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WYD Now ? - Sadie Jean

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WYD Now ? - Sadie Jean

I don't wanna be twenty-somethin'
And still in my head about
Seventeen in my bedroom talkin'
You said that by now we'd
Paint the walls of our shared apartment
You're still everything I want and
I think we could work it out
So what are you doin' now?

I don't wanna be twenty-somethin'And still in my head aboutSeventeen in my bedroom talkin'You said that by now we'dPaint the walls of our shared apartmentYou're still everything I want andI think we could work it outSo what are you doin' now?

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"today is the day" i head kitty shout and i sat up looking at her as she smiled

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"today is the day" i head kitty shout and i sat up looking at her as she smiled. i grabbed one of my pillows chucking it at her, she smiled and jumped on me "get up finals are today" she said and i just looked at her before sitting up and getting ready. i slipped on an outfit and then walked to the bathroom fixing my hair as i grabbed my study books and shoved them in my bag.

i walked with the group before we had to split up to our test classes. i waited for the teacher to come in, when she did she i put my study books away and took a deep breath 'first is goal y/n you got this !' i hummed in my head over and over.

as the test went on i watched the paper as some words jumbled making my stare at it and close my eyes for a second, i looked at the clock and sighed. 'please pass' i took a deep breath in and reopened my eyes and looked back at the paper. i smiled and gained back my confidence and started writing on the paper again.

after i finished physics i started the english proportions, than i did the math, as well as korean history. i was mainly scared about failing my math proportion because i sucked at math no matter what. i finished all of the tests in five hours,

that meant i still have three hours until testing is over. i go over the test like five more times to make sure i didnt want to second guess. even those questions that i did second guess i didn't change the answer to because i dont want to get it right then switch the questions up.

i walked out of the test room after turning it in and then i walked through the halls sliding my jacket back on and then watching the show come down it looked like we were soon to turn into a blizzard. i then felt an arm around my shoulder and i looked over to see min ho and i just looked back out.

i then just slightly pulled his arm off my shoulder. "we cant act like everything that happened didnt min ho" i said and he nodded. "i know thats why i got you this" he said pulling out a necklace and held it into the palm of his hand. "my dad gave it to my mom when she was a kid as well"

he said as i stared at the gorgeous necklace in his hand "i cant min ho after this semester i have to move back home" i closed my eyes and shook my head "but you can stay with your dad" he said and i just stared and sighed "i cant my mom needs me min ho" i said and he just played with his fingers

"maybe this was just meant to be how it is.." i said and he shakes his head "it cant be it." his eyes slightly go teary and his throat tightened. right before i opened my mouth loud speaking exited the entercom

"I APOLOGIZE FOR THE INTERRUPTION IN THE TESTS BUT THERE IS NOW A BLIZZARD WARNING KIDS ARE TO SAY HERE UNTIL IT LETS UP" the lady spoke loudly and blinked and grabbed min hos hands "maybe this was all supposed to be a lesson" i said continuing our conversation. "please y/n just think about it"

he put the necklace in my hand and walked off. i watched as his figure grew smaller and closed my eyes tightly, i cant do this. i cant love him because i can not stay, i then felt another hand and looked over to see madison. "when his parents divorced he didn't believe in love, he thought that all love is game and it was a game." she said and i swiped her hand off giving her a look

"y/n he has had that necklace for 5 years for him to give it to you so openly he has to love you... because he didn't even try to give it to me" she said in a sadish tone and i just looked at it. "i have to go home though" i said and she sighed "just think about it y/n" she said and i just walked away from her.

i heard a door open and then i looked over to see someone wanting out and a teacher trying to keep him inside. min ho. i suddenly slipped the necklace in my pocket and chased after putting his arm. "you can't leave not in this snow" i said and he just looked at me and sighed "y/n why do you care?" he asked and i knitt my eyebrows.

"min ho" i said closing my eyes and clenching my jaw before grabbing his face and staring into his eyes then trailing down to his rosy nose due to the cold and then to his warm lips they were full of color. i felt my hands turn to ice as i started to shiver. "even if i dont have a chance to stay here i want you to know that you were the first to make believe in actual "

i said as a tear slid down his cheek hitting my finger as i wipe it away "please stay" he said in a hushed tone as tears fell quicker. as he started crying i pulled him closer by the second and held him in my arms. i pulled the necklace out, "give this to your future wife, make her feel like shes the most perfect human being" she said.

i then felt him grab it and throw it and my heart dropped i ran in the direction digging through the snow as he watched me panic looking for it. after three minute of barehanded digging through snow, i found it and my fingers felt like they were going to fall off. i walked back over to him and looked at him as he noticed my finger were red.

"put it in me then." i said and he shook his head snatching it and before he threw it again i yanked it out of his hands and he grabbed your wrist with his other hand. "this necklace brings bad things like it always has" he screamed and i covered his mouth before trying to drag him inside.

"min ho my fingers are numb are are getting even worse please come inside with me" i said and he sighed then nodded.

The Faker - Min Ho ; Xo, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now