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Y/n was getting ready when she felt arms wrap around her bumb. Mikey nuzzles as he took in your scent.

"Take care okay? I have to go to Dad's company he said he had something important to discuss." Mikey murmers as he placed kisses on your naked shoulders.
"Dad? I hope it's nothing serious." Y/n releases Mikey's hold and went to the closet. Mikey sat on the bed watching you get dressed.

(A/n: the picture's not mine)

"Don't forget to put on a coat or sweater it's cold outside

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"Don't forget to put on a coat or sweater it's cold outside." Mikey reminds you and just as he finished talking the doorbell rings.

"It's Kei. I'll get going. Bye Manjirou, see you later." You were walking out when Mikey pulled you towards him.
"Where's my goodbye kiss?" He looked at you straight in your eyes and your heart skipped a beat as you sighed and kiss him, Mikey returning the kiss fast. Butterflies were dancing in your stomach and you swear no matter how many times you two have kissed the effect never fades. Separating from the kiss Mikey release you after giving a final peck on your lips and you walk downstairs.

When Baji sees you walking down, Mikey behind her. He walk to you and warp you in his arms.
"Are you taking care of yourself, sweetheart?" Baji asks as he release the hug.
"Yup. The others are helping and taking care of me too." Y/n replies as she put on her slippers.
"Baji. Don't dirve too fast and if you make Y/n cry then you know what will happen." Mikey threatens as he glare at Baji, Baji just scoffed at him.
"You two are always so serious and Manjirou Kei would never make me cry. I'll see you later." Y/n walked out with Baji her arms around his hand as he guide her out.

"I love you Manjirou. Bye~" Y/n turn her head back to look at Mikey waving her hand.
"Bye. I love you too, darling. Take care." Mikey waved back as he gave a smile at her and a warning glare towards Baji.

"Are you comfortable with riding a bike?" Baji look at you through the rear mirror to see you nodding your head.
"If you feel uncomfortable in any way just tell me and we can just walk there." Baji frowned as he turn to you.
"Yeah I'll tell you now keep your eyes forward and start the engine." Y/n grabbed on Baji's shirt tightly as he starts the engine and you two drove off. Your hair blowing from the wind as you lean your head on his back.

Y/n and Baji reached the arcade and played the games one by one. The first game they played was a racing game. In which Y/n lost. Next the shooting game where Y/n lost again.
"I keep on loosing. You are not cheating are you, Kei?" Y/n sighed frustrated as she pout and asks Baji. He just laughed out loud.
"You just suck at gaming, sweetheart. Even if I would have played with my eyes closed you would have lost." Baji teases her as he laughed. Y/n punched him in his stomach and walked away.
"You knew that I suck and that's the reason why you convinced me to play that games, right? Don't talk to me Kei."
"Okay...I'm sorry sweetheart. Don't walk off on your own. If you get lost Mikey will kill me." Baji follows behind you still laughing.

"You don't sound sorry at all Kei. I'm angry at you." Y/n pouted at him but Baji just thought it was cute and squished her cheeks.
"Soooo cute even when you're mad. I'm sorry I'll do whatever you say, my highness." Baji bows like a prince as Y/n look at him from the corner of her eyes. Resisting the urge to laugh out.
"Kei you look stupid stop your act. If you want me to not be mad at you win me a plushie from the crane." Y/n said as she pointed towards the crane machine. Baji saluted like a soldier, grabbing her hands he led them to the machine as Y/n chuckled happy.

"Which one do you want, sweetheart? I'll win it for you even if it's the last thing I do before dying." Baji put a coin as he crack his knuckles.
"Stop with your drama and I want the cat plushie. It reminds me of you." Y/n pointed at the plushie as Baji takes a look at it. The plushie was light blue with fangs and a ribbon on its neck.

Baji moves the crane towards the cat and pushed the bottom to grab it but it slipped. He tried once more but couldn't win so Y/n sighed at him.
"Let's go play another game. We're wasting our time here." Y/n placed her hand on his back but Baji ignored her and tried one last time.
"Last time. Then if I can't win it then we can go from here and I'll buy you something else." Baji concentrated on the crane and like a miracle he won the cat plushie.

"OMG Kei. You're amazing." Y/N's eyes sparkled as she took the plushie from him. Baji smirk proud from winning. Getting pumped Y/n also puts a coin and got ready.
"I'll also win something for you Kei." Baji chuckled and started cheering for her. She won him a bunny at her first try. Y/n continuously played as she won other plushies.
"It looks like Kazu." Y/n said holding up the tiger plushie. Baji nodded his head and put the plushies inside a bag.

"Are you hungry yet?" Baji asks as he lead you outside the arcade.
"Yes very hungry and the baby is too." Y/n placed her hands on bumb as Baji chuckled. "Then let's go to the restaurant."

You two reached the restaurant quite fast. Grabbing the seat that was available you two ordered your foods mostly by you. The orders arrived fast and you didn't waste time eating the first thing you saw.
"Oh god. I was starving." Y/n eats without stopping as Baji sweatdrops.
"Eat slowly, sweetheart. The foods are not going to run away." Baji said grabbing his own noodles and started eating it. After eating you two went to the mall to buy some things. Baji bought clothes for you and you bought for him.

After shopping the two went straight to home Baji dropping off Y/n at hers.
"Kei, eat dinner with us?" Y/n asks and Baji was about to agree when he remembered something.
"Sorry sweetheart. But mom told me to come home for dinner. I'll stop by next time." Baji cupped your face in his palms as he peck your forehead.
"It's fine. You must hurry back home then aunt must be waiting for you."  Y/n smiled at him as Baji restarted his bike engine.
"Yeah. Bye~ and goodnight. I love you." "I love you too Kei." Baji turn to you and smiles showing his sharp canine teeths as he drove off.

"I'm home." Y/n didn't received a response back so she directly went to her room. She opened the bedroom door to see Mikey sitting on the small couch by the window.
"Manjirou?" Mikey turns his head to see you. He stands up and walk towards you taking your hands in his he sat you down on the bed.
"Welcome back. How was your day with Baji?" Mikey asks as he look you in your eyes. You were honestly confused by his behaviour but nonetheless answered.
"It was so much fun. Kei even won me a plushie. See." Y/n's eyes shined as she showed the plushies she won and the one Baji gave her. Mikey's heart started hammering against his chest as he saw how excited you were over small plushies.

"Anyway. When did you came back from the company? And what did dad wanted to talk about so important?" Y/n look at Mikey confusion clearly written on her face.
"Dad told me to take over his company. He told me to train under him after finishing highschool that means next year." Mikey replied as his face turned serious.
"Really? What was your answer?" Mikey sighed as he lays down on the bed.
"I told him that I'll give him the answer tomorrow. I honestly don't know what to do. Your dad had already told me that before our wedding but I feel unsure if I should take over. Naturally it should go to you but...."
"I am not interested in business and you know that Manjirou. I'm learning nursing and I'll stick to it. Just say yes to dad. You've always wanted to start a business and it'll be a good start. I know you can handle it." Y/n turn her head to Mikey and smiled softly.

"Then I'll call dad tomorrow morning. For now let's sleep you must be tired." Just as Mikey said that you yawned and layed down on bed your head laying in Mikey's chest as he stroke your hair. You felt asleep right away. Mikey kissed your forehead and closed his eyes also falling asleep.

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