019, Scoring & leaving

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The day that I met you, I started dreaming
Now I write 'em down if I remember in the morning time

The day that I met you, I started dreamingNow I write 'em down if I remember in the morning time

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we both walked inside and i held the necklace in my nearly frozen hands i tried the fact that my hands hurt, "min ho, i forgive you for hurting me but i cant move here because my mom wouldnt be able to live in the US with out me" i said and he jus...

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we both walked inside and i held the necklace in my nearly frozen hands i tried the fact that my hands hurt, "min ho, i forgive you for hurting me but i cant move here because my mom wouldnt be able to live in the US with out me" i said and he just nodded finally accepting i have to leave.

he reached and grabbed the necklace and shoved it into his pocket "thank you for this semester" he smiled and turned to walk away and i shoved my hands in my pocket "and thank you for the lesson on love" i said and also turned walking away.

through out the day the blizzard just got worse. we ended up staying there over night due to it which was perfect coincidence, i just stayed wake pretty much all night and walked around the building. i was just in my own thoughts

i eventually saw the head teacher walk out and clip scores on a board and i saw kitty wake up as well as some other kids it was around 8 am and most alarms were going off. i was just staring at the paper from afar not being able to read the paper.

kitty looked at where my eyes were leading and jumped up, she stood up slowly walking over to it as well as other students, some were disappointed and others very happy. i stood there still at afar terrified to see my score, i walked up to the board and took a breath before looking at the scores from bottom to top and skimmed over the names.

i got second.. just by one point i missed only one question, i sighed and nodded 'yup just my luck' i thought and pulled out my phone walking and sitting down. i told my dad and he was proud of me but my mom will yell at me since i begged to come here to not be the best.

i rolled my eyes and texted my mom she called me and i answered walking away from the group and i walked through the hall as she yelled at my through the phone and we were arguing over the phone she told me i was a disappointment and she wished she never had me.

"youre gonna come home tomorrow im buying your ticket" she said and hung up my heart dropped and i walked over to my friends telling them that my mom was forcing my to leave tomorrow. we all decided to spend the day together after we got out of the building.


hours passed and we finally had the OK to leave and we did we walked back to my dorm all of my friends sitting on my bed as i packed away my clothes from my closet once we finished my mom sent my ticket and i sighed sitting on my bed with the others as they all hugged me.

even though i hated feeling confined this was nice. i just closed my eyes and put my head down in someones lap i felt them playing with my hair i thought it was kitty at first before i looked at seeing min ho.

as the day went on we did inside activities and we all hung around due to the snow as the night crept everyone started just falling asleep on the floor as we watched movies. me and min ho were the inly ones awake we were holding hands and cuddling.

"do you know when youll come to visit?" he asked and i sighed "probably not until i graduate.. but i dont want you to wait for me." i said and closed my eyes "ill be here when you come back" he said softly as i dozed off on his chest.

i woke up to my alarm as well as some of the others and groaned then rubbing my eyes as i sat up i suddenly felt the ping in my heart as min ho sat up as well. all of a sudden i didnt want to leave, i grabbed of my bags and we walked outside as the uber was already waiting meaning my mom ordered it.

i sighed and hugged everyone "ill be back after graduation" i whispered to min ho while we held onto each other slightly tigher not wanting to let go. after two minutes after we let go and i slightly wiped his face and smiled widely

"i love you guys" i said and turned around walking to the uber getting into it and waving as the uber pulled off after i rolled the window up and sat there and looked down at my empty lap playing with my fingers. once we got to the airport i got out dragging my luggage through the airport putting my airpods in and walked through the airport as i sat down waiting for my flight.


through a ten hour flight i finally arrived home and it was warm and i took my jacket off as i walked through my house and walked into my room checking the time it was around 2 am meaning it was was around 3pm there and i laid in bed as i facetime kitty and sat up in my bed just staring at my phone as she answered and smiled widely before running somewhere then peoples faces popped into camera

"i miss you already" Q said making me feel upset and my eyes started to water slightly before looking up trying not to cry "i miss you more though" i said through a breaking voice. they all got upset at my voice and i saw min ho just sitting by himself reading. "whats he reading?" i asked and she walked slightly closer.

it was the book i read in the library when we werent talking due to madison. i smiled widely and got excited seeing that and my heart was beating quickly it was nice knowing he would read something i did.

 i smiled widely and got excited seeing that and my heart was beating quickly it was nice knowing he would read something i did

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The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now