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" you're driving me crazy,
but i like you "

BOY NEXT DOOR : but i like you

— MY mouth dropped when i stood behind my car. i was about to open the trunk when i see a stupid little sign taped behind my back window. it read, an alcoholic on board!

did kim sunwoo want to die? he sure gave me the signs that he did. i immediately ripped off the tape and threw it away in the nearest trash bin i saw in the parking lot. i didn't even open the trunk anymore as i was pissed off. so, i stuffed the project my teacher had given me back in return after grading it in the backseat of my car. i was in no mood to do anything anymore.

i started driving off and when i got to my street, i saw kim sunwoo's car coming from the opposite side. i made sure to press on the pedal to make it to the parking spot before he could. again— that failed because he beat me to it.

i groaned out of frustration and drove forwardly more down until i found parking at the end of the street. i sped walk down the sidewalk and when i reached closer to my house, i can see sunwoo leaning against his car with his arms crossed over his chest.

"hey there princess," he greeted so casually. i hated when he called me that. he did it to mess with me whenever i was already in a bad mood and wanted to make it ten times worse. he started calling me princess the first day we met because i was obsessed with being the princess in every game i played.

ever since then, i could swear i stopped wanting to be one.

"do you always wake up and decide to make my life harder each day?" my eyes squinted up at him in annoyance as i stopped in front of him.

his stupid grin appeared on his face, "how'd you know? can you read minds, minsi?" his head dropped to my face level. his ridiculously big eyes popped out more if possible as he waited for me to reply.

"i don't read stupid minds likes yours. it's just the obvious that you can't even notice it because your brain works like— never percent of the time." i shared a fake smile that showed how annoyed i was.

"oh come on princess," he rolled his eyes and stood up straight without leaning his back against his car anymore. "it's okay to be nice sometimes."

"you know what would be nice?" i started off and when he simply nodded, i continued on. "if you were the one to park down the street instead of me."

"you know, i would actually, but seeing you walk all the way here is sorta becoming my new favorite view." he shrugged innocently and twirled his keys around his index finger before walking off to his property. "see you, princess."

i scoffed at how childish he can be. before he could get away, i called out his name right when he stood in front of his door which made him turn around to stare at me again.

"your stupid sticker on my car was not funny at all, sunwoo." i stated in a serious tone of voice. "i don't even drink, dickhead."

"that's something an addict would say." another innocent shrug was given by him and it made me roll my eyes at the immaturity. "you should've been behind bars right now, princess. how did my plan fail?"

"you're so annoying!" i screamed out and was about to chase him, but he immediately unlocked his front door and closed it in front of my face.

"get off my property, minsi before you actually do end up behind a cell." he warned with a raised voice from the inside of his house. "i'm giving you to the count of three."

"you're counting your seconds to live, right?" i asked with sarcasm. the only response i got was his laugh on the other side. he mumbled something, but i couldn't hear it due to the door that was in between us. so, i gave up and walked off to my house which was sadly next to his.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now