004, out for a walk

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You made it so obvious that you're not in love
You never gave a damn bout us 'cause you're not in love

You made it so obvious that you're not in loveYou never gave a damn bout us 'cause you're not in love

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its been a week since schools started me and all the boys have gotten close, kitty as well

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its been a week since schools started me and all the boys have gotten close, kitty as well. i think she only has to get to the bottom of the dae situation but i wasnt worried about it. it was dark outside and i was bundled up in clothes, it was freezing but i wanted to go on a walk around.

i sat down on a bench and looked up at the stars while huddling the body heat i had in my jacket. i heard a crack making me whip my head around, it was Q. he sat down with me and just looked at the stars. "how are you and florian?" i asked and he smiled

"good thanks to kitty, we are officially together" he stated and i smiled "thats good, im happy for you!" i said and he looked at me "can i ask you a question?" he stated and i looked over. "of course anything thats bothering you ask away." i said.

he gulped "do you like min ho?" he said and i froze i knotted my eyebrows. "weve known each other for a week and a half dont you think thats to quick?" i asked and he shrugged. "love doesnt always take time." he said looking back up.

"i guess i like him as a friend, i mean my goal here at this school wasnt to find my future husband" i laughed and he nodded "just be careful with him, he doesnt love hes a player." Q continued and i took a deep breath.

"thanks Q" i said and he smiled "anytime" we just sat there stargazing for about 15 minutes before he stood up. "my everything is numb im gonna go inside you should too before you get sick" he said and i looked at him "i will here soon" and he walked off.

i stared off into the trees outside, i stood up and started walking towards them. before i heard a twig snap, i quickly turned and walked quickly before i got inside i bumped into someone. 'warm..' is all i could think and then i was pushed back.

"back up y/n" min ho said making my snap my eyes open and look at him "i dont wanna smell like you i have a date." he said and i nodded "sorry" i said pushing past him and rushing inside to warmth. i sat there for a while so i could warm up,

i stood up and walked back out, i wanted to get some noddles. i searched some places open and i saw one and looked at how far it was "15 minute walk.." i mumbled. im scared to go alone but i have no one else to go with everyone should be sleep.

i walked there avoiding any dark areas and alleys. i got there and walked in "hi, how can i help you" the girl stated and i looked through the menu "can i have the neoguri spicy seafood with udon-style noddles please" i said and she nodded.

"and to drink?" she continued "could i just have a sweet tea with a lemon." i asked and she nodded. "of course ! thatll be out in about 15 minutes." she said and i walked to a table sitting down. i took my jacket and gloves off and sat them beside me.

i cracked my chopsticks and sat them on the napkin "here is that drink and your food will be right out." she said and walked off. i smiled and drank the tea, it warmed my cold throat. i then saw a happy couple walk in and they ordered and sat.

"here is that soup ma'am" she said and i ate the noodles. slowly the lights outside turned off and it started to pour. i asked for a take out bowl and i put it in the bowl and started walking back to school. i hugged myself to contain heat, i started to cough slightly.

i placed my hand on my face to warm it up when headlights pulled upside me.
"y/n?" i heard, i turned to see min ho. i turned back and kept walking "get in the car youre gonna get sick" he said and i looked at him and walked over he opened the door letting me in and got back in.

the driver then drove off and i took my soaked jacket off and gloves i put my food down. "why'd you leave your date?" i asked and he shrugged "she was boring" he said and i rolled my eyes "Q was right" i said then pulled my legs to my chest to contain heat.

i closed my eyes as i felt his eyes on me, "are you okay?" he asked and i looked at him "freezing but fine" i said and he just leaned forward turning the heat on and i closed my eyes again. 'the warmth from earlier' i thought before dozing off. i woke up to the car jolting to a stop i opened my eyes,

to see minhos jacket on my body and him resting his eyes glued to his phone. i grabbed my stuff and gave him his back and he just looked at me i grabbed my food and got out of the car. i slowly walked to the building and min ho walked behind me.

he walked me to my dorm and once i got in he left i took everything off and got into a hot bath and almost fell asleep. i then took a quick shower to make sure i was clean and walked to my bed after getting dresses and slipped into the sheet and blanket 'warmmmmmm' i thought once again

i put my phone on charge to see my dad messaged ignoring it i dozed off.


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