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[ Y/N POV ! ]

i finally graduated two year college and i was on the phone with kitty she had came back to the united states as well and we decided together to go back to south korea and see the others. we packed while on the phone and i told my mom that, 'if i still love it there i will be going to college to get my degree in speech therapy and there no negotiating!

i walked down stairs in a comfortable but pretty outfit and held my suitcase before putting it down i grabbed my keys and walked to my car. My dad was the cosigner but i worked all of my senior and my first year of college and it was all saved towards the car.

when i told my mom about everything that happened she let me calm down on my studies slightly but i was still all A's and made honoroll in highschool and during my two year college i was the top five.

my mom sat in the car with me since she was going to drive my car home and once we got to the airport i hugged her and i smiled "do you have everything?" she asked and i nodded "yup my passport, and my id." i smiled "go get your man" she raised her brows and made me laugh before turning with my suitcase and they weighted it.

i got to my gate and put my airpods in and started listening to music i then pulled out my book from my carry on bag. no matter how many times i read "five feet apart" i will always re-read it. i smiled and went to all the pink tabs they are all of the highlighted parts that spoke to me.

once i boarded the plane i fell asleep for about 6 hours of the 12 and then i watched a netflix show i downloaded.


my dad picked me up from the airport and i got to his house and i walked into the yard and hugged his wife seeing her big belly. "jeez it feels weird seeing the belly in person" i laughed and she did as well. she got up the stairs and i did as well. i smiled as i texted kitty she was already here and in a hotel.

i found out Q worked at a bar and everyone was there tonight. and i smiled as i ordered an uber after getting into a dress and it was black and skin tight. i asked my dad to drive me to the club and i met kitty at a little store down the road and we walked up together.

once i walked in i walked to the bar arm and arm in kitty and i sat the the bar and a guy came up but it wasnt Q "hello guys can i have ID's ?" he asked and i pulled mine out and showed him and kitty as well. "alright did you guys want anything to drink?" he asked "can i have a martini with a spicy rim?" kitty asked and he nodded.

"can you bring bartender Q over he knows my usual." i smiled and he nodded "of course.

i put my head down and kitty turned so he wouldnt see my face "hi, could you look at me so i can see you face i see many people and know many peoples usuals" he said and i tried not to laugh i then looked up and his face gave me shock.

he then leaned over giving me a big hug "oh my god i missed you" he said loudly over the music. "i missed you too" i smiled and held onto him just a little longer. "where are the others?" kitty said turning around and he got excited all over again.

they hugged for a little bit and then pointed where the others were sitting "give me min hos normal and im gonna take it to him" i said and he smiled nodding. i grabbed the drink and walked over and everyone looked up and kitty stood beside me. min hos mouth just fell open in shock.

i smiled slightly and he stood up hugging me slightly picking me off the ground and i held onto his head and my other arm wrapped around his neck. he then put me down and held my face, "y/n" he said still shocked and i looked at dae and kitty hugging.

yuri and her girlfriend were sitting there and i smiled, as well as madison which i slightly smiled and then looked over to see florian. i leaned over and hugged him and yuri. i then looked back at min ho. "how have you been" i smiled and he smiled.

"good actually, i just passed my exams and graduated." he said and i nodded. we just stared at each other for what seemed to be minutes but it was probably only a couple seconds.

we sat down and we all talked and caught up. i missed them so much, after the bar was closing up we all walked out even Q because his shift was over we all hugged and split ways except min ho and i. he walked with me to my house. it was only a 15 minute walk. our hands kept grazing and i would look down slightly, he then grabbed my hand locking his fingers with mine.

i smiled and put my other hand in my pocket. i missed him so much, once we got to the gate of my house i looked at it. "want to come inside?" i asked "are you sure?" he asked and i nodded "i dont think my dad would mind." i said as i grabbed his hand pulling him up the stairs to the door and i walked in.

my dad and step mom where sleeping on the couch holding each other. as we walked up to my room and once we got up there i took my heels off and he walked around before looking at me. i was anxious to ask him if he moved on because i didnt want to over step. my mind wondered as i looked at him,

he smiled at me and walked closer "you okay?" he asked and i just nodded. he then pulled the necklace out from his shirt showing that he was wearing it. i smiled and stood up and took a step closer to look at it.

he then unclipped it from his neck "i wore it everyday waiting for you to come back" he said making my heart skip a beat and i looked up at him and he smiled slightly before looking at my lips and leaning down.

our lips pressed and his hands moved to my face as one of my hands gripped the necklace and the other one held onto his shirt, he then moved one hand to the back of my head and the other one moved to my waist pulling me closer.

we then pulled back and stared at each other before he grabbed the necklace putting it on me and i looked at it forgetting how beautiful it was.

"be my girlfriend again and this time we can do it right." he said and i looked up and him admiring his face he started to get worried and i realized

"of course min ho, i would love to" i said and i wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him once more.


The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now