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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮CHAPTER THREE:The Weirdo╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
The Weirdo
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Beck was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, terrified for Will; she couldn't shake the awful thoughts of what could have happened to him. Wanting to get out of her head, she did something she never thought she would do. Crawling off of her bed, the girl got up and walked out of her room across the hallway, stopping right before Steve's door.

She sighed before knocking, "Steve, can we talk?"

No answer. She frowned and knocked once more, "Steve? Please, it's really important. I wouldn't be coming to you if it wasn't."

Still no answer. She frowned once more. This time she pushed open the door, "Steve?" Looking around the room, she found that her brother was nowhere to be found. She let out a long sigh, now extremely disappointed, yet she wasn't surprised, "So much for that idea..." She muttered.

Suddenly, her head whipped around at the sound of static coming from her room, followed by, "Beck, do you copy? It's Mike- and Lucas."

The girl hurriedly ran to her room, picking up her Supercom from her desk and holding the button down, speaking into it, "Yeah, I copy. What do you losers want? Over."

"We're worried about Will, we want to go looking for him. Over." Mike spoke, as Beck's eyebrows rose in surprise, "Really? I was worried I was gonna have to convince you. Over."

"Wait, you were planning on going out to look for him? Over." Lucas asked.

"You really think I, of all people, would pass up an opportunity to not do what the Chief of Police told me to do. Over." The girl told them, it was silent for a moment before Mike spoke, "She makes a good point Lucas, when has she ever done what she was told? Over."

"True. Alright, meet me in ten, I'll radio Dustin. Over and out." Lucas concluded.

Beck shut her walkie off, threw on her jacket and ran down the stairs. She quickly pulled her boots, before walking into the garage through the house, she hit the button to open the door. Deciding her bike would be faster than her skateboard, she pulled her bike out of the garage, ran back in to press the button, then quickly ran under the door before it closed.

Pedaling quickly, she finally met up with Mike and Lucas, Dustin's house still up the road a bit. "Beck, I just caught your brother trying to climb through my sister's window, thought you'd want to know." Mike told the girl as they rode past Dustin's, collecting the boy as they went.

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