Chapter 11

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE NO CROPS LEFT?!" yelled the ape king, these past few days are a disaster, the cold season will not arrive in a few days but all plants they plant are gone, as if someone did this.

Ape king doesn't care but the god's messenger is in his city so he needs to act like a good one to not get her on her bad side. He saw how she will kill someone in just one move.

He then remembers Bai, the annoying person who keeps getting on his way, he only lets her stay with her one male, Parker in his city because of her high fertility.

He then went to his room and when he opens his door he sees his beautiful female, white pale skin, light blue hair with finest clothes and accessories.

"My Qin," the female ignore him, she stared at the city with eyes full of disgust and frustration, "where are the emeralds?" she asked, not caring how is he today or what happen during his work as a king.

"I haven't catch any emeralds but-"

"Then what the fuck I'm I doing here?! Be thankful I accept you yet you can't even get me an emerald even just once!" she burst out at him and the ape king was hurt by her words but that didn't stop him.

"I can give you anything you want just give me patients my dear, until I take over all clans and cities I will give you all emeralds, I just need your help," he said and then asked for a favor, he explains what she will do in order for the ape king to take the cities.

"As long I did that I can do ally have emeralds? Fine, be sure this is useful or else I'm leaving."

Back to Drusilla, she is now back to her normal routine and is now smoking the meat and other delicious food to sell for males and females to try, she first let her males to try the new foods she made and they love it.

They asked her how to make them so they can make foods she wants with no struggle, after few step they already know how to do it and Drusilla told them if they can make a large portions of food to sell them, especially hot soups for cold weather.

Winston and Shuu made pulling cart for the jars filled with hot delicious food they even before they arrive at their spot in the city, many beastmen smelled their foods.

They immediately went to work and many females start piling up on their market stall, "Fish soup cost 5 shards, mushroom soup for 3 shards, porridge for 5 shards, and noodles for 4 shards," they all believe that her food will be always delicious that each female had to buy each food.

Bai was also their with Parker, (wow so determine of the one male mindset), and seeing Drusilla selling foods from earth makes her hungry, she misses foods from earth wishes to buy one.

Drusilla felt two pairs of eyes staring at her intensely, she felt uncomfortable and decided to take a break and Jarvis let her lay down on his furs and put a thick blanket for her.

"Shall we go home so you can rest?" Jarvis asked and Drusilla shakes her head as a no, "I just need to take a break, I just miss laying down on furs, and Curtis..." she mumbled.

"You always went into his place just behind our house, you can see him again after we go home."

"Thank you Jarvis," she kissed him on his ears and lays down, now knowing the hawk make she was asking for was in front of her stall. She didn't see them as she was sound asleep but Muir and Diego saw her and is almost in daze because of her beauty, already thinking to give up the female that is asking for Muir not knowing Drusilla was the one who asked for him.

Winston somehow knows him and talks about the place to meet, "Muir right?" he mentioned and Muir was still processing what to say and then immediately nodded, "my female will be happy to see you since it's al.ost a week she is waiting for you."

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