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We found each other
I helped you out of a broken place
You gave me comfort
But falling for you was my mistake

We found each otherI helped you out of a broken placeYou gave me comfortBut falling for you was my mistake

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i watched the tv playing as i got a message from min ho asking to meet up, i put on some shoes and a jacket

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i watched the tv playing as i got a message from min ho asking to meet up, i put on some shoes and a jacket. i walked out meeting him in the courtyard and he was just looking at the rest of the leaves falling from the tree.

he saw me and stood up we made eye contact and he looked serious, i swallowed hard and the wind was blowing hard so it was freezing. i slightly wrap my arms around myself to keep my heat in. my teeth slightly chattered and he sighed "y/n i need to tell you something." he said and i blinked

he never called me by my full name it was always just flirty little nicknames. i knotted my brows and he looked at his hands which i assume was an anxiety reliever. "min ho?" i asked in a voice trying to hide my coldness. "im sorry" he said and i looked at him confused.

"i think we should stop being friends and whatever else we have going on." he said and i blinked "but why?" i asked and he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair "because im getting back with madison" i stared as everything felt to freeze even the leaves falling from the trees.

"why?" i asked and rolled his eyes "because i love her" he slightly shouted and i just stared at him. "and i fell for you" i said as his eyes looked around my face to try and find any ounce of lie i said but it was all truth. "well i dont love you." he stated as he turned on his heel and stayed there for a second "but what about everything we did?" i asked.

he took a deep breath in "it means nothing to me, i was faking everything" he said as my anger grew slightly. "when we walk through the halls pretend you dont know me." as he said and i turned and walked away. we werent dating but it felt like my heart was ripped out if my chest, i thought he liked me..

i walked to my dorm grabbing my airpods and walked back out i put them in my ears and right as min ho walked in i walked past going back outside. i played my playlist and just walked, i wanted to forget everything and all the memories i made with him.

it was dark out as i walked in the cold and then i felt a warm tear fall down my cheek at the thought of everything that happened tonight, suddenly i was sitting on a park bench sobbing. i grabbed my phone hovering over his contact name "min ho <3" i slowly took the heart off.

i swiped out and called my father, i was curled up on the bench as he listened to me sob about min ho. he eventually came and picked me up, we went out and grabbed some food and talked about everything. he gave me some advice and i took it very dearly.

my father wasnt in my life so now hearing him and being able to hug him felt so nice. he drove me back to campus and my face was all red from a mix of the cold and crying. i hugged him, he was my dad and all i wanted was to be a "daddys girl" all i ever saw in life was kids with two parents and even though my parents dont talk at least i have both.

we eventually let go as he kissed the top of my head "okay darling if you need anything just give me a call" he said and got in the car. i walked back inside to see Q, kitty, min ho and dae all talking, they all looked at my red face and kitty ran to me. she hugged me and i suddenly felt myself go weak i felt the tears weld again.

i blinked them away knowing everyone else was watching. i felt her hold my head and i took a deep breath. "where were you we were worried." Q said walking up. "i was out then me and my dad went for some food. " i said chewing my inner cheek he saw my eyes were red and gave me a look.

i knew the look. i nodded and he whipped his head to look at min ho and i pushed him to tell him dont make it obvious. "im tired" i said walking away and went to my dorm, i laid in my bed not even changing my clothes.

i put my phone in the charger and curled up in my blanket kitty came in and laid next to me she didnt say anything she just held me. i eventually closed my eyes as my head pounded, i felt kitty slightly hug me tighter and it made me happy.

shes my best friend and im so grateful for her. i sighed sitting up, "i need to go to the library really quick ill be back" i said and she looked at me confused "i have another test soon i forgot about" i said rolling my eyes and grabbing my phone.

she nodded and i put my shoes on walking off the library, once i got out there i saw madison with her arms on min ho as they talked. they looked once the door opened to reveal me and madison smirked and lip said 'told you bitch' i looked at min ho who had a sympathy look.

"i hope you guys are happy" i smiled and turned speed walking off. once i got in the library i skimmed through books i also wanted a new book to read on my free time. i found one and i held it as i was to the windowsill and put my airpods back in and started reading.

good thing its a saturday meaning i have all day tomorrow to sleep because right now i really dont want to go back to my dorm. i read about 10 chapters until i looked up to see it pouring, there was thunder and lightning. suddenly all i hear is the thunder booming through the library,

i looked around to see min ho and madison holding hands as they walked into the library and sat down talking. i went back to reading my book and then felt a hand tap my shoulder.

sorry guys !! i was running out of ideas so i decided to start the drama here !

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sorry guys !! i was running out of ideas so i decided to start the drama here !

The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now