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Felix's pov

"Hey, no, don't touch me there," I giggle, taking Hyunjin's hand off of my inner thigh. I look behind him and bury my face closer to his neck. "Changbin's watching."

"It's not like him and Yeonjun aren't doing anything bad." He snickers and puts me down. "He wouldn't cheat on me," I say and put my hair into small ponytails.

"Would you on him?"

"Me? I would never cheat on anyone." I furrow and he smiles. "I know."

"Then why would you ask that?" I look behind him only to see Changbin laughing with Yeonjun like he hasn't done in so long around me. I swallow hard and look back at Hyunjin.

Is Changbin happy with me..?

"Hey, Lix, I didn't mean it like that." He cups my face, making me look into his pretty eyes. He's so beautiful. Why do I have to be in love with two guys? What is wrong with me?

"You're not a cheater, I know that Lix. You're perfect, I know that," my eyes fill up with tears at his words. I am the furthest away from perfect. Why does he keep saying these things, it has to stop.

"Please don't do this to me," I shake his hands off of me and take a shaky breath. "Stop doing this to me. Stop Hyunjin, just-" my heartbeat stops when Yeonjun steps in front of Changbin, cups his face with a playful smile caresses his cheeks and they both lean in.

He kissed Yeonjun.

I shake my head to get rid of the tears that are threatening to fall and quickly walk out of the class.

Where the hell is Jisung when I need him?

"Hey! Hey Felix!" Hyunjin's voice chases after me and I quicken my pace. I don't want to talk to him right now.

"Felix-ah!" He he grabs my arm, making me bump into his chest. "What's wrong?" He brushes my hair behind my ear and I punch his chest to get him to let me go.

"It's your fault, it's your fault, it's your fault," I whisper between cries and he embraces me in a tight hug. "I have no idea what you're talking about Felix,"

"He kissed Yeonjun, he doesn't love me anymore," I sniffle and press myself closer into his touch.

"I need Jisung. Where's Jisung?"

"I don't.." he shakes his head and looks at me with pained expression. "I don't know where he is."

I can hear Changbin's steps from around the corner and I panic the second I see him coming towards us.

Our eyes meet and I pull Hyunjin closer. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and Changbin pauses when he realizes who I am with.

"Kiss me," I whisper, before wrapping my arms around his neck.

I don't give him any time to recollect as I pull him into a bittersweet kiss.

This isn't our first kiss, but it's our first intentional one.

"Felix," he whispers, sounding surprised, but I gently grab his head and pull him close to me once again. "Please," I whimper and connect our lips again. I can feel his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss.

This feels so wrong and so right at the same time. I can feel the fireworks and my heart's going crazy, but this is so wrong.

Changbin's standing just a few steps behind Hyunjin. He's watching, I can feel his presence.

And I'm over here, enjoying kiss with someone who's not my boyfriend.

Changbin's pov

"Hey, what happened? What's up?" Yeonjun grabs my shoulders to stop me from walking around as I shake my hands to calm myself down.

"He kissed Hyunjin," I whisper, my voice hoarse from crying. "He what?"

"He kissed him," I repeat and wipe away my tears. He knew I was watching and he still kissed him. Does he still love me when he does things like that?

"You can kiss me if you want to have like a revenge or something.." he proposes and I shake my head. "Ew, no, I'd never kiss your ugly ass."

"Not my ass, that's Soobin's job, just my lips."

"I don't know which one is worse," "Changbin you wanted to make him jealous, don't pick at me now for trying to help."

Well the main deal was to make Soobin jealous so he would notice Yeonjun more, but sure, making Felix jealous could be a part of that. Maybe I secretly wanted him to do something stupid out of jealousy to tease him about it later, but kissing Hyunjin..?

"Well maybe he's seen our choreography from the wrong angle and though something happened and now he's mad trying to get back at me by kissing Hyunjin. Or he hates me and loves him and he just kissed him."

"You're thinking too much into it."

"You know what, I hate you Yeonjun." I wipe away my tears again and he sighs. I usually love his humor, but now I'm in no mood for that.

"Come here," he opens his arms and I look at him for a few seconds before I slip into his hug. "I know how you feel Changbin. I've seen Soobin kiss someone else so many times and it hurts as hell." He sighs and ruffles my hair.

"But me and him were never together. You and Felix-ssi on the other hand... you've been the loveliest couple I've ever seen Changbin, and everyone can tell how much love he holds for you just by the way he looks at you."

"Does he..?" I ask quietly and feel him nod. "Of course. Just try to talk to him about this and then call me, okay? I got your back."

Can someone recommend me some Ateez songs please? I really want to get more into them but I'm just bad at it 🫠

~ A/NCan someone recommend me some Ateez songs please? I really want to get more into them but I'm just bad at it 🫠

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