Chapter 15

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Finally, they arrive at the peacock tribe, and the guards block the way and stop them, seeing a feral with them, especially a female they become worried.

"The feral is my male, don't even think of attacking him," they look hesitant but still let them enter, it alerts the peacock chief who immediately goes to them with male guards.

Seeing a feral getting loved by a female and not showing a threat is new to him, "Young female, did this feral-" Drusilla was not having it right as she was stressed from the trouble Bai gave already and now he is irritating her.

"No and no, we need a place to stay right now, no questions," she demanded they were shown around and they finally gave them a place to stay, "we wish for a female to be comfortable, how about a male candidates to satisfy you?"

"No," she sharply said and Muir immediately closed the door, Drusilla then took her daughters out at the huge basket they made filled with soundproof barriers.

Drusilla then remembers telling them her origin, "Guys, there's something I want to tell you..." seeing her face frown and voice hint with fear and anxiety Jarvis immediately went beside her.

"Both me and Harvey know already about your origin, we are here to help you okay?" they all look confused until she starts explaining where she came from, her cycle every month, and that females have an equal ratio, hearing these they need to become stronger to protect her, especially having three young females in their family.

"Don't worry Rusi, we are here to protect you," Shuu assured her until she explained she had powers, everything sounded surreal. They heard a pounding outside the door and a female voice was suddenly heard.

"Flying male come out right now!" seeing Muir and Diego are the only ones who are flying males, Drusilla decides to be the one to open the door, seeing a familiar chubby girl, it's Bella.

"Where's that flying male? I want him!"

"Are you trying to rob my male?" Drusilla asked squinting her eyes at Bella, who was fuming in anger, "Who do you think you are?! Be thankful you allowed to stay here with your feral!"

Before Bella stormed in, Drusilla pushed her out with too much force she lost her balance, Bella cried out of pain and immediately her males surrounded her and comforted her, except Alva, her suitor.

He is in a daze and his eyes are glued on Drusilla, "I'm so disappointed in this tribe, such ugly people and keep saying we will be comfortable here yet this happen?"

Many males heard it and felt a pang, never thought to meet a picky female in person, especially that close to them. Drusilla closed the door then thought coming to the peacock tribe was a bad idea.

"I change my mind, this is a bad idea coming here."

"It's not your fault, we can kill them if you want so no one can disturb you again or rob Muir and Diego," Shuu suggested and Curtis was even ready, hissing angrily.

"Guys, if that's okay for all of you, I want to mate with Muir and Diego, tonight."

"Yes that is also good and then- wait what?" Diego was confused while Muir started blushing like crazy, Drusila also blushed at the statement she just said and waited for her males reply.

Her males looked at each other and then towards the flying beastmen, they nodded and began arranging her room while the others started making their spots in the other bedroom, Drusilla felt her daughters' hunger and she first picked Asaya and Avora since Ydani was still sleeping.

She put a barrier around her that was soundproof and began breastfeeding them, they hungrily latched their mouth to her breast and started to drink all the milk.

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