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KIM SUNWOO as himself

" let's talk about love,
let me talk about love, yeah i'm talking about you,
yeah, i'm talking about you "

NCT DREAM : my first and last

— I'VE always wondered if fate was truly real when it came to love. in this world, i had my doubts as soon as lee juyeon— the love of my life moved away from my neighborhood at the age of twelve. it broke my heart to know i wouldn't seen him anymore. he was what i've always pictured as the man of my dreams.

he'd always defend me as a child whenever i was being teased in our little friend group. well— not really a friend group. he was just liked by so many in the neighborhood and since i was one of them, it made it seem like we were all friends.

i just happened to be friends with hong eunchae, but not kim woonhak and kim sunwoo. those two were maniacs. however, kim woonhak never did anything directly to me. it was always my next door neighbor, kim sunwoo.

he was the one who would say that my cat was closer to death by each day that passed and was the one who put a dead bird into my barbie house as a joke. our beef has not gone away as we continue to fight over a parking spot that is across the street from our house.

in this street we live in, it's really hard to find parking. damn the street for being too small and having a certain time to park. the only available parking spot is across the street from sunwoo's and my house. we always fight for it when we come back to school which is the most annoying thing to ever exist.

well— kim sunwoo is the most annoying thing to ever exist. if annoying was a person, it'd be him.

i came back to reality when eunchae snapped her fingers together in which resulted with my aggressive blinking. "earth to minsi?" i could hear the annoyance she felt through her voice which probably meant that this was probably her tenth time trying to gain my attention.

i removed myself off the lockers i was just leaning on and fixed my posture to show that i'm physically present and not mentally away as i was a second ago.

"you were saying?" i trailed off, clearing my throat awkwardly. i felt guilty that i wasn't paying attention to my own best friend speaking.

"well, i have tea—"


"i can't anymore because you were literally daydreaming about whatever you were thinking and now the tea is right behind you." informed eunchae in frustration.

i frowned a little completely ignoring "the tea", when suddenly i felt eunchae's arms on my shoulder to turn my whole body around.

there i saw "the tea" or more like i saw THE lee juyeon. my eyes couldn't break the stare as if they were now glued on the way he walked so casually and so sexy. he looked more dreamier than the last time i saw him. well— kind of weird to say that since we were twelve when we parted. he didn't need a glow up, but he still did. scratch that! he just grew up to be more handsomer.

"no way, is that lil minsi?!" a voice was heard way closer to my figure. it couldn't have been eunchae as she never called me that and why would she? then, it hit me. the voice was deep. the voice belonged to a male. the nickname was used directly by someone.

lee juyeon was standing in front of me.

i glanced up at his figure and couldn't believe my eyesight. he was truly real and back. my body stayed still. the effect he had on me never left. i knew i was right to convince myself that we'd find our way back. with every love song i heard, it's like i manifested for this moment now and it was here.

"juyeon, i-"

"no way?!" the most loudest and disgusting voice to ever exist was heard from beside my future boyfriend and i. "juyeon, my man!" there stood kim sunwoo with his hand out in front of juyeon's before they did a bro handshake.

"sunwoo! it's been a long time." chuckles escaped from juyeon's lips with a wide smile that showed how much he missed him. "how have you been? you have to catch me up in everything."

before sunwoo replied, he glanced over at me. "minsi, how was your ride back home? i thought you'd actually be behind bars instead of seeing you here." a wink was thrown directly at me. a wink that showed that he was still making my life a living hell.

"my ride back home was fine. what the hell did you do, sunwoo?" i tried to keep my voice low to not make a scene, but it gets harder when the next thing you see is the teasing grin that showed that he was close to victory.

he totally ignored me when he turned his focus back to juyeon, "anyways, i'd love to catch up with you, juyeon. woonhak is actually having a party this saturday, if you want to come." after the offer, juyeon nodded in agreement as sunwoo walked away without sparing me another glance.

i'm going to strangle him.

"are you going to the party, minsi?" asked juyeon with curiosity. awe, did he want me to go? i couldn't say no. i couldn't say yes either because i wasn't even invited to begin with. so, without thinking straight and not wanting to disappoint juyeon, i nodded.

"yeah, i am. of course, i am. why wouldn't i be going? i get invited to all the parties, you know?" there goes the rambling. in situations where i lied myself into, i couldn't control it. as much as i wanted to impress juyeon, i hated lying. though for him, i'd do anything. so, i had to make an exception.

"i wasn't questioning it." the shrug he shared after his statement had me sweating. i was fucking up. this is not what i meant when i said i wanted to impress the fuck out of lee juyeon.

"oh, right!" an awkward laugh escaped from my mouth.

"okay, that's enough. am i invisible?" i heard eunchae's voice call out. once again, she saved my ass. she started small talk with juyeon after he kept apologizing how he hadn't greeted her since he arrived and meanwhile that happened, i tried catching back my breath that i had lost.

how was i still alive?

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now