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" you can be yourself here,
be free "


— ENTERING woonhak's home immediately filled my nostrils up with the smell of alcohol. as soon as sunwoo and i stepped inside, i saw more than half the people passed out or just already really drunk.

"you better not ditch me until we find juyeon." i whisper yelled to sunwoo, who immediately nodded after i told him so.

"sheesh princess, you're going to ruin my chances with girls. i'm here to have fun too, you know?" he stares down at me with raised brows in which i return the same look.

"last time i checked, you're not really into dating, sunwoo." i tapped my chin as if i was truly trying to remember which gave off the fake act.

"fun doesn't have anything to do with dating." he shrugs innocently.

"ew." i scrunch my face up in disgust. "gross, what the heck?" i try to get the thought away that he put in my head after his statement was said.

"you brought it up."

i was going to respond back to him, when suddenly my eyes land on a familiar face. there, i see juyeon standing near the front door making his appearance in the party. he finally arrived and i was so ready to ditch sunwoo— however, i couldn't exactly because i still needed sunwoo's help.

"he came, let's go!" i announced to sunwoo. he stared down at me with an annoyed face expression at how over excited i looked when he walked in. people just don't get what it is like to have a crush on someone— especially sunwoo, since he doesn't have an inch of caring or loving in that heart of his.

"gosh, minsi," he sighs and follows behind me as i lead the way towards juyeon. "let the man breathe first before you bubble up around him."

"breathe? breathe around other girls? no, thanks." i jokingly say. "just kidding, but— i didn't come here for nothing, sunwoooo." i drag his name in the end of my sentence to show him how desperate i am to talk to juyeon already.

soon enough, we make it in front of juyeon and he immediately greets us happily which makes me smile like a little kid who just got their ice cream.

"you two came together?" he asks after we greet each other with hugs. "i wouldn't have expected you two to become this close after all the beef you two had." jokes juyeon in addition.

i awkwardly laugh because we're not even close to close. "i wouldn't say we're exactly close, but i mean— people get through their problems, right?" i nudge sunwoo's shoulder to pretend we were in a normal position and not in a fake one.

"sweet! that's cool." juyeon nods and stays silent for a second, before he glances down at my outfit. "oh! were you busy all day, lil minsi?" he smiles widely in a serious tone of voice that confuses me entirely.


"your outfit for today. i'm assuming you didn't have time to get ready?" he raises an eyebrow after his guess.

from the corner of my eye, i can see sunwoo turn his head around to hide his face. i just know he's laughing his ass off in his head. this is so embarrassing. you have got to be kidding?!

"oh! yeah! i had to help out my parents the whole day today and by the time sunwoo was here for me, i couldn't even change into something better." i lie. after him thinking i couldn't pick out a better outfit to wear today, i couldn't tell him exactly the truth.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now