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God knows I try to feel happy for you know that I am, even if I can't understand, I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through

God knows I try to feel happy for you know that I am, even if I can't understand, I'll take the painGive me the truth, me and my heartWe'll make it through

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i walked into first class, i wasnt wearing my uniform

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i walked into first class, i wasnt wearing my uniform. i let all my teachers know i ripped a seam in my skirt and it left a hole so i would have to buy a new one, 'which i lied about i just wanted to dress down for a couple days' i got into my class as people stared i was wearing baggie jeans and my school top with a zipup jacket over it.

my head was still pounding and my eyes are red. i jotted down the agenda on the board into my planner, i then pulled out my phone and waited for the teacher to come. i started to text kitty asking if she had her study book so we could compare answers.

she then walked into the class and sat beside me and gave me her book i smiled weakly and then looked between i put an 'x' on all of the things that i had incorrect and she did the same thing. i stared at the twenty question with twelve of them having "x's"  i sighed and closed my book putting my head down.

"i wanna go home" i whispered to myself and then sat up looking at min ho to see his eyes staring into mine. i just blinked and looked at madison, she rolled her eyes and i stood up walking out. i didnt want to be weak infront of anyone, i hated that feeling. i told my mom of i failed this test i wanted to miss a couple days of school.

she said "no, that means study harder" i just sighed and ignored her message then told my dad and he said it was okay and i can stay there for a couple days if i do and he will just tell the school im sick. i sat in the library skipping class as i continued to study even harder.

ive been working my ass off to try and get 2nd place for the top students and i wont let a simple heart break mess me up. i finally heard the bell ring meaning it was lunch time and i told kitty i wasnt hungry to eat with out me, i stayed in the library for what seemed like hours. i missed all of my classes today to study for this stupid exam.

i crossed my arms and leaned back after finished the 3 chapters in the study book. i put my head down for a second and then closed my book putting it in my bag and stood up and i turned around and saw my friend group sitting in a corner and they were sitting with min ho and madison and they were all just talking.

i guess they felt eyes on them and turned and saw me. great theyre even hanging out with them, i scanned faces and the only one that wasnt there was Q. i saw him walk in quickly and go over to the group to see their shocked expressions before turning to look at me.

i just pulled out my phone and took a photo of all of them together and smiled turning to grab the book i was reading yesterday and walked to the desk taking one of my airpods out and grabbing my wallet pulling my school id out and the boy at the desk smiled at me and i gave a soft smile back and he scanned it.

"it'll be due on the 28 y/n" he said as i grabbed it flashing him a toothy smile before grabbing my airpod and kitty stood up and i shook my head making her stop in her tracks and i walked off putting my headphone back in.


the teacher assigned us all to a group project and that means Q, Kitty, Madison, y/n, and i

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the teacher assigned us all to a group project and that means Q, Kitty, Madison, y/n, and i. but y/n wouldnt know because she wasnt in class. Q decided to message her letting her know and she just left him on open. we discussed the plan of the project and typed it down.

we took a break for about 2 hours just talking before we reopened the project to see all of y/ns slides done. the confusing thing is she 20 slides and she finished them quickly. i just stared at them, we decided to base it off stars constellations because it was for physics.

she put her constellation based off of the summer triangle she made 6 slides per each star and her last half of her slide was why she chose that. the reasoning she put

"The young maiden settled at the star Vega, and the cowherd at the star Altair, forever separated by the band of the Milky Way. When the magpies heard this sad tale, they decided to get together to form a bridge across the Milky Way, represented by the star Deneb, so the two lovers could reunite for one day each summer."

"that is the story about stars and how even they can fall in love !  no matter what true love will met no matter the struggles they have to over come" is the last thing it said and it felt like a knife stuck through my heart.

i stared at those words as they repeat through my mind i could stop thinking about what happened saturday. i felt everything feel like it froze for what felt like hours even though it was probably realistically ten seconds.

i brushed it off finally and started on my slides i needed to get them done so i can split off from the group. i finished and stood up and put my computer away "lets meet tomorrow to finalize everything when yall are done i need to go somewhere." i said and madison stood up

"ill come with you baby!" she said excitedly and i slightly pulled her hands off me "not today gorgeous" he said kissing her cheek and kitty as well as Q rolled their eyes. i just stared at them and waved before walking off, i walked out and walked towards the dorms to see y/n waiting at mine.

i gulped and walked up she saw me and looked at me and then pulled her bag off her shoulder and i looked as she pulled out my hoodie "i dont need this anymore" she said as i was holding my breath. the hoodie smelt of her perfume, she turned to walk and i grabbed her wrist.

"please let go of me" she said in a quiet shaking voice and it broke my heart. she then got out of my grasp and walked off.

sorry for spelling errors !

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sorry for spelling errors !

The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now