007, detention

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Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours

Secrets I have held in my heartAre harder to hide than I thoughtMaybe I just wanna be yours

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i woke up to my alarm blaring and i sighed and sat up to turn it off, i sat there and stared at the wall for about 15 minutes

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i woke up to my alarm blaring and i sighed and sat up to turn it off, i sat there and stared at the wall for about 15 minutes. i stood up and got ready i had to miss classes for day detention today and i walked into there and saw everyone else. we put our phones in the box and had assign seats.

i sat next to min ho, and then madison walked in and mr lee confronted her about not being in detention. she walked over and just looked at him and then he had to do something and he left madison in charge she went ahead and let us do whatever. yuri and kitty went off to talk Q and florian followed them.

i went off to get books to read while i did i heard talking from behind the other bookshelf "come on, you know you want me" i heard someone say and then heard min ho's voice "no madison i dont anymore." he said and she groaned "youre so bad at lying" she said and you can hear the smirk in her tone.

i went to the side and leaned and madison and min ho looked at me "didnt he say he didnt want you anymore?" i asked and she groaned "why do you always interrupt?" she asked and i smiled "because you push your boundaries everytime" i say and min ho smiled.

"i hate you." she said walking away. "cute love you too bae" i said gagging and min ho laughed. i walked over to get my books again, i looked at a book and min ho looked over my shoulder "thank you for that" he said close to my ear i looked over and saw how close our faces were, we heard that mr lee was coming back.

we both rushed out and put our phones in the box and sat back in our seats and we covered for kitty and yuri. we just sat there and i started to doze off my head started dropping and my head almost hit the table.

it didnt when i opened my eyes to see min ho's hand under my head, i looked at him and he just continued to doodle in his notepad. i saw him stop drawing and i just looked at his face as he seemed to be thinking about something.

he looked at me and we locked eyes and he smiled before grabbing his pen and 'dropping it' he leaned down and our faces were inches apart. he kept inching closer and i was frozen in places his face up close was something i havent seen.

his face is really pretty, i looked at his lips and they kept getting closer. our lips were so close to touching before he just backed up showing his pen, 'such a tease..' i thought and he bent back down and pecked my lips i froze completely everything was in slow motion.

i sat up and just sat and stared at my hands. 'what the fuck just happened.' 'AHHHHHHH' 'no way' my mind was just racing with thoughts and i was mentally freaking out but my body was froze with no reaction.

i dont know how to feel about anything that just happened. i smiled slightly biting on my bottom lip to calm myself down, i was excited and didnt know what to say or do


once detention was over i stood up with my book and walked out of the library as quick as possible. i heard someone catching up to me and wrapped their arm around my neck, i looked over to see kitty and she was smiling at me "soooo" she said and i pulled her to the restroom and freaked out.

she started talking to me about what happened and i was pretty much jumping up and down at this point. we talked about it and she was supportive if i did like him but i wasnt sure about my feelings yet. after we finished talking and then walked out the restroom.

we walked together outside and i heard someone call my name it was madison. i looked at her and she was speed walking to me "back away from min ho hes mine" she said and i put my hands up "ay i didnt kiss him he kissed me" i said and she rolled her eyes.

"yea whatever, let him play you like he does every girl then he will come back to me as always" she said and i just stared at her "and what if he doesnt ?" i asked and she laughed "he always does" she said and i just nodded "okay" i said before wrapping my arm in kittys arm.

i turned and she was forced to turn with me and she pulled me off and i smiled as we walked through the court yard arm in arm and kitty was talking to me about how she thinks she has feelings for yuri.

i smiled and talked with her and she was just confused and was trying to figure things out, me and her walked in through the front doors and we saw two people standing there talking to the front office and they seemed to be fairly close.

the principal came out and they both hugged slightly and yuri walked over listening in with us. they seemed to be talking about something and laughing we could only slightly hear their laughter and a couple words they said between breaths.

the man started talking about his daughter and then she started talking about her daughter. "you know this is weird that my mom is talking to some random man that ive never met." yuri said and i shrugged

"can your mom not have friends?" i asked and she just looked at me "she can i just have met all of them." she continued

we were just talking when the man turned around finally and made eye contact with me. "dad?" i raised my voice slightly and he just blinked at me.

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