6. ♡

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"Remember when I told you that me and your Dad are bisexual, Well, we weren't accepted by our parents; we faced a lot of mean comments, and we also got kicked out of our houses," Mom said as tears fell softly on her face. Jake's face darkened.

"Me and your dad went to an abandoned house to sleep at. Your dad told me to stay at the abandoned house because he was going to look for a job," Mom said.

"He started off small, working nonstop, then he came back to the abandoned home excited, telling me that he founded an expensive job, which is a lawyer," Mom said. Jake just carefully listened to his mom.

"So once he got that job, I started looking for a job to work at. I went part time, then got accepted to an expensive job, which is a doctor," Mom said.

"I worked and worked and worked." I then started feeling sick and found out I was pregnant, but I never stopped working until we had a nice house for you. " Mom, continue to speak.

"And we bought this house once we did. I broke down because I never thought we would make it, and I was scared you wouldn't have a home. Your dad held onto me tightly. I cried until I fell asleep" Mom said.

"We finally started to have smiles back on our faces and have fewer worries. You finally arrived, and we started giving you all the love, attention, and care until you got to the age of 15, and that's when we started to get extremely busy, and our worries came back: if we didn't get the work done by not being busy, we would fall back down to where we started," Mom said.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I had no idea," Jake said as he cried and hugged his mother. She hugged him back tightly, missing him in her arms, kissing him on the head.

"No, it's our fault; we should've figured out a plan to be parents," Mom said, wiping her tears. Jake shook his head. "No, you did everything you could; what matters is that you are here giving me the attention I missed," Jake said.

Mom and Jake heard the door unlocked, and Dad came in, seeing his wife and son hugging. "Did I miss something" Dad said, walking in and closing the door, confused. "Just get over here," Mom said, laughing and wiping her tears. Dad did a little run and joined in.

That day Jake told them everything about the child that they needed to know, and they already started making plans to get a lot for Si-woo. His mom and dad said they were going to quit their jobs and start a small business of a restaurant since his mom is good at cooking and also his dad.

Jake was happy that his parents were back in his life, and he was happy that Si-woo joined him.

Jungwon and Sunoo came over with a huge smile on their faces and snatched Si-woo out of my hands.

"Omg Jake, he is so cute," Sunoo said, smiling and laughing while holding him in his hands. Jake shakes his head. He knew when they made it over here. Si-woo wasn't going to last in his hands.

"I want to keep him in my pocket," Jungwon said, tickling him with one finger at his little belly.

Si-woo was smiling because there were two
smiling people in his face.

"How could someone be so cuter than me? This should be illegal," Sunoo said. Jake and Jungwon gave him a look of "Are you serious".

"It looks like we have to do a lot of shopping," Jungwon said. "I'm going to buy everything in the handbook," Sunoo said excitedly. "Alright, my turn," Jungwon said, taking Si-woo from Sunoo.

"I wasn't done holding him," Sunoo said with a pout, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. "Well, too bad because it's my turn." Jungwon said with a smile, hugging Si-woo. Jake laughs

As the days go by, he has become attached to Si-woo. "Say Papa," Jake said with a baby voice, trying to get Si-woo to speak. Si-woo just clapped his hands, then put two of his hands on Jake's cheeks, patting them.

Jake laughed and smiled as he couldn't get enough of Si-woo being cute. Jake has been caught up in Si-woo's personality; he is a quiet baby and bubbly with the people he is comfortable with.

"Si-woo, say papa," Jake said with a baby voice, trying to make Si-woo say it. "P-apa," Si-woo said cutely. Jake widened his eyes as his heart melted and yelled to his parents that Si-woo had said his first words.

His parents came running as his mom pushed her husband out of the way. Dad gasped. Mom came by my side and took Si-woo away from me.

"Si-woo, say grandma," Mom said, using her baby voice, holding him up to her face and mouthing the word. "No, say grandpa," Dad said. Jake laughed as they began bickering about what Si-woo should say.

Those days Jake has been going to the hospital to check on her, but there was a day she sadly passed, but she sent Jake some videos of her before she passed for Si-woo. But she told Jake Si-woo he should see them on his birthday.

Jake cried on that day when she passed; she was his close friend. But Jake promised himself that he would take care of Si-woo for all his life, giving him the love, care, and attention he needs and deserves.

Days and months came when it was Si-woo turning age after age. He showed Si-woo videos of his mom singing Happy Birthday to him, saying she loved him at every age he turns. All Si-woo did was smile and kiss the phone every time.

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