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" and i pretend i'm happy for you,
when you find some dude to take home "

DHRUV : double take

MONDAY came quickly and i was already at school with eunchae by my side next to my locker. i opened it up, stuffed some books in, and closed it.

"are you busy wednesday? we could probably dress shop that day since we come out early for the game that's happening." asked eunchae as she tapped her fingers against the lockers.

i was busy on wednesday, but i couldn't tell her i was going to the game just to see juyeon. she'll think i'm crazy. although she knows how head over heels i am for that man, she doesn't know what i'm currently doing just to be closer to him again.

"ah, i can't on wednesday," i finally say like if i'm bummed out that we can't go that day. "parents want me to come straight home to spend time together since we rarely have these early days."

"that's weird." her face scrunches up for a second. "don't they work on weekdays?"

i bite my lower lip before answering, "not on wednesday. they called off those days since i'll go straight home after our bill rings. they said they had a little surprise, so i can't miss it."

"oh okay," she nods her head when she understands what i'm trying to say— or more like falling into my lies. i feel like such a horrible friend, but i don't want to deal with having a talk with her once i tell her my current plan with juyeon is. i feel like she'll think i'm weird or something, which i probably am, but i don't need to hear it. especially from my best friend.

without any further sayings, someone eventually approaches us randomly. i stare up beside me and see lee juyeon. i almost choke on my saliva from the unexpected. he's more gorgeous up close.

"hey lil minsi," he greets with that cute smile of his. i'm too focused on how handsome he is that i didn't catch what he said. did he call me by my actual name or with that stupid nickname?

"h-hey juyeon," i speak out and i mentally face palm myself from the stutter that got to escape, "what are you up to?"

"well, i just came out of mr. choi's class to take a test i had missed two weeks ago before i had transferred and then i saw you two down the halls." the smile formed on his face when he had answered. was he smiling because he was talking to me?

"how sweet, prince charming, but we were talking before you arrived." eunchae stops him before continuing. "don't try to steal minsi from me now."

why would she say that? that's exactly what i want him to do. well— not exactly, but i clearly want him.

"it's okay, lil minsi is all yours, eunchae." he says with chuckles escaping his lips. "i'll be out of your ways since sunwoo wants to meet up right now."

sunwoo? oh—! he's probably just filling in good words about me.

school came to an end and i was walking down the parking lot when i see sunwoo approaching his car. i immediately ran up to him before he could get inside.

"hey," he greeted first before i could. "everything okay?" his eyebrows are furrowed. he's probably assuming i need help with something.

"yeah, i just wanted to say thank you again." i say because i truly am thankful he wasted his money on dresses. he was taking his job a little too seriously. it was genuinely kinda sweet for sunwoo to do.

"i'm just helping you, mins." a grin appears on his face. "did you like them? i picked out different colors just incase you weren't feeling some of them." he shrugs when he says so.

"yeah," i nod. "i was even thinking about wearing one of them on wednesday." i inform him.

"oh?" his eyebrows raise. "i wasn't expecting you to wear one so soon." he laughs afterwards. "guess juyeon will be expecting a little surprise." a playful wink was thrown which made me roll my eyes at his silliness.

"yeah, yeah," i play with my fingers before adding, "he talked to me today. we didn't really have a conversation, but it was something." even though it isn't much, i still smile at the thought of juyeon being near me.

"give it time. he's a step closer to being yours more than you think." he tells me and i can't help, but question what exactly he meant by that.

"what do you mean? did he say something?"

"he might've said something at the party before we left." sunwoo bites his under lip as suddenly he's interested in what's in the sky to avoid eye contact with me.

"and you're barely telling me?!" i exclaimed out loud. i even softly hit his arm because we agreed to keep each other informed about any little thing that goes on in between this agreement.

"well, you had vomit and we were distracted. i kept forgetting to tell you." he reasons out in defense, putting his hands in midair. "he just said that he found your tattoo attractive when he saw it that day. that's all."

"that's all?!" i question again— too loud. "that's something, sunwoo! i should've known right after. i would've shown up in something that exposes that tattoo." i tap on my chin repeatedly as i think about it.

"you don't have to really do that, mins." he tells me sounding unsure that my idea would be a great one. "you can do so much more to grab his attention." suggests sunwoo as he puts his hands in the front pocket of his baggy jeans.

"like what? just stand here and wait until one day he magically doesn't see me as lil minsi?" i sarcastically question. "today, he still called me that, so i have to get that nickname out of his brain. he still sees me like i'm the same old little mins. it's annoying, sunwoo. if he continues to see me like that, i won't have him as my boyfriend or even as my prom date."

"fine. do whatever you think would please him." states sunwoo with no further comments before getting inside his car. i didn't need any more suggestions coming from him. i got the dresses, isn't that enough for him? i get he's helping, but he doesn't have to help me with everything.

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