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" show me how you care,
tell me how you loved before "

MEN I TRUST : show me how

JUYEON waited for me to shoot the ball into the hoop, but before i could do so, my face was met in contact with another ball. it knocked me down to the floor and i could feel something dripping down my nose.

"you idiots!" i hear sunwoo's voice yell out.

i'm staring at the floor with my hand covering over my nose as i'm trying to avoid everyone's stares, specifically juyeon's. i don't want him to see my like this when he was just complimenting me a few minutes ago.

"are you okay?" the same voice is much closer and i realize sunwoo squat down beside me. he grabs a hold of my shoulder to take a better glance, "shit, you're bleeding, mins." he winces at the sight of the dripping blood.

"i'm fine." i say anyway. i really hate attention being drawn on me when i'm hit with something. "was it you again?" i jokingly question. i'm just trying to enlighten the mood.

however, sunwoo doesn't allow it to happen as he tells me with his concern voice remaining, "no, of course not. it was woonhak and yechan. i swear those idiots don't know how to aim." a sigh escapes his lips.

my eyes widen at what he does next. he takes off his shirt and hands it to me. "uh," i gulp as i point at it, "what's this for?"

"your nose." he states like it was already obvious. "we don't have napkins."

i stare up at juyeon now who is just staring down at me. he hasn't said anything since i fell down. he's just been carefully watching sunwoo and i. i'm scared he might get the wrong idea here.

"i'm not taking your shirt!" i say quite loudly when i meet sunwoo's gaze again. i'm sure he notices that i'm saying this because juyeon's next to us, but he doesn't seem to care as he opens up the palm of my hands and places it on there, so i could get a grip of it.

"use it. meanwhile, i'll call your parents to let them know i'm taking you to the hospital that is around the corner." he informs me. "so, give me their number."

"you're doing too much, don't you think?" i furrow my eyebrows as i actually use his t-shirt to dry up my painful nose meanwhile.

"you should listen to him." i hear juyeon speak out. i glance up at him again and there's no way i could reject his words. if he says i should, then i should.

"okay, here," i sigh in defeat and hand sunwoo my phone after unlocking it and opening the contacts to search for my dad's number.

"thank you." he smiles after he starts to call them from my phone. he steps away into a corner as he speaks to my dad about the situation.

juyeon squats down beside me and asks me, "are you okay? that happened so out of no where." a chuckle escapes his lips. i can't even fake a chuckle if i wanted to. my whole face hurts.

"yeah." i nod. "does it look bad?"

"a little. you kind of remind me of mr. potato head." he jokes around. i'm kind of wishing he was a bit more serious and more concerned like sunwoo actually is right now. though, i'm getting the quite opposite of it at the moment.

"i just hope they didn't break my nose." i say as i continue to let my nose bleed onto sunwoo's shirt. it's so embarrassing how much i've been wasting sunwoo's clothes after an incident happens to me. i'm entirely grateful, but it shouldn't be like this.

before any further conversation between us two can continue, sunwoo approaches us again after hanging up on my dad.

"he'll meet us there, so he told me to take you right now." he informs me immediately. he bends down slightly to get a hold of me. i don't bother to make a fuss over this as my dad expects sunwoo to take me now.

"i'll see you guys another time." i say my goodbyes to the other guys. they respond with their goodbyes along with giving me waves and a pitying look that i tried not taking in because i hate the feeling of pity or embarrassment.

"wait— take this!" yells out juyeon as he slips off his jacket and throws it at sunwoo. "wear it since you're shirtless. we don't want you getting sick on us."

sunwoo nods and wears the jacket. juyeon's jacket. not even me and i'm the one trying to get at him. they watched us leave the gym and now it was just sunwoo and i walking out of the school building, down the sidewalk as we were slowly approaching the hospital that was nearby.

"how do you get this lucky to wear juyeon's jacket?" i question with a jealous eye roll. i still have the grip holding onto his shirt that had all my blood over it.

"because you took my shirt?" he raises an eyebrow at me as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. it probably was, but i didn't ask it to sound dumb. i asked because it was a shame for myself to be holding onto something that belonged to sunwoo's instead of jueyon's.

"i didn't take your shirt. you gave it to me." nonetheless, i correct him. i stare up at him with an annoyed face expression before i wipe it off, "but thanks." i say after i clear my throat.

"any time." he smiles genuinely. he stares up at the night sky, meanwhile my eyes are on the concrete we're walking on. "it seems like he's making moves now."

that makes me look back up at sunwoo. his eyes are still on the stars above us. "you think so?" i question with my eyes lit up at the idea of me grabbing juyeon's attention.

"i think him seeing you come in a dress today helped." he nods after his words. "looks like you're making progress." his eyes land on mine.

"i'm really wishing i was in jeans, actually. it's kind of cold." a sigh escapes my lips as i stare down at the floor.

"it's a shame he doesn't dig your style, mins." says sunwoo in a low tone of voice. "let's hope he can realize how awesome you truly are and doesn't just get attached to minsi in a dress."

awesome i truly am. i sure hope juyeon can see that. it'd be a waste if he sees me as lil minsi forever. my eyes are still on the ground, but i can see sunwoo nervously tapping the side of his legs with his fingers. he seems a bit tense as he just complimented me just now.

we make it the hospital anyway and quickly, they do me a check-up. i'm relieved as soon as they inform me that my nose is not broken and just a bit swollen. they also said it'd stay a bit bruised for two more days as the hit was rough, but to not stress over it.

my dad makes it the hospital and thanks sunwoo for being able to accompany me here. to my surprise, sunwoo had even waited throughout my check-up was in the process, as i had assumed he'd leave right after they assisted me.

"have a goodnight, mr. ji." sunwoo says formally, before turning over at me with my ice pack covering my nose. "goodnight, mins." he smiles teasingly and i can tell he's making fun of my bruised nose in the inside.

i squint at him and say goodnight anyway and watch as he leaves the hospital. not long after, my dad and i leave the hospital building ourselves.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now