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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮CHAPTER FOUR:Superpowers╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Rebecca didn't expect to be woken up by her brother bursting into her room, and yelling at her to wake up. "Wake up, we're gonna be late!" He clapped his hands at her. The girl rubbed her eyes, adjusting to the light. She squinted at him, then looked over at her alarm clock on her nightstand.

She rolled her eyes, "Dude, it's seven thirty, we aren't gonna be late. Go away!" He stayed there in the doorway for a second before she threw a pillow at him and he finally left, leaving the door open in the process. Beck sighed, not ready for the day to begin, but reluctantly she got out of her comfy bed and got dressed.

When she was done getting ready, she went downstairs, entering the kitchen to see Steve put two Eggo Waffles into the toaster. The older boy turned around when he heard her footsteps, "Hey, I'm making you a waffle." He told her.

"Thanks?" She said, but it came as more of a question, her brother never did anything like this for her, it was strange. She let out a yawn while walking over to the cabinet to grab a glass.

"So... Mom and Dad left a few hours ago for his conference." Steve told her. Furrowing her brows as she walked over to the sink, Beck asked, "Why did mom go with this time?"

Steve scoffed, "Why do you think?" Beck sighed sadly, holding her glass under the faucet and turning it on. She knew that her father liked to cheat on her mom like it was a hobby, even her mom knew, but she never did anything about it. Cause what would people think if they knew the most respected family in Hawkins weren't as perfect as they seem?

"Anyway," Steve said, drawing the girl from her thoughts and realizing her cup was overflowing in her hand. She quickly turned the faucet off and poured some out of the glass. "I'm having a few people over tonight, so, I guess just, don't be here." He finished, that's why he was being relatively nice to her this morning, because he wanted something, not because he actually cared.

Beck let out a long sigh, usually when Steve would throw his stupid parties; Rebecca would go to the Byers' and spend the night with Will, but since he was missing she couldn't do that. It was times like these when she royally missed her best friend.

"I'll try not to be." She declared, before taking a big sip of her water, then poured the rest out.


Walking into science, Rebecca took her seat behind Dustin, taking notice that today, not only was the seat beside her empty, but so was the seat beside Lucas. Voicing her thoughts, Dustin said, "Oh, this is weird, he's never this late."

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