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" gimme a feeling, slowly in a deja vu "

ADOY : wonder

— I couldn't believe what i was hearing on the other side of my phone. "what?!" i exclaimed repeatedly as sunwoo kept having to explain it over and over for me to understand.

"he's apparently talking to park suzy."

it was six thirty pm. the party was going to start exactly in an hour. my breathing felt like it stopped. i swear, i felt like someone was choking me and i couldn't speak out anything.

"how? when? why?" everything slipped out at once from my curiosity. he was back and he was already talking to someone? i mean— should've been me, but park suzy? out of all girls, he had to go with her. of course since she stands out all the time, but i'm here! i've always been here.

"maybe because she's pretty?" i heard sunwoo respond, sounding unsure of his answer, but it's the obvious. men always go for the pretty girls in dresses.

"of course." i sighed heavily as i tried not to let it get to me too much. just because they're talking, it doesn't mean there's anything official yet. right?

"you still plan on going, princess?" asks sunwoo over the line.

"well, duh. i can't let my man be stolen from me so easily." i defensively reply fast and i could hear his soft chuckles over the phone. "he just came back and he's already talking to people. does he not realize i'm waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend?" my sassy self complains.

"stage one, denial." the harsh statement was said by sunwoo. before i could say something to defend myself, he adds on. "we'll leave soon, so start showering. i could smell you from here." he dramatically sniffs around himself— as i picture since i could hear the aggressive sensing come through his nostrils.

i scoff at him, "whatever. i'm hanging up now." i announce anyway and we both say our goodbyes.

i'm about to reach to the front door handle when suddenly, i hear my dads voice ask, "where you heading off to?"

i turn and fake an awkward chuckle, "out with sunwoo." i quickly say. i see the raised eyebrows on his face, looking like he's seemingly surprised— which he probably is since he knows how much i despise our next door neighbor.

"kim sunwoo, hm? i didn't expect to hear that." he crosses his arms over his chest with a small smile forming. his eyebrows start wiggling out of no where which makes my eyes widen at what he's thinking.

"it's nothing like that!" i quickly inform him, so he won't get the wrong idea. "he's just inviting me to a party."

"a party?! okay, that's a big no." he shakes his head rapidly. "you're still underage. do you know what happens at parties? you get drunk and suddenly-"

"dad, i'll be fine!" i reassure him. "i'll be back before midnight, i promise. if i come home drunk or something, you can forbid me from going out ever again." i challenge with confidence.

"just please be careful." says my dad with a small frown.

i give him a quick nod and from the corner of my eye, i can see sunwoo exiting his house through one of the living room windows in my home. i stare back at my dad, "he's coming. i'm leaving now." i give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"bye, minsi. call me if anything." he tells me as i back away, heading towards the front door.

"i will." i respond back. i open the front door with my eyes still on my dad as i'm waving him goodbye. i step outside and close the front door and suddenly, my back meets against someone's figure.

i turn around after accidentally bumping into sunwoo. "my bad." i quickly say as i am now facing him up shyly. it's pretty awkward when your back bumps into someone's front side of their body.

he stares down at me with a small smile to reassure me it's fine. however, he asks me, "i don't have to step in to get permission to kidnap you for a few hours?" he points at the door, referring to asking for permission to take me out from my dad.

"of course not." i chuckle as i shake my head to share my answer. i start walking down the steps as he follows behind me.

"are you ashamed of me, princess?" he questions dramatically with a gasp. "your father loves me." the confidence in his voice cracks me up.

"continue to think that." i say jokingly when we reach his parked car. he spares me a glare after my statement and opens the passenger door for me before he goes over to enter inside the drivers side.

"i actually would've expected for him to start questioning me or more of a proper permission given to take you to this dumb party." shares out sunwoo when he starts reversing and making his way out of the parking spot.

"it's not like we're going on a date. there's no need to worry about it." i reassure with small laughs escaping my lips. he's overthinking it for no reason.

"that's true," he nods slowly before continuing, "have you ever gone on a date?" he turns his head to glance at me for a second before giving his attention back on the road in front of us.



"then, why'd u ask?" i question as i shoot him a glare. of course sunwoo would know. he's somehow always up in my business and teases me for never experiencing anything romantic at all in my life, when literally that's all i want.

"as if you're any different than me when you've had zero relationships as well." i add on when i think about it further on.

"i choose not to date those who have asked me out, princess." his voice is smooth when he answers and i can tell he's telling the truth. i also know he's telling the truth because to others, sunwoo is considered very likable. to me, though? i could never see him like that when he's been torturing me since the day i met him.

"whatever. everything will change for me tonight when juyeon starts noticing me." i turn on my phone's camera and start glancing myself through the screen to make sure my makeup hasn't smudged or anything.

"not when you still didn't decide to wear a dress tonight, mins." he comments with his eyes glued ahead, not even staring over at me.

i squint my eyes at how annoying he is, "it's not like this is what makes me lil minsi, okay? i'll prove you wrong when we get there." i flash a confident grin.

he stops at a red light and takes the opportunity to look at me, "confidence is key, i guess." he shares it out as an insult.

"can you shut up?" i say with the tone in my voice that i'm clearly annoyed with his teasing. i swear, it's like he doesn't have a life without having to make fun of me for not even a second. i breathe and you could already see a teasing smile on his face.

"only because you asked this time, princess." he shoots me a wink before driving when the light turns green.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now