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You were in a serious situation right now cause you can't decide what to eat from the cafe. You hold the menu and shoved your face into it not able to decide what to eat.
"Ahhh!! I want to eat all of them." Y/n whispered yell as she sighed and let her head down on the table.

"Then why don't you order everything?! I'll pay for it." You looked up to see a tan man, white hair, purple eyes with Hanafuda earings. He looked somewhat familiar to you but you can't pinpoint it.
"And you are?" Y/n asked raising her one eyebrow.
"Aw.. don't tell me you forgot me Y/n. It hurts my soft heart." The man said and you look him up and down, after staring at his face for a few minutes recognition flashed in your eyes.

"Oh my god!! Izana?" Y/n shouted as the man nodded his head, she hugged him tightly. "Oh my god!! I can't believe it's you Izana. Where have you been?" Izana chuckled as he release the hug.
"Calm down. I was in Yokohama the whole time. I was passing by from here and saw you." Izana said as he sat across you.

"I am soooo happy to see you again. Did you tell Shin-kun that you are here?" Y/n asked still smiling but her smiled dropped when Izana's eyes suddenly turned emotionless.
"No, I didn't. I also heard that you married Mikey and also got pregnant by him." Izana's voice was cold so you stared at him confusedly.
"Are you not happy from the news?" Y/n asked nervously.

"Ofcourse I'm not happy, Y/n. You know that I love you, right?" Y/n nodded her head looking down.
"You know that but still you married him? Y/n come to me, I'll take care of you and the baby too. Even if the baby's his I don't care as long as you're with me. So please just come to me." Izana sounded crazy but you have known him long enough to not freak out from his words.

"I love you, Izana very much but as a friend you know that. Then why are you putting me in this situation? I'll always be by your side but you suddenly disappeared, not even contacting me and now you came back after 6 years saying me to come to you? I can't, I'm a married woman now Izana." Y/n said looking straight at his intense purple eyes. Izana just sighed as if he's talking to a 2 year old child who is not listening to him.

"You're now in your rebellious mode but you will eventually understand what I'm trying to tell you." Izana took your hands in his as he kissed the back of it.
"Don't talk like a creep and let's catch up. I have so many things to tell you, Izana." Y/n tried ignoring his words and smiled brightly at him. Izana chuckled seeing you so excited to talk to him as he nodded his head.
"Yeah tell me, I'll listen to you till you're satisfied." You two ordered your foods and started talking.

"So you're telling me that you and Kakucho formed a gang named Tenjiku?" You raised you eyebrow at him and he just sips from his coffee.
"This gang stuff I don't even understand it. I have gone on a few meetings with Manjirou but it's always so serious there."

"Then why don't you come with me in my hideout. I'll introduce you to everyone and Kakucho will also be very happy to see you again." Izana said as he look at you expectedly.
"Really? I can come? Like, your gang members won't beat me up for being Manjirou's wife right?" You asked hesitantly as Izana's eyes twitch hearing Mikey's name.
"I will be there with you. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll protect you Y/n." Izana took your hand and intervened it with his as he pays for the foods and you two walked out of the cafe.

The two of you reached at an abandon building as Izana lead you inside. It was dark inside and chatters and laughters were heard till the ground floor. Izana helped you to walk up the stairs and you two finally reached the floor where the boys were talking at.

You roamed your eyes around the room and there were so many faces in which some of them you recognised like the Haitani Brothers and Kakucho. He was sitting in a long couch. "Kakucho!! How have you been?" You walked up to Kakucho as he stood up and hugged you.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"Oh. I met Izana at a cafe and he said he'll introduce me to his friends." Y/n replied as she sat down on the couch ignoring the other guys.

Izana cleared his throat and walked to you. When the Haitani Brothers saw you they smirked mischievously and the others looked confused seeing Izana with a pregnant lady. Walking forward he sat down beside you.

"Who is she, boss?" A guy with half shaved hair said a ciggerate hanging in his mouth.
"Throw away that stick that's in your mouth before I break your jaw, can't you see there's a pregnant woman in here?" Izana narrowed his eyes at them as the half shaved hair man shrugged and threw away the ciggerate.

"Everyone meet Y/n and Y/n meet my gang executives." Izana ordered and you look at him dumbfounded.

"So plain." Y/n sighed and cleared her throat preparing to introduce herself. "Hello everyone. I'm Izana's childhood friend, name's Sano Y/n."

"We know you. You don't have to introduced yourself." Ran chuckled and the others just had their poker face on. You look at his face and your eyes widened when you remembered him.

"Hey, are you two the ones that came to see the fight during the 'Bloody Halloween', in Shibuya? I was just thinking where did I saw you two. And how do you all know me?" You pointed at the two brothers as the others turned their heads towards the brothers.
"Oh? You remembered us, I feel happy that such a pretty lady still remember my handsome face." Ran smirks as Rindou chuckled beside him.

"Everyone knows you Y/n. After Hanma revealed your identity the news spread pretty fast, ya know." Kakucho cleared your confusion as he look the other side. 'And Izana started stalking you after that' was unsaid.

"Anyway, I'll introduced the other members. The big guy's name is Kanji Mochizuki you can just call him Mocchi, the guy with his hair half shaved is Shion Madarame and you already know the Haitani Brothers." Kakucho explained as Mocchi and Shion nodded their heads as a greeting. Izana was in his own world clinging to you like a worm.

" many months has it been since you are pregnant?" Izana asked as he stroke your big baby bumb.       Y/N's eyes sparkled being asked about her baby as she replied excitedly.
"I am five months pregnant." Izana nodded his head as he tried to calm his racing heart and Kakucho chuckled next to him. "Y/n will be with me often from now on so I want you all to get along well."

"Ofcourse. We will be great friends, right sweetheart?" Ran said smiling or smirking towards you.
"Don't call me sweetheart. Kei calls me that." Y/n pout as she said that. Ran raised his hands up as if surrendering. "Okay, okay. Don't get violent. And who is this 'Kei' person?"
"He's my big brother. You all must have heard of him he's the First Division Captain in Toman." You replied as you tilt your head to the side you expected Baji to be famous.

"We know that feral vampire. He's said to be very strong." Mocchi said for the first time and you felt proud of Baji. Shion nodded his head remembering the fight with Toman when he was the leader of the 9th generation Black Dragons.
"Right? He's very very strong!!" Y/n remarks as she made small fist with her hands. The guys just thought of you as innocent and naive.

You talked with them and they were being careful with their words if it was because of you or from the death glare Izana was sending them you don't know but they seemed like nice guys. You enjoyed your time with them and when it was time for you to leave Izana and Kakucho walked with you till the station. You even invited them home but they declined saying that we'll meet soon so there's no need for dinner. You reached home happy, seeing Shinichiro you wanted to tell him about Izana but Izana strictly told you to keep it a secret that you two met.

"Kakucho, I think I'll not be able to control myself the next time I see her." Izana said as he look down from the rooftop. He's waiting for the perfect moment when you will fall in his arms. "I can't wait for the turn of events."

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