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I'll quiet down if it's what you want i understand im not the only one for you so tell me what you're looking for is it a picture-perfect girl For you?

I'll quiet down if it's what you want i understand im not the only one for you so tell me what you're looking for is it a picture-perfect girl For you?

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i listening to the tv and reading as kitty walked in and sat beside me

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i listening to the tv and reading as kitty walked in and sat beside me. "y/n the reason we were all there together was for the project and the reason we were laughing was because Q called freaking out" she said and nodded "i believe you why would you need to lie" i smiled slightly and looked back at my book.

she gave me a confused look "why didnt you let me talk to you earlier then?" she asked and i put my bookmark in my book "only because i didnt want to disturb anddd min ho was there still kind of sting you know?" i said in an asking tone and she nodded understanding.

we talked for what felt like hours and then we decided to got and eat something, i hadnt eaten all day so we decided to just go to a pitstop store and made noodles, i paid and we sat down beside each other and just kept talking about everything thats been going on. "i think i like yuri but her girlfriend is the only one she sees" she said.

"i understand but maybe try to forget about those feelings just for the simple fact you dont want to get in the way if live you know" i said and she just played with her noodles for a bit before going back to eating "why dont you try sitting down with min ho and talking it out?" she asked and i just went silent as well. "y/n there has to be a reason." she said and i sighed

"the reason couldve been that he just wasnt meant for me, its happens like that sometimes" i said and she shook her head "there always reasons" she said i shrugged and we finished eating talking about happy things. we went back to the dorm and saw min ho standing there alone just holding the jacket i gave back to him.

kitty slightly pushed me towards him and i just looked at her and she walked past and he turned how is it he is always where i am, and how can he look so handsome after breaking my heart. i walked over slightly and he was playing with his fingers like he normally does when he's nervous.

we stood there in silence just looking around the entire area, i looked at him and our eyes met, he saw my red and puffy eyes and his eyes seemed to be red as well. "i'm gonna head to bed" i said as i was turning he grabbed my wrist and i froze

"please min ho im trying so hard not to break infront of you and i try to stay strong because you chose this because you are still in love with madison and i dont want to ruin that" i said with my voice cracking he just gulped. the silence in the building was extremely loud it was like you could hear a pen drop if it were to happen.

he slightly let go of my wrist and i heard a slight breath in, "y/n im so sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you in anyway" he said as i heard his voice get tight like he was about to cry as well "what the hell" we heard madison shriek and i turned with tears in my eyes. she laughed slightly and walked up "poor girl trying to force my boyfriend to talk to her" she smiled and walked over to him.

he just stayed there beside her as she held his arm, he didnt push her off but he also didnt break eye contacts as my eyes filled with tears. "min ho, if you choose her that means every little thing we had meant nothing to you." i said and he looked back at his hands not budging and she laughed once again.

"okay" i whispered and he just kept playing with his fingers "do you have anything for me to know?" she asked genuinely for even a second "he plays with his fingers when hes nervous, even though he laughs at people who read he loves being read to, all his hoodies smell the same because he only adores one cologne." i said trying to stop myself from speaking more.

she just blinked at me slightly giving me a sad look and looked at min ho. she grabbed his hand and smiled "thank you for that lesson y/n" she said and tried to pull him with her but he didnt budge i just looked at my feet for a second try to make sure the tears dont drop down my face.

i looked up and he turned walking away, i felt my heart break as he turned around as he walked off i slowly felt my knees weaken but i turned and saw kitty rushing over to me and she hugged me and held me as i slid down to the floor. once i did i heard a door open and i didnt want people to see me broken.

i wipe my tears away and fixed my face as i looked over to see Q and he turned back and walked into the room and started yelling. all of a sudden i saw madison come back out the dorm and i got to my feet quickly legs still feeling like jello and of course her puppy followed.

i gave one of those awkward faces and they just stared and madison turned slightly and she was looking and min ho and he just looked at her and she was saying something i couldnt hear or even be able to guess what she said as she did that i turned and pulled kitty and we walked to our dorm.

i opened the door and closed it behind me locking it i sat at the table and tried to slow my breathing that randomly spiked. i couldnt stop it, it was like a tightness in my chest i couldnt stop at some points it even felt like i was suffocating. i held my breath but that didnt help at all,

suddenly kitty jumped up after not being able to help and she opened the door and ran somewhere after what felt like hours even though it was only minutes i heard footsteps and Q stood behind her he walked to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

he held me and told me everything would be okay he was trying to comfort me but it only seemed to help slightly i suddenly heard more footsteps and there was now a crowd of our friends outside the door. including madison and min ho "why .. are they .. always here" i said in between the panicking breaths and he looked over and he nodded for min ho to come to me.

he looked and madison and she just stood there in shock.

panic attacks suck frfr 😞

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panic attacks suck frfr 😞

The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now