After Tim's nervous breakdown, Ty had decided to call up his mother and with her help get him admitted to a rehab facility. He was not a fan at first but eventually was on board.
Throughout it all I hadn't left Ty's side even once. She'd keep it together in front of Tim and anybody else but would collapse the minute she made it home. It all broke my heart to see.
Eventually she reached a state of being okay, or at least okay enough to finally go to the studio where she would record her demo. I came with for support and this time didn't just stay in the car.
Sitting in the corner and watching on as she poured her heart out in the booth singing a new song she'd been working on was a sight, I'd even say moving. It was like the song somehow encapsulated everything she's been feeling and going through for this past year, especially recently.
A whistle came from DJ Slim's lips as they wrapped up the song. "Damn. This shit was beautiful." he said. "Hit me right in the feels."
A bright smile beamed on Ty's face, something that felt like a rare sight these last few weeks. "Thank you. Appreciate all your help."
"Don't thank me. Thank yourself. I strongly believe you'll make it, G. And when that happens, it'll be all you."
There was even a little bounce to her step as we headed back to the car. Once inside she released a deep breath and for a moment we just stayed like that, no movement or sound from either of us.
"You're brilliant." I finally said. "And DJ Skim Milk is right. In everything he said."
The eye contact prolonged for a while as she nodded with a smile. "Thank you for all your help and being there for me."
"Always." I smiled back.
I could tell something else was on her mind and somehow I had a pretty good idea what it could be as it'd been on my own mind for a minute now.
"I think we need to talk," I began. "And maybe right here right now isn't the best timing but I've been pushing it up for a while now already."
"I have something to tell you too." she replied. I shifted in my seat, turning my torso so I'd be facing her.
"Okay. You can go first." I offered.
She broke the eye contact for a brief moment. "I've realised that in my pursuit of personal growth and like focusing on me and shit, that you're also not an exception to that. I'm not ready." she said, confirming my thoughts.
"I'm actually in agreement." I nodded. Her face revealed a hint of surprise. "I think it's best for both of us if we go our separate ways. As much as I hate to say it, Axe was right in saying I got issues to work on and I need to stop making other people collateral damage in that."
She still hadn't turned her eyes to look back at me but was nodding. "Yeah." she said, her voice sounding strained.
Her thumb rose to wipe under her eye. "You're amazing and I already know you'll be a massive bright star. I could never dim that." I continued.
Something was now burning behind my own eyelids and I faced forward at the ground ahead, internally doing breathwork to calm myself. Suddenly her hand was on mine and I turned to see she was now looking at me again.
"And I will always believe in you." she said. A tear or two managed to fight their way through.
She reached over, wrapping her arms around my neck. I returned the embrace, pulling my own around her back.
There was a light knock on the door and I glanced over my shoulder to see Axe stood in the opening. "Look I know things aren't on the best of terms between us but I wanted to apologise for some stuff."
"Really?" I wondered, feeling my eyebrow raising.
She stepped into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Eventually I sat down beside her, interlocking my fingers together as I awaited her to speak.
"I don't regret some of the stuff I said because I believe your ass needed to hear that. But I am sorry for making you feel like you're not enough or that your falls somehow define you." she said, her tone baked in sincerity.
"I appreciate that." I replied. "And I'm sorry for, like you said, helicoptering over you. I promise I'll work on that."
Her face turned on me and mine followed suit, shifting on her. "Just because you get on my nerves sometimes don't mean it won't still be you and me against the world."
I playfully nudged her in the side. "Meanwhile you get on mine all the damn time." I replied to which she nudged me back. "So you and Ty are also taking a break huh?" I added after a brief silence.
From what I could understand it they were on good terms again but both of them agreed on a break. That way Ty could truly spread her wings and build a new life for herself, and so could Axelle.
She nodded. "But yall's thing wasn't a mere break tho," she corrected teasingly. I rolled my eyes. "But look, I'll say this for the second time. You don't actually have to move out yknow."
"I already signed the lease and everything tho. Plus I want to and I promise it's no longer about you." I assured her. "It stopped being about you halfway through apartment searching actually." I added.
"Alright." she nodded.
A wave of silence settled once more between us. Her head suddenly lowered down until it was resting on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of hers, internally grateful that we were okay.
Eventually I rose from the bed and went back to packing all my comics in their box. Once I was done I picked it up and turned to face her with a smile before heading down where I placed the box in the trunk with all my other stuff.
Once inside the car I dwelled in the driveway, unsure what I was waiting around for. I pulled out my phone and came across Ty's debut single on my timeline, a smile overtaking every muscle in my face. Finally I started the engine after finding my way to the audiobook of the Alchemist and pressed continue before heading off. For once in my life I was happy where I was headed.

Forever Never
Aktuelle LiteraturSometimes we need to be alone... Leroy and Tyana meet at his sister Axelle's party and hit it off. Despite their attempts of keeping each other at arm's length, they still get drawn to one another and therein begins their budding romance. But Tyana'...