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" ooh, but this is all that i am,
i only show you the best of me "

KESHI : limbo

— I hung back the dress that i had just grabbed in my arms. with a hopeless sigh, i turned back to face sunwoo who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"i just can't," i breathed out. "wearing a dress is just not me."

"it never hurts to try them on." the words came out of sunwoo's mouth which surprised him too. i noticed the short pause and silence that happened before he added, "point is, that's a pretty dress. i'm sure it'll impress juyeon."

"you're only saying it because it's pink." an eye roll escaped in my face expression given to him. i know it was my idea to come here, but i'm hesitant. i wasn't one hundred percent sure before and it's killing me now. if i wear a dress, it changes everything about me and i hate change.

nonetheless, sunwoo had answered, "yeah, and i said pink would look good on you the most." without me replying back, he grabbed the same dress that i had in my arms not too long ago. "now, go try it on." he stuffs it in front of me to grab.

i groan in annoyance as i start walking towards the dressing room. "i'm trying it on, but it doesn't mean i'm getting it!" i yell when i'm inside and he's patiently waiting outside.

"have fun, princess!" i hear his voice call out in response. i can't help, but softly chuckle to myself. i couldn't believe i was taking sunwoo's advice.

i slipped on the dress when i removed what i had been wearing and i stared in the mirror. i studied how pretty it actually was and how it fit me. after a short while of admiring it, i took it off and left the dressing room i was in.

i didn't see sunwoo standing there anymore, so i reached out my phone to call him. when he answered, i immediately asked where he was at. his short response said that he was already making line for us.

when i hung up, i practically ran where he must be at with the dress i decided to get after all. as i approached him, i was staring shyly down at the dress, "this is the only one i'm getting."

"uh, no it's not." a scoff followed with his statement. it made me look up and that's when i seen more dresses as the lady started scanning them. "put the one you picked out on there." since i kept staring at what he had gotten for me, he practically just got the dress himself out of my hands.

"sunwoo, we are not getting these—"

"i'm paying for it, you're not." he cuts me off immediately and i stare at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"these are some pretty dresses, girl. you're lucky to have a boyfriend to buy some for you." the young lady winks at me after speaking out to me.

"yeah, you're lucky." follows on sunwoo with the same wink.

i stare at him with a confused face expression and after everything is put away in a bag, we walk out of the store and officially out of the mall. we walk in the parking lot, trying to find his car.

"that was unnecessary." i say, staring down at the plastic bag he's holding.

"no it wasn't." his response is stern as he keeps his eyes forward. "they're nice dresses mins, and you're going to wear them to get juyeon, okay? besides from inviting you to things that he's in and talking good about you, i'm also helping you, so he won't stare at others."

i can't think of a response anymore. so, i stay quiet and wait until we reach his car. he goes over to the passenger side with me and opens the door for me as always before going to the drivers seat to get in himself. he simply throws the bag behind us, so it falls down behind his chair.

"thank you." i finally say with my eyes staring out of the window.

when sunwoo dropped me off home, i immediately ran up to my bedroom and scanned through the plastic bag. i saw the many dresses he picked out which were mixes of colors and designs. my eyes landed on a specific black one that i figured might be comfortable to wear to the game on wednesday even though sunwoo said i didn't have to. mind as well start getting used to these dresses.

a knock was heard coming from my bedroom door. i stuff the dresses back in the bags and throw them inside my closet. in a rush, i open my bedroom door and meet face to face with eunchae.

she smiles brightly as always, "girl! i feel like i haven't seen you a long while, so i decided to visit you." after stating so, she hugs me tightly like she hasn't seen me in years.

i chuckle lightly, "you're exaggerating. i'm seeing you tomorrow." i hug back anyway and seconds later, we pull apart.

we walk over to my bed after i let her inside my bedroom, "so what'd you do today?" eunchae curiously asks me, staring deeply into my eyes with excitement.

"nothing much. just a usual sunday." i lie. i don't feel like bringing up the fact that i hung out with sunwoo because i'll just receive the same shocked reaction that i got from my dad and just like everyone else would react. i know i'd be surprised if my six year old self told future me that i'm suddenly hanging out with kim sunwoo.

"boring." pouts eunchae with a thumbs down. "we should start shopping for prom dresses, by the way. prom is around the corner— and don't even say that you're not going because of having to wear a dress and not having a date to go with because that's why you have me!" her index finger is raised up in midair to follow up with her reasoning.

my head drops for a second before meeting her eyes again, "you know me so well." i pinch her cheek lightly before adding, "but, don't worry! i'll be going."

"even if it's not with your prince juyeon?" her eyes repeatedly blink in a teasing manner before suddenly laughing. "i'm joking!"

"shut up!" i try not to laugh with her as i roll my eyes. "i would want to go with him, but apparently he's talking to park suzy already and i feel like i have no chance with him."

"it's time to move on, girl. stop being stuck on him. plus, going with me would be so much better." she flips her hair for the dramatic effect. "and you won't have any regrets later on in life incase you actually do go with a man. a friendship is more guaranteed to last longer than a relationship." a simple shrug ends her statement.

"yeah, you're right." i nod after my words. "but—"

"okay, if juyeon asks you, then i'll try my hardest to accept that." groans eunchae, staring up at my ceiling as if she's done with me and my delusions.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now