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Chan's pov

"Where is Mr. Lee? He's supposed to be tutoring today and we we're supposed to be learning the new choreography he made.." I look up at the teacher and set my water bottle down before going up to her to excuse Minho.

"He wasn't feeling well, so he took a day off."

She furrows and gives me a sassy look that does absolutely nothing with me. Lady, you're old enough to not behave like a five year old. I have seven kids, I know how to deal with this behavior, but I would never expect it coming from a teacher.

"Don't care, healthy or not, he's our best dancer and he's supposed to be here." She clicks her tongue and I have to hold myself to not roll my eyes.

We're literally in college, what's her deal?

"Well he's not here and he's not coming." I shrug and make my way back to Jeongin.

"What did she say about Minho hyung?" He asks innocently and I give him a little smile. "She's just mad he doesn't want to fuck her."

He furrows in confusion. "Doesn't Minho hyung like men..?" I chuckle at his assumption. "I think he likes Jisung, but it's much more complicated."

I feel like their pasts will make it more difficult for them to figure out their feelings. I wish they could find the happiness in each other though, they both deserve it.

"Doesn't Jisung like him?"

"I don't know Jeongin, that's for them to figure out. They've known each other for something over a week. We have to give them some time."

My eyes fall on the mirror behind him and on the girls that are looking at us, giggling about something I probably don't want to know.

I pull him closer to me and give him a soft kiss. He quietly yelps against my lips and gently punches my chest before he pulls away. "Chan!" He whispers with scared expression and looks around us. "What?" I repeat his tone of voice with the same expression he has and give him an innocent smile. I want him to get rid of his negative thoughts about us.

His parents may be homophobic, but that doesn't mean we're doing something wrong. We're just in love, trying to be happy no matter what people around us have to say.

"What if someone saw!" I laugh at his reaction. "Oh no, I kissed my boyfriend. What a crime." I pull him closer once again and cup his face.

"You should handcuff me for that," "Yah, don't be like that in public!" He punches my chest again and I fake being hurt. "God, Jeongie, you're so harsh today."

"Okay class! Let's start today's lesson!"

Jeongin pulls me into a soft kiss and gently ruffles my hair. "Pabo.." he whispers, his cheeks catching slight shade of red, before he walks towards the crowd that formed around the teacher.

I smile and walk after him. He's cute.

"We were supposed to be learning a new choreography done by Mr. Lee today, but since he didn't come, we'll do an alternative." The teacher claps her hands and I look at Changbin who's visibly uncomfortable with how disrespectfully she's been treating Minho's absence.

It's not the first time she's been unprofessional, and I truly hate it. I can't wait to get out of here.

"Pairs, junior and senior. Together you'll make a five minute choreography. Song is up to you as well as the genre of the dance. Just make sure it's good, because you'll be judged as a pair."

I automatically wrap my arms around Jeongin's waist and pull him closer.

"Chan I've never made a five minute choreo before.." he whispers, sounding a bit worried. I squeeze his hands in mine. "We'll figure something out. Don't worry."

Minho's pov

I pick up all my cats and head to the door before the bell goes off again. Chan said I should stay at home today, so I did. I feel like shit anyways, so going to school wouldn't probably be the best idea.

"Don't bite," I gently pull away Soonie from my wrist and take a deep breath. I don't want to talk to anyone today. I just want to be in my bed with my cats and do nothing.

"Just take the pizza and close the door it's not that fucking hard." I scold myself and nod before slowly opening the door.

I freeze as soon as I spot the one person I didn't expect at all.

"Here," Jisung looks down and I set my eyes on the box with pizza in his hand. I let Dori climb onto my shoulder so I get one free hand. I take the box from him and awkward silence settles between us.

He looks beautiful. The beige sweater that he has over a white shirt has rolled up sleeves, uncovering his forearms that are still hugged by the shirt. The sweater is tidily tucked into his black pants that are perfectly embracing his small waist. Emphasis on small. I was never so tempted to hold someone's waist before. He just looks so delicate..

It seems like he's put on an eyeliner, because his eyes look even bigger and his doe look is making me question everything about myself. Him as a whole is making me question my whole existence.

He's adorable, but hot at the same time. I have to look away so he doesn't notice I'm checking him out.

Oh god what is this man doing to me?

"I brought you cheesecake and coffee," he says quietly and passes me a cute bag. I don't say anything, still too baffled at the fact he dressed himself up, went out of his way to bring me something and now he's here.

And I look like shit with fucked up sleeping schedule and three cats in my arms, wearing nothing but old sweatpants and sweatshirt with holes my cats made in it.

I've been in my bed since the time Chan put me there, I'm sure the bags under my eyes are darker than my thoughts and I didn't even bother to do something with my hair.

He must be repulsed by the way I look. Perfect Minho, you always have to fuck it up...

"I'm sorry," I say, even surprising myself with how raspy my voice is. I do sound like shit.

"I'm sorry," he says at the same time and I give him a confused look.

"What are you sorry for?" He asks and I look down, I can't look into his eyes after yesterday.

"Uh.. I don't know.. for misleading you, for being naïve..for.. for bothering you and wasting your time.."

He shakes his head and gives me a sad look.

"Please don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." He takes a deep breath and I adjust Dori on my shoulder so he won't fall. Soonie is biting my wrist again and Doongie is using my sweater as a scratch mat, but I don't even care at this point.

"I'm so sorry for what I've caused. I never meant to hurt you. I-.. I didn't mean what I said. I just got out of a toxic relationship and I'm scared and I honestly don't trust you yet and I don't believe you when you're saying you like me and act all affectionate, because I'm not used to this behavior at all.

I don't want to blame my mistakes on my trauma, because even though it was impacted by it, I shouldn't have reacted that way. I know what I've done was very wrong and I'm sorry... Please forgive me..?" He ends the whole speech by coming closer to me and doing his cute puppy eyes and I can't help but melt under his gaze. He has no idea how much I understand him.

He's irresistible. So adorable.

"I've never blamed you, Jisung. It's okay, don't worry about it, okay?"

5-STAR CAME OUT TODAY! I am addicted .

What's your favorite song? Also, love the music video for S-Class (cried when I saw how pretty Chan was 🥹) they all sound and look so amazing omgg

Hope you liked the chapter! <3

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