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" what would you do if it's wasn't for me?
look at this, i'm always taking care of you "

THE BOYZ : break your rules

— THE car came to a stop when sunwoo parked his car in the parking spot we always fight for. "don't get off yet. you'll just flash everyone if you do." he tells me before getting out and opening the passenger door for me.

i playfully roll my eyes, "i can hold onto these sweats on my own, you know?" i get off the car and immediately, he starts holding onto the baggy grey sweats of his.

i could feel his fingers slightly touching my stomach since he's holding onto the waistband. i tried to ignore the feeling of it while we were at the party because my focus was on juyeon, but now sunwoo and i are alone and it's all i'm focusing on. i've never had any sort of physical touch besides hugging, but skin to skin? boy to a girl? never.

"yeah, right. after the party, i don't think so." he replies anyway and closes the passenger door as well.

he walks to my front porch until we're at my door. "thank you." i say. "for having these extra clothes and not letting me stick to the vomit ones." before he could say anything, my eyes widen and a small gasp comes out from my mouth. "shit. i left the gym bag inside your car. i forgot to take it out."

"don't worry about that. i'll wash it for you." he reassures me with his free hand in midair, letting me know that he's got it. "i need to wash that bag too since it'll probably stink after your clothes being in there." a chuckle is added after he concludes.

"but— i'll just wash everything, mind as well. i already owe you for this." i glance down at the outfit i'm currently wearing.

"stop overthinking, princess. i got it." his grin appears when he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"fine, whatever. i offered. you'll never get anything nice from me again." i threaten with my hands raised up. "now, go home. i can open the door on my own."

"that's not what i'm worried about." an actual smirk appears on his lips, "i'm scared that i'll have to let go of these sweats and you'll flash me." his face scrunches up in disgust as if he's truly terrified.

"shut up." i playfully smack his arm. "go home." i say before pushing his hand away and grabbing onto his sweats myself.

"goodnight, princess." he announces before leaving my property and heading over to the next door house he lives in. he watches me go in before he does so himself.

the next day comes and i have an early shift at the bookstore on a sunday morning. i'm behind the desk as an old man approaches me. i've been seeing him for the past few weeks and he stares at the same section all the time.

i'm a bit concerned, so i call him over at my desk, "do you need any help, sir?" i watch him turn his head over at me before he makes his way to approach in front of me.

"hi, sorry to bug. i'll leave." he quietly says as if he's embarrassed. however, i didn't want to make him feel embarrassed. i'm just genuinely curious as to why he comes everyday for the past few weeks. he always looks down as he's in the romance aisle.

"is everything okay? i don't mean to kick you out." i ask him. "i'm sorry. you can go back if you want. i just wanted to check in to see if everything was alright or perhaps you needed any help." i offer. i keep rambling, but it's because i don't want him to misunderstand anything.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now