011, tests !

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sometimes i feel like i just wanna go back to my old ways youre telling me im silly its no fun in the old days im such a romantic i never remember how things really happen i guess youre attractive or something live in the moment thats what they tell me but what ever happened to when you would hold me

sometimes i feel like i just wanna go back to my old ways youre telling me im silly its no fun in the old days im such a romantic i never remember how things really happen i guess youre attractive or something live in the moment thats what they te...

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i walked into the test room with all of my friends were sat at different tables, i walked to find my name on a table and i saw my name i sat down and looked at my textbooks for the last twenty minutes i had my airpods in

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i walked into the test room with all of my friends were sat at different tables, i walked to find my name on a table and i saw my name i sat down and looked at my textbooks for the last twenty minutes i had my airpods in.

i looked up to see yuri and madison sitting next to me, both the girls i dis like great. i looked to see min ho walk in and he walked over giving me a charm and a coffee. he nervously looked at me and i smiled taking them from his hands.

i made sure my hand swiped across his and he smiled and walked to the other side of the room and sat at his desk. i went back to studying and then the teacher came in to tell us to put everything away, i took my airpods out and the first test was math.

i got some problems with ease, most of them were hard though. i got through the hour of the first proportion, and turned my test in. the second hours test was english and i was finally i had to write a short essay and then i had to make a bunch of multiple choice questions.

i started to get anxious and i just had to take some breaths and make myself feel like i was alone in a room. i finally got my breathing under control and went back to my test, i finished first and walked up to the teachers desk.

once i turned it in he had me walk out of the class room so i didnt disturb anyone and i sat on the ground outside of the classroom and i laid my head against the wall and played on my phone. i then heard the door open and then i looked over to see dae and he sat down next to me and he looked at me,

i kept my eyes on my phone and then he cleared his throat "what dae" i asked looking at him, i rolled my eyes and he shook his head "look i know you don't like me because i hurt kitty but i genuinely love her i just have to date yuri." he said and i just stared at him.

"mhm?" i said in a 'keep going' tone and he gulped, "me and yuri are fa-" he was cut off by the classroom door opening to min ho walking out and staring at us. his jaw clenched as he looked between me and dae.

"hey min ho" day said and he blinked "hey dae" he said and then the door opened to see kitty also coming out. she sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder sighing, "i hate test days" she said and rubbed her face. "same" dae said and she stood up "im going to call my mom" she said walking off.

min ho then grabbed my hand and pulled me up into him. my chest collided with his and he wrapped his arms around my waist. this kept me close to him and i tried to pull myself put of his arms, he smiled at me and i struggled to get out of his grasp.

once i did i slightly pretend to run away from him and he grabbed my waist pulling me back in and i felt my back hit his waist and he kept his hands on my waist giving me butterflies and i gulped. he leaned to my ear and whispered 'stop moving' he said and held my waist tighter.

i pushed myself off of him and walked slightly down the hall turning to a empty area i felt my knees go weak and i took a deep breath. i then heard foot steps and kitty turned the corner and raise an eyebrow. she started talking before i stopped her putting my hand on her mouth, i shook my head and she muffled a laugh out.


after all the tests were over and i walked the room with kitty and we grabbed the bags we had, this was going to be the night before the trip. kitty and i put out bags in the living room, i walked to the schools bulletin board and looked at it wouldnt be released same day but still i need to check or my anxiety will spike more.

i saw a boy walking in and he smiled and bowed his head at me and i smiled and waved. i then walked back to my room to see one of our other roommates making food. "do you want some?" she asked and i nodded excitedly.

"yes pleasee" i said and she smiled and gave me a bowl of the food "thank you love" i said "of course" she said and grabbed a fork and sat down at the table with kitty, we ate the food all together and then we decided to watch some youtube.

we watched old streams of scary games and kitty and i were pretty much holding each other and jumping out of our skin at every jumpscare. i eventually checked the time, "alright im gonna sleep im really tired" i sighed and they nodded as i let go of kitty walking to my room.

i changed into some shorts and a baggie tshirt and then walked to my bed sliding off my slippers and getting in my bed i put my phone on the charger and then i closed my eyes rolled over in my bed after turning my lamp off.

TWO IN ONE DAY !! (might post another one !)

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TWO IN ONE DAY !! (might post another one !)

The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now