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" when the darts just miss, i just can't resist it
cause i'm a fool for you and the things you do "

ZAYN : fool for you

RUNNING away from sunwoo is one of the hardest things ever. i swear, i can't escape him. all day at school he's been teasing me and now he's followed me up to my front porch.

it's been two days since the incident with my nose happened and he won't stop asking the same question, "how's your nose, mr potato head?"

yeah, my dumbass had even told him that juyeon called me that the day i got hit.

"can you shut up already?" i questioned furiously when i turned around to finally face him. we were in front of my door and i wanted more than anything to open it and shut it right in his face.

sunwoo snorted when he saw me. "the doctors definitely lied to you. it's been two days already."

"exactly, it's been two days! maybe by tomorrow, it won't be there anymore. have you ever thought about that?" my eyes widen when i continue to lash out on him.

he raises both his hands in defense, "just saying because juyeon is asking to see you tomorrow."

my breath hitches, "what? you're joking!" i almost jump up from the mix excitement i feel. a part of me isn't that excited because unfortunately, i do still have the bruised up nose.

"yes! he brought up your name in this one and it's basically for us to come over to his place." informs sunwoo with his eyes staring up at the sky as if he's bored of the topic he's mentioning.

"i have to make sure mr potato head is gone tomorrow." i mumble underneath my breath as my gaze is on the floor.

what brings me back to reality is sunwoo's soft laughs. "i'm so praying it stays bruised up forever." he grins while he says so.

i stare at him with squinted eyes as i slap his shoulder lightly, "stop being a dick." i commented with a scoff releasing from my lips. eventually, i cross my hands over my chest, "now get out of here."


"what?" i furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "my parents are here, so you can't come in even if i were to let you."

"you're lying."

"am not." i continue to lie.

"neither of your parents cars are parked in the driveway or down the street," he points out and trails off, "so, let me in."

"you're crazy." i comment. "i'm not letting you come in. i'd have to be absolutely out of my mind to let kim sunwoo enter my house." my eyes widen to exclaim my words better.

"oh come on princess," he whines before continuing, "we could talk about juyeon all you want and i'll continue to help you even more. i know all about him that you don't even know the half of." i see the way he bites his under lip as he offers.

gosh, he just offered my weakness. lee juyeon. i was so down bad that i even agreed in letting sunwoo come inside my home.

as i shut the door, i turn my body to face him. "so, what's the new information i need to know about?" my impatient self raises both my eyebrows.

"oh nothing, i just said that so you could let me in." he laughs so annoyingly.

my mouth slightly drops, "you're fucking joking." i deadpan him a look. i go over and start smacking his shoulders again for lying to me.

"ow, ow!" he complains as i'm doing so. "haven't you heard of keeping your hands to yourself, princess?!" he exclaims as he runs away.

"haven't you heard of not lying to people?!" i question back loudly as he runs up to my room. he knows where it's at since he's been over at my house at a young age. "you better not lock yourself in-"

before i could finish, i hear him close my bedroom door shut and lock it.

"your room is very nice, mins!" i could hear his annoying voice through the door.

i know he's lying because i didn't even fix my bed this morning before leaving. "you touch anything and you're so dead!"

"mins, you have such a perfect view of me through this window." he gasps. "do you spy on me sometimes?"

"sorry to get your hopes up, but i only have eyes for one person." my sarcastic light voice was being used to reply to him just now. "now, open my door!"

i hear his footsteps come closer and he eventually unlocks the door to open it. my face expression says it all— i'm annoyed of him, like always. i can't bare to see his face any longer. 

"i'd be so dead if looks could kill right now." he says very quietly as if speaking loud could trigger any part of me and attack him straight up.

"what are you even doing here again?" i roll my eyes and try to seem unbothered. i go over and flatly lay myself on my bed. i'm exhausted from school and i'm exhausted of just him. he never leaves me alone for just a day.

"i don't know, i guess i'm just bored." he replies. "it's a friday, mins! shouldn't we do something?" a loud groan can be heard coming from him.

"we?" i turn my body around on the bed to look up at him. "why would we do something together?"

"because when you're working together, it's best to start getting used to one another. right?" he raises an eyebrow as he awaits for me to answer.

"oh, i'm very used to you, sunwoo. we don't need any further interactions, please." i fake a chuckle when i reject the offer. "now go home before i call your mom to drag you away from here." i threaten.

"nice try," he walks up to me and grabs a hold of my wrist before dragging me out of bed, "but we're doing something."

i groan in frustration as i roll my eyes, "you're too much to deal with."

"you should've thought that well before you came to me for help." he smirks. he begins to drag me downstairs and next thing i know, i find myself in the passenger seat of his car.

"where are we heading off to?" i sigh very loud to give him the hint i'm not up for whatever he's going to make us do.

"it's a surprise." a shrug innocent follows with his statement when he responds to my question. it makes me more eager to find out where we are heading off to, but he won't share any new details about it as he continues to drive off.

THE LYRICS IN A LOVE SONG | kim sunwoo. Where stories live. Discover now