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When Toman reached the showdown place they saw the unexpected. Kisaki was already beaten black and blue and Hanma had bruises on his face. Sanzu was standing in front of Hanma his mask no more on his face.

"Toman's here." Ran exclaimed and the rest turned their heads. "I really thought they would not come. But who cares, I get to break some heads." Ran shrugged as he took out his baton and Rindou cracked his knuckles beside him.

"Shit is already going down here." Baji smirked punching his fist on his palm. Draken roam his eyes around and he can tell what was going on. Izana glared at them as he walked forward.
"Where is Y/n?" Baji's eye twitch hearing your name come out of Izana's lips.
"You don't have to know that." Baji scrowled.

" that Toman is here. The fight is on, Izana. Get a hold of yourself, after we win this fight you can go to that woman." Shion stepped forward as he walked towards them.
"Now stop screwing around and send your leading battle. I'll take him down." Shion smirk as he stop a few steps away from Toman.

Draken was about to walk forward but stops when he saw Peh-yan already there. "I'll take him on. Takemitchy you are the acting leader today so just sit back." Peh-yan said as he stare at Shion. "You assholes keep goin' on and on about shit I don't understand." He punched Shion knocking him out and shocking everyone. "Make some god damn sense."

"Taka-chan told me once that Peh-yan is more stronger than him in the field of physical strength." Hakkai muttered shocking Takemichi.
"Toman is full of badasses Takemitchy. So rest assure because we are going to win this fight. The rest is up to you ." Draken smirk warming up.

The brawl started right off. Draken and Baji took out many guys together as the other guys made way for Takemichi to get to Kisaki.

"I don't waste my time on garbages but if I have to go to Y/n I will take everyone on." Izana walked towards Peh-yan and kick him on his jaw taking him out. "Everyone make your move and kill all of them."

Baji came infront of Izana as he punched him which was blocked. "You seem quite impatient regarding my sweetheart. I'll stop you right here, asshole." Baji exclaimed continuously punching and kicking Izana. It was hard for Izana to evade all of Baji's attacks so he kicked him away.

On the other side Hanma saw this as an opportunity and ran away with Kisaki on his bike which went unnoticed as everyone was engaged on the fight. Chifuyu vs Mocchi. Hakkai and Angry vs Ran and Rindou. Kokonoi vs Inui. Kakucho vs Draken. Mucho was holding back Sanzu from killing Kisaki and took him somewhere else. The fight was reaching its peak when they heard a noise a motorbike noise.

"That Impulse... It's Mikey." Draken exclaimed as he smiled. Mikey stop the bike and started walking.
"You're kidding me!! His wife is fighting for her life in the hospital he should be in despair. There's no way he should have come here." Kokonoi muttered shocked like everyone else.

"There's still half members of Tenjiku standing. Baji I thought you and Ken-chin would have already taken care of them." Mikey said as he stops in front of Baji and Izana. "Huh? I'm busy here fighting this white haired guy if it weren't for him then this nobodies would have already been dreaming by now." Baji yelled as his eye twitch. "You came here so that you can show off right? So just do that and don't disturb me I'm busy dealing with this scar guy." Draken said annoyed.

"Well whatever. I'll take them on. Wanna take a handicap?" Mikey said as the others stand behind him. The question angered Tenjiku members as they yelled whatever they wanted.

"A handicap? Are you making fun of us?" One shouted as Mikey growled.
"Aren't you bastards making fun of me? Who do you think I am, huh? 200 guys? Bring me 20,000!" Mikey shouted shocking everyone as he walked forward.

'I thought he was not in the right state of mind. But he is back to his normal self.' Takemichi thought as he smiled to himself.

Izana didn't wait any longer and attacked Mikey blowing him away.
"Because of you. Just because you are present in her life she won't choose me." Izana muttered as Mikey stood back up. "Let's settle this Izana."

"How did you get back up?" Izana ask but was ignored as Mikey kick him which he block using his arms.
"Is it because of your power or something that I don't have that she won't choose me? Or it's because she met you first and not me that she is not choosing me. Tell me Mikey." Mikey just kept quiet as he attack Izana but Izana was pushing him away again and again.

"Well I don't want to stick to the plan of controlling you anymore. I'll just kill you and Y/n will be mine." Mikey glared at him and firm his standing when Izana punched him. "Let me ask you one thing. Why did you tried to kill Emma and even planned to kill    Y/n?"

"Shinichiro and Y/n were the only ones who came to me when I was all alone. But they chose you over me. Shinichiro wanted the Black Dragons to go under you and me. Then I came to know that he is not my real older brother. Y/n stayed with me all the time but whenever she heard your name she would ignore everyone around her and run to you. Then I came to the conclusion that if I control you I'll make you the bad guy in Y/n's eyes and she will definitely choose me." Izana said as he leaned forward to Mikey's face.

"Hearing your words and what happened it doesn't seem like you want Y/n anymore. She is not anyone's toy that everyone will fight over her. She has her own feelings." Izana kick him as Mikey falls on the ground. "You took everything from me Manjirou. So I'm gonna kill you!"

' Manjirou what if you had another older brother? ' Mikey's eyes widened when he remembered that. Izana didn't stopped his attacks and Mikey also didn't stopped his kicks.

"Hey Mikey!! Do you know why Y/n is in the operation room right now? It's because she's with you. Because she chose you. Because you failed to protect her. If she had chosen me she would have been living happily with me. She would have been safe now. You manipulated her and her father. My Y/n. She is so naive that she believed your every word." Izana exclaimed and Mikey was getting annoyed by his words.

"Don't bring my wife's name into gang fights. Just how long are you going to continue to assume that you're on your own?" Mikey glared at him and Izana look at him with wide eyes.
"Shinichiro and Emma are both with you. Y/n chose you too. I am own my own." Izana shouted as he lift his leg to kick Mikey.

"You're wrong Izana. You have all of us. Shinichiro, Emma and me. Y/n too." Mikey muttered stopping Izana's kick. Izana's eyes widened hearing Mikey.

"I want to save you Izana."

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