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Takemichi slowly walked towards the guy that was in the middle of the other ugly boys.
"Kiyomasa-kun. We never finished our fight, did we?" Takemichi exclaimed confusing Kiyomasa and everyone.
"Our one on one match in the fighting ring!!" Takemichi elaborated seeing the confuse stares as you look with interest 'Fighting ring? Oh...'
You remembered the day when Mikey told you how he met Takemichi and realised what he was talking about. Also coming to know that the big ugly guy's name was 'Kiyomasa'.

"The fuck're you takin' about, Bitch?! Everyone knows you lost." A guy from the back sneered at Takemichi.
"I didn't lose." Takemichi firmly stated but that seems to irritate Kiyomasa as you all could see his face twitch.
"Oh yeah?" Kiyomasa ask annoyed.

Suddenly Draken announced
"100,000,000 yen on Takemitchy." You just stared at him dumbfounded as he continued "It's dumb as hell, but I'm in." Catching on what Draken said Emma and Hina followed.
"Me too!! 100,000,000 on Takemichi-kun!!"-Hina
"Me three!! 100,000,000 on Takemitchy!!"-Emma
You stared at them as you sigh thinking 'yeah, it's dumb as hell, but cool at the same time.' smiling softly as you finished your thoughts.

"Hah! They're so desperate. They've totally lost their minds." Kiyomasa said smirking and his little gang laughing out.
"No, we have not." Draken's serious voice was heard as the group piped down from their laughing session.
"Takemitchy's got this!" Draken firmly states fully believing in Takemichi. You watch as Takemichi got ready for the fight, you just let him so that he could get his revenge.

"Yeah. Fight that big guy 'Kiyomasa' or whatever his name is and I'll take care of the rest." You announced as you smirk at them.
"Just focus on the opponent in front of you." You said sighing.

Takemichi gaining his courage back ran towards Kiyomasa his fist in air but his running halted as he screams with pain a knife pierced through his palm his other hand supporting the injured one. Kiyomasa has stabbed him.

"Damn! Thought that killed ya. Your reaction was better than I expected." Kiyomasa laughed as if he's watching a badass scene from an action movie. Hina calls Takemichi's name panic in her voice as she covered her mouth.

"Like hell I'm gonna fight fair. This is just an execution. I'm gonna kill you, Hanagaki."-Kiyomasa

'Who does he think he is? He's just an extra trying to act tough and all. If I get a chance than I'm gonna bash his teeth out of his mouth.' you sneered in your thoughts as you grinded your teeth trying calm yourself.

Takemichi removed the knife from his palms grunting in pain and tears in his eyes. After removing the knife the fist fight began more like Kiyomasa just beating up Takemichi. But Takemichi didn't back down he stood back again over and over as he face Kiyomasa determination and desperation in his eyes. Soon Kiyomasa started getting tired from beating up Takemichi. You watch as Takemichi pushed Kiyomasa backwards by his waist, Kiyomasa elbowing him to release the hold. But Takemichi was not over as he bit Kiyomasa on his side. You were trying to not laugh out as you covered your mouth. Takemichi went behind Kiyomasa as he lock Kiyomasa's neck in his arms.

"I don't care if I can't be like Mikey-kun!! Because I'm Hanagaki Takemichi!!" Takemichi firmly stated, Hina softly smiling at his words.

"Lemme go, damn it!!" Kiyomasa yelled trying to pry Takemichi's hands off his neck.

"You better not let go, Takemitchy!!" Draken yelled as you nodded along with him. Takemichi shouted tightening his hold on Kiyomasa's neck resulting in him passing out, Takemichi panted loudly releasing hin hold.

"I won...? My reveng was success..." Takemichi murmured not really believing that he beat his whole life trauma.
"No! Stay back, Hina." Takemichi screamed as he pushed Kiyomasa from him.

"Satisfied now?" "You suck, Kiyomasa." "Now you can die in peace!" Kiyomasa's underlings started mocking him.

"Hina. Take Emma-chan and Y/n-chan and run." Takemichi exclaimed.
"Takemichi-kun..." Hina hesitated worried for the boys.
"Leave this to the two of us. Now go!" Takemichi panted exhaustion clearly written on his face.

"Now, now don't ignore what I said earlier Take-chan. I told you that I would take care of the rest so just sit back and watch." You stated firmly as you motioned Hina to take Emma with her and run. Hina nodded her head as she and Emma ran away.

"Y/n-chan go with the others don't take risk. Mikey will go mad if you get injured." Draken tried consulting you and you just waved him off.
"Don't worry too much and take a rest. Don't want you to loss more blood." Y/n said as she started warming up.

"Come and get me, assholes!" You said smirking and looking down on them, excited for fighting after so long as the guys started running towards you throwing insults here and there you just chuckled and wait for them ready to break some bones.

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