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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮CHAPTER EIGHT:Memories╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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After Beck woke up the next morning, she found herself curled up in Steve's arms on the couch. Her eyes were bloodshot, itchy and dry from all the crying; she felt dead, maybe she was actually dying. She slowly pulled herself out of Steve's hold and got up from the couch, she sluggishly walked up the stairs to her room and locked herself in. When her parents got home that morning, Steve told them what had happened; their mother went to go check on her a few times, but Beck wouldn't open the door.

She was laying in her bed, with the blankets covering her head as she thought about Will, how could she go on without him? She wanted to run away, but where would she go? Anywhere would be better than here, she thought. She closed her eyes, thinking about all the memories she had with her best friend; one stood out to her more than the others.


It was ten o'clock at night in early October, 1983; Will was sound asleep in his bed, until a light banging noise woke him up.

The boy stirred from his sleep, blinking his eyes in confusion, looking towards his window, where the sound came from. His eyes widened when he saw Rebecca standing outside of it.

Quickly getting out of bed, he sped over to the window and opened it, seeing the girl had tear marks down her cheeks, he became worried, the girl rarely ever cried, and to their other friends; she never did. Will knew that she only ever cried if it was something extremely serious, the girl wouldn't be caught dead crying.

"Becca?" The tired boy questioned her, worriedly.

"Hi, can I sleep here? My parents are fighting again." The girl asked, timidly, while fidgeting with her hands. She knew she was always welcome at the Byers residence, but she couldn't help feeling like a burden, especially since she saw she had woken him up.

"Yeah, come in." He held his hand out for her to help herself up; she sighed in relief, before grabbing it and climbing through the window.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping. I just... Didn't know where else to go." She told the boy once she got inside.

"Don't apologize, I understand." Will reassured her, as he closed the window. The girl took her shoes off and got into bed. Will smiled at her before grabbing a blanket and putting it on the floor for himself.

"What are you doing? Come up here, dummy." She teased him, patting the spot next to her on the bed.

"Okay..." He said awkwardly, he got up and got into his bed, keeping an unusual distance from his best friend. Becca turned to her side, facing him; she squinted her eyes at his odd behavior.

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