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" they say love is blind,
oh, baby, you so blind "

G-DRAGON : that xx

— THE dress fit well. it was pretty basic, but cute enough to accept. when i had put my outfit together, i felt brand new. i wasn't used to this look, but i knew i had to get used to it. i grabbed my phone and stood in front of my mirror, doing an awkward pose that i couldn't take back from doing before posting it on my instagram.


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liked by hhh.e_c.v and others
lovemins been a little while...

view all 10 comments
hhh.e_c.v DRESS???
hhh.e_c.v who even are you
hhh.e_c.v okayyy gf 😍😍😍
hhh.e_c.v prom? yes or yes?
lovemins no
hhh.e_c.v so in love with uuuuu
hhh.e_c.v marry me
leejuyeonn_ cute fit
lovemins thank youuu!! <3

no fucking way. juyeon commented on my post and i definitely wasn't in control of putting a little heart after my reply. my fingers just slipped on its own.

as i kept giggling to myself and rereading his comment over and over in my head, i hadn't noticed a beeping sound coming from outside. it took me a while to realize sunwoo was honking at me the whole time. today was wednesday and he was my ride to the game that was going to start any time soon.

i sighed because i hadn't talked to sunwoo since monday and i totally forgot i was riding with him. i know it's my idea for us to be arriving together, but that's the only way it'll seem convincing that he's the one inviting me and i'm totally not the one forcing him to take me.

i rush down anyway and leave my house. i don't have to excuse myself from my parents as they're still at work, i simply just had to lie to eunchae about that.

i open the passenger door for myself to enter and he's already seated in the drivers seat as expected. his jaw is clenched like he doesn't want to talk about anything and he wants to focus on the drive without any disturbance.

my assumption is wrong when he surprisingly speaks
up and says, "i saw your post." his eyes are still on the road ahead as he puts his signal lights on indicating he's turning left.

"felt like i needed to post it." i simply shrug with my short response given. i had my eyes out my window because it felt awkward to just stare at him. "and it worked because juyeon commented."

"i noticed that too." he nods afterwards and he suddenly takes a quick glance at me, "you look nice, by the way."

"thank you."

"not quite. just more decent than your usual fits is what i meant, mins." i notice the small grin lifting its way up on the left corner of his lips. there he is. he doesn't look annoyed anymore. it's the same sunwoo i'm used to dealing with.

"yeah, yeah," i shake my head as i try to wash off my smile. "just focus on arriving without any accidents happening." i softly push his shoulder lightly in a teasing manner.

the game lasted it's time, pretty quick if you ask me. mainly because i spent the whole time admiring juyeon since i was beside him with also sunwoo by my other side— but, that's not really important.

nonetheless after the game finished, the guys decided to sneak into the gym to play some basketball. in here was me, juyeon, sunwoo, woonhak, and some dude named yechan.

i stared down at my phone while they played. i kept staring at the photo i posted hours ago and started to overthink whether it was necessary to post. whether it looked too obvious i wanted juyeon's attention or it perhaps wasn't even enough?

it's like the universe sensed i needed help with getting the right answer when suddenly, juyeon slides down to sit beside me against the wall.

"you looked nice in the photo." the compliment casually leaves his lips as he stares at my phone that exposes the instagram post. "it's a surprise to actually see you in a dress."

i glance down at my outfit that i forgot i still had on and couldn't believe i was lasting in it. "you act like you've never seen me in one." i say even though it actually is the first one he's seen me in one. i just can't make it look like i've never wore a dress when going out.

"seriously? i think it is," he pauses for a second as he raises a brow. "i would've remembered."

that sends chills down my body. i can't tell if he's flirting with me right now, but i'm falling deeper for him every time something comes out of his mouth.

"well, i guess we should hangout more, so you could remember each dress i wear." i stare boldly into his eyes when i speak. i can tell my eye contact is strong when he looks up from my phone and stares back into my eyes intensively.

we're quiet for a few long seconds before he clears his throat and asks, "have you ever played basketball before?" he flashes me a smile.

"no." i shake my head. "unless you count the time sunwoo threw one in my head and i started chasing him around with the ball."

he lets out a light chuckle, "gosh, that was so long ago and that was nothing like basketball." i laugh at his response when he states so and i see how he stands up with his arm reaching down. i grab onto it as he lifts me up and we're walking towards the center of the gym.

"are you for real going to teach me how to play right now?" i raise both my eyebrows at him. he simply shrugs his shoulders and runs off to grab a basketball.

"it'll be fun, i promise." he reassures me and hands me the ball so that it's in my hands now. he even starts to correct my position and gently grabs my hand to fix how i should be holding the ball in order to have the higher chance in making it into the hoop.

"i swear if i don't make this in," i start to softly chuckle at the embarrassment that could occur. i'm trying to talk and distract myself because currently, i'm losing my shit. juyeon was beside me, holding onto my hands, and was paying attention to just me.

i turn my head slightly over towards my right to catch sunwoo already staring at us— or more at me, specifically. to brush the slight awkwardness, i flash a small smile in which he returns back with his both hands showing thumbs ups.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now