell this morning he took it hard once I got up and fully dressed to perfection, but at the same time I think he understands that I can't make a decision like that just after meeting new people and having a better blast with them than him.

"I'm all ready to go...are you ready Aether? Aether?"




I opened his door slightly...

And saw his soft angelic body still resting in bed, silent as always...he's such a quiet sleeper...

I walked over to him and leaned down to give Aether a warm hug since I don't think he's up for coming in today, it's alright though, I'll still let everyone know how I feel about him...

Ooh...he's a bit cold this morning, more freezing than usual...I put the covers over him, reaching head high in hopes to warm him up this morning before I stood back up, grabbed my bag and headed back out.

"See you when I come back Aether." I whispered to him before I shut the door and began leaving the apartment when all of a sudden my shoes started squeaking...huh...must still be wet from the rain yesterday but that shouldn't be possible, I swore I dried them...

Whatever, it's just a squeaky shoe nothing too bad.


Thankfully, I managed to get a quick bite before heading in today with my brother Xingqiu...haven't seen him in a while so I decided to catch up with him and see how University is coming along since I'm thinking of applying for it once I'm done with College.

After that I just booked it for the Mansion to get this day over and done with since I feel like today is gonna be one heavy point in life for me.

Plus, they literally have a performance tomorrow so I can't be too harsh on who I reject and who I choose...

Once I entered the front doors, I was immediately approached by Xiao who had a slight smile on his face. "You actually came today Y/n...I thought you were already doing it with Aether and leaving us out of everything...shall I let everyone know you're here?"

"Yes...I feel like today is going to be one of those days." Xiao nodded his head slightly and went off to gather everyone else for me to make my decision on who to be with for the rest of my life...perhaps this is the last chance for me to gather my thoughts since...once I choose someone, there's no going back.

Just your friend - 6reeze x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now