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It's been already a month after your marriage with Mikey and everything is going find. The love between you and Mikey is also gradually growing more. You are also handling your school and private life very smoothly. Baji sometimes come to visit you bringing Draken along with him.

Today Mikey's friends are comin to meet with you. Mikey told you about it a week ago but you can't help but feel nervous to meet them. Also remembering what Mikey told you.


"Y/n" Mikey shouted your name as you came running down from your room curious as to why he is shouting so loudly as soon as he reached home.
"Mikey don't shout so loudly you will disturb the neighbours" Emma scolded him as she smack his head. Mikey hissing from the saw you enter the living.
"Oh listen Y/n today I told my friend about you so they want to meet you next week." Mikey said as he skipped towards you and gave you a big hug.

"Your friends?" You said quite nervous to meet them and Mikey saying it out of the blue didn't help it.
"Yes don't worry Baji, Draken and Sanzu will also be coming so there's nothing to be nervous about." Mikey reassured you as you nodded.
"If Baji will also come than I won't feel too nervous anyway." You said as you sigh of relief.
"Baji was very excited when told them about my marriage as he only talked about how amazing you are. They were also very shocked to hear the news." Mikey said as he laugh remembering the shock faces of his friends.
"Ofcourse they will be if say it so suddenly." Emma said from the couch as you nodded with her.

"Anyways I told you about my new friend Hina right?" Emma continued as you shift you attention to her.
"Yeah what about her?" You said as you removed Mikey's hand from your waist and going towards Emma.
"Hina? Takemicchi's girlfriend?" Mikey ask.
"Yeah her. She said she wanted to meet my sister-in-law so I told her to come next week. She can come with Takemichi on the same day as your friends." Emma said to both you and Mikey as you sat beside her.
"I thik it wil be tiring next week." You said. "Anyways how many are coming I have to prepare them snacks. Emma help me oky'?" You asked them as Mikey started counting the numbers using his fingers as Emma side hugged you saying an excited 'sure'.

"Don't worry they won't do anything to you and if anything happens I will handle it." Mikey whispered in your head as he peck your forehead before drifting off to sleep. You just believed his words drifting off to sleep yourself preparing yourself for next week.


You came back to reality as you heard the front door open. You went there to greet them. As you reached the front door first you saw Mikey then Emma entering and behind them followed their friends. You stood there as they entered saying hello to you on their way to the living room.

You went behind them as you waited for them to settle down. Upon seeing you Baji rush to you as he gave a bone crushing hug with you tapping on his shoulders to release his grip.
"Baji leave Y/n alone you're going to break her bones." Draken said as Mikey released you from Baji's grip.
You turn towards Mikey's friends as you bowed introducing yourself.

"Hi everyone I'm Sano Y/n, nice to meet you all." You said with a soft smile on your face.
"Hey Y/n." Everyone greeted you back as they introduced themselves.
"Mitsuya Takashi, nice to meet you too."
"Matsuno Chifuyu"
"Shiba Hakkai"
"Hanagaki Takemichi" Takemichi said with his usual cute smile. 'So cute' you thought as you stopped the urge to go pinch his cheeks.
"Tachibana Hinata, but I prefer Hina." She said as she also gave you a soft smile. 'What's with them? They both are so cute.' you again thought.
"Kawata Nahoya but you can call me Smiley." Smiley said with his usual smile.
"Kawata Souya, call me Angry."
"Yasuhiro Muto, just call me Mucho." Mucho said with his usual deep tone.

You tried remembering their names as you just smile towards them. They start teasing Mikey saying how he got such a pretty wife and letting them meet now only.
"Enjoy yourselves I will bring the snacks." You said as you stood up from beside Mikey.
"I'll help you Y/n-san. You must not tired yourself." Sanzu said as he marched towards you telling you to sit back down but you being stubborn just told him to help you.

Toman members were kind of shocked from Sanzu's kind voice towards you wondering the same thing if he really was Sanzu.
"What's with Sanzu?" Draken asked lifting his one eyebrow up.
"Yeah he is kind of acting weird." Mitsuya joined him.
'I too am confuse.' Mucho thought to himself.
Mikey just shrugged his shoulders as he started explaining.
"Sanzu and Y/n are childhood friends and all I know is that since childhood Sanzu always treated Y/n kindly." Mikey said as he looked at his friends.
Everyone just nodding their heads thinking that anything was possible in this world.

Sanzu and you came back with the snacks as you placed it down on the table.
"WOW SNACKS. DID YOU MADE THEM Y/N?" Baji shouted as he already started eating the snacks with the rest following him.
"Baji-san calm down" Chifuyu said as he sighed.
"Yeah why are you shouting so loudly I thought my ear was goona blast off from it's place." Mitsuya said quite irritated with his behaviour as he munch on the snacks.
"Shup up both of you. I'm just excited to try my sweetheart's handmade snacks." Baji said with an irritated tone as he complimented you.
Everyone just looked at him as he was sweetly smiling at you and eating the snacks as if he didn't eat for months.

Mikey just giggled already aware of Baji's behaviour as he saw how your eyes shined when Baji complimented you happy that you were not nervous anymore.
"Get away Baji don't touch Y/n so casually and how many times do I have to tell don't call her with that nickname of yours." Mikey complained as he pouted towards you so that you can back him up.
"Huh? Ofcourse not I'll call her what I want she's my baby sister, right Y/n?" Baji said as he look you in eyes doing his puppy eyes so that you can't deny him. You just sigh as you patted their heads.
"Do as you wish and Mikey there's nothing wrong with Baji just patting my hair or hugging me." You said as Baji smiled in victory and Mikey turned towards Draken whining to him about how unfair it is that he was your husband and all that stuff. Draken just sigh as the others just laugh at the display.

You all spend the whole day together talking, laughing and playing games. You also became friends with all of them. They were funny and very energetic in your perspective. You enjoyed their company it was nice to have so many friends. You were tired but can't stop yourself from smiling as you enjoyed their company very much. Hanging around and after going for rides it was finally time for the toman members to go home. You were sad but also looking forward to meeting them once again.

"Bye Y/n-chan" they said together as they got ready to leave.
"It was very nice meeting you. Don't hesitate to ask for our help when you need it." Mitsuya said with his charming smile as smile back at him.
"Okay you all are also welcomed anytime here just give me a call and I'll prepare snacks for you all." You said excited for them to visit again as they just chuckled at your behaviour.
"Ofcourse" they answered.

"Y/n I'll come back later you can sleep no need to wait for me. There's will be a Toman meeting now and I don't know when it will be over." Mikey said sad to leave you but also the meeting was important. Understanding the situation you just nodded your head as you gave him a peck on his lips as goodbye. Mikey gave you his precious smile and went with his friends them saying their last goodbyes.

You had fun meeting them and they were all very handsome and cute too.
You became friends with Takemichi very quick as you found him very cute so you talked to him first. Chifuyu was calm and you two clicked together after he mentioned that he reads manga. Mitsuya was giving off the big brother vibes so you felt safe and calm around him. Hakkai was a problem at first because he didn't talk to you freezing up everything time you said something to him but eventually warmed up to you. The twins were very cute in your eyes their fluffy hair and how their name matched their expressions and not their behaviour (also you played with their hair for more than 1 hour). Others were chaotic (Pah-chin and Peh-yan) and Mucho was not that talketive.

All in all you had fun with them. Sanzu helped you a lot today and you also planned to hangout with Hina more. You went to your bedroom as you got ready for sleep. With a smile on your face you slept a peaceful sleep.

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