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" he loves my heart shaped
sunglasses "

LANA DEL REY : every man gets his wish

SUNWOO watched as i placed a pair of heart shaped sunglasses on through the small mirrors. we ended up coming to different stores to check out to have "quality time" as he explained it as.

"how about these?" i turn to face him as i sassily raise them up from my eyes. "would these impress juyeon?" i jokingly ask— already expecting his sarcastic response that goes along with my silliness.

"definitely would impress six year old juyeon, that's for sure." he gives me both thumbs up as support with his fake smile. all i can do is roll my eyes with a smile on my face based on the reaction.

"i'm hopeless," i sigh to myself after i put back the sunglasses. "i swear, next week i'm going to be depressed because watch him start dating suzy."

sunwoo face palms himself, "stop stressing over juyeon and suzy, just focus and don't give up on him so easily." he advices and starts walking away to leave the store.

we both successfully leave the place in general and make our way to his car. as always, he opens the passenger door for me before going over to enter himself in the drivers side.

"where to next, clingy boy?" i buckle up the safety belt on myself as i ask. i look up at him and see him staring at me with a face that expresses how unbelievable i am for giving him such a nickname. "what?" i stare at him blankly.

"clingy boy? really? clingy? you're one to talk, princess." he sounds so offensive, it only makes me laugh rather than reply with words.

"you're the one who wanted quality time." i continue to joke around. "no need to pretend you don't like hanging out with me." i give an innocent shrug.

"okay, juyeon obsessor."

"and what?"

the corner of sunwoo's lips curls upwards as he lets out a laugh. he starts driving out of the parking lot and takes us back home.

the moment i get off sunwoo's car, i see a figure standing in my front porch as it seems like they've been waiting.

"is that eunchae?" questions sunwoo. my eyes squint to get a better glance and i realize it is my best friend standing there.

"what's she doing here?" i mutter underneath my breath, which sunwoo doesn't get to hear. the two of us start walking our separate ways to our houses and meanwhile we do so, eunchae's eyes are following sunwoo's figure.

when i make it towards her, i'm expected to hear her question, asking, "you were with sunwoo?" her eyes are widened. she's more shocked than ever because she knows how bad sunwoo and i get along.

"yeah. we just drove somewhere for a little while." i try to keep my response short and simple, so i wouldn't get any further questions from her.

except i do. "you and sunwoo? when? where? how did that happen? i thought you didn't like him—"

"it's not a big deal, eunchae." i nervously chuckle because i can't reveal my plan to her ever. she'll think i'm crazy for going this far by involving sunwoo to get juyeon.

"wait," she pauses and squints her eyes in suspicion, "did you lie to me?"

"what do you mean?"

"wednesday. when you said your parents wanted you home. did you actually just have plans with sunwoo?"

"what? no!" i exclaim immediately. that's a half lie. i was with sunwoo, but i was mainly trying to be with juyeon. even though at the end of the day, that day led me to sunwoo taking me to the hospital.

she still does not buy it and i'm afraid she'll go beyond by even asking my parents if  that wednesday was true. so, i give up and give in, but i still find myself lying.

"yes, i was with sunwoo that day." i look down to not make eye contact as guilt flushes through me. "him and i have weirdly been finding ourselves talking more." a sigh escapes my lips.

"is there something going on between you two?" she grabs a hold of my shoulders to stare into my eyes. "i won't say anything, i swear! it's just a little exciting seeing you crush talk about another guy instead of juyeon."

if only it was that easy. even if i was talking about another guy besides juyeon in that way, it would one hundred percent not be kim sunwoo.

"there's nothing going on. or at least not in that way you think." strictly, i state. "there's barely a friendship even going on."

she shrugs innocently, "i don't know." she drags her sentence as she stares up at the ceiling. "i think there could definitely be something." she still pushes it. "i smell prom with sunwoo."

i gasp and playfully hit her shoulder lightly, "never would that be an option!"

"oh, how bad could it be to have a romantic night with kim sunwoo?" she smirks widely as she moves her shoulder in a teasing manner.

"everything is so bad about that idea." i gag at the image of slow dancing with sunwoo. "if it was juyeon though," i start taping on my chin with an innocent shrug.

"and we're back to square one." she drags a sigh. "i'm so worried for the day he prom-poses to suzy in front of the whole school and you're there to witness it."

"you're evil!" i squint at her. "did he mention that or something? if he did, i'll make sure i'm not there at school to see it happen."

"not sure, but lately suzy has been talking about it in class. she keeps worrying that she'll be wearing the wrong outfit when— or if it even happens." explains eunchae about what she overheard going on.

"i hate that she's so confident that he will ask her to be his prom date." i scoff. "he could have options, you know? not everything is about her."

"we don't know their business." eunchae says with raised eyebrows. "but, you and sunwoo? i know the business to it and i'm just going to say that i one hundred percent see it!"

"don't even say that negativity in my house again." i jokingly threaten with a raised index finger that ends up making her cackle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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